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  • Prepei na kratiseis to koumpaki sthn thesh OFF gia ligh wra.
    H mporeis na vgaleis th mpataria
    "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
    But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
    Kindred, this blade and I.

    "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
    Greek Gaming Videos
    Greek Final Fantasy Forum


    • Μετά από 1-2 βδομάδες αχρησίας ξεφορτίζει.Συμβαίνει με τα εξής:x360 controller,psp,ds και δεν έχω προσέξει αν γίνεται και με το ps3 controller.Και με τα κινητά συμβαίνει πάντως.Οπότε μην αναρωτιέσαι.

      Α!Και το κλείνω πάντα κανονικά,δε μιλάω καν για sleep mode.
      Carpe diem


      • Παραπάνω.Πολύ παραπάνω από 2 βδομαδες.
        Originally posted by Raf
        Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


        • Καλά δεν ξέρω,εγώ συνήθως τα πιάνω μετά από μήνες.
          Απλά υπέθεσα ότι στην περίπτωση του Straier αυτό συμβαίνει.
          Carpe diem


          • Παιδιά στο PSP Go και να έχει αδιάσει τελείως η μπαταρία το παιχνίδι που έχεις βάλει σε pause δεν χάνεται σε αντίθεση με το παλιά PSP (εκτός αν έχεις CFW!).
            I am an iteration closer to my desired solution!
            The World Ends With You

            I will wipe out the Belmonts from the face of earth!
            Castlevania Lords of Shadow

            I am Wowser, King of the Woopa Twoopa and ruler of the Shroom Kingdom
            Hyperdimension Neptunia


            • To PSP go τώρα που μπορείς να βάλεις CFW είναι τέρνα δελεαστικό, αν και πολύ δύσκολα θα έδινα πάνω από 50-70€ για να το πάρω. Παλιότερα τα 100€ τα έδινα άνετα, μετά την ανακοίνωση του NGP όμως άλλαξαν τα πράγματα .


              • Δεν ξέρω για CFW αλλά τα 6.20 HEN (υποστηρίζουν emulators,iso loaders,cwcheat) δουλεύουν τέλεια στο PSP Go. Στο θέμα για PSP homebrew έχω γράψει περισσότερα. Πάντως το pause που έχει το PSP Go είναι σούπερ χρήσιμο. Κρίμα που η Σόνυ το σκέφτηκε μετά τον Dark Alex!!

                Τώρα που θα βγει το NGP νομίζω πως σιγά σιγά θα εμφανιστούν στο PSN τα παιχνίδια κράχτες που έλειπαν (κυρίως κάποια rpg είναι) οπότε αν κάποιος θέλει μόνο PSP games το go ίσως να μην είναι κακή επιλογή. Η τιμή του έχει πέσει πάρα πολύ και σίγουρα θα πέσει και άλλο. Επίσης σιγά σιγά έρχονται και άλλα PS1 classics αν και τα βασικότερα είναι ήδη στο PSN.
                I am an iteration closer to my desired solution!
                The World Ends With You

                I will wipe out the Belmonts from the face of earth!
                Castlevania Lords of Shadow

                I am Wowser, King of the Woopa Twoopa and ruler of the Shroom Kingdom
                Hyperdimension Neptunia


                • Το trailer που δειχνει τα παιχνιδια,σε καλη ποιοτητα.



                  • EEDAR weighs in on NGP, speculates $299 to $349 price for Wi-Fi only model

                    Analysis firm EEDAR has issued a report on the debut of the NGP, speculating on several areas, including hardware and software cost as well as the NGP's likelihood of success. The firm expects Sony's upcoming handheld to "handsomely surpass sales of its predecessor, the PSP," though the report adds that success will depend upon long-term publisher support and a competitive price.

                    Concerning the price, EEDAR predicts the Wi-Fi-only model to cost "between $299 to $349, but not to exceed $399 in the United States." Furthermore, the firm believes that some regions may not see the 3G version of the NGP at all. For comparison, the report notes EEDAR's estimate that 62 to 70 percent of iPads sold in North America are Wi-Fi-only models. Demand for a 3G model may be higher in Europe and Asia. EEDAR predicts that the NGP's 3G capabilities aren't designed to compete directly with mobile phone gaming -- clearly another area of interest for Sony -- as 3G is unsuitable for large game downloads. 3G functionality is more likely to be used for multiplayer and social functions.

                    The report includes a few more notable tidbits. Games, both downloadable and retail, are predicted to be priced between $40 and $50. Publishers are advised to get on board early, as the report notes "EEDAR is certain that the initial 18 months will produce significant hardware and software sales to support profitability for third‐party publishers." Finally, EEDAR expects more NGP information at GDC, while the first hands-on opportunities will have to wait for E3 2010. Rest assured that Joystiq will be attending both events.
                    Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.


                    • New NGP details emerge at private event News

                      During a presentation to around 20 UK developers at its headquarters in London yesterday, Sony shared a wide range of information about its new handheld platform, revealing significant new details on launch plans, hardware specifications, networking features and more.

                      One attendee, speaking to Eurogamer this morning under condition of anonymity, said: "NGP is a developer's dream – Sony is finally doing the things developers have been crying out for for years."

                      Studios had been expecting to collect development kits at the event, but were told "late shipments from Japan" meant SCEE would now be "prioritising". According to the source, for a kit to be delivered before April a studio must supply a "20-page concept document on a game they want to release at launch".

                      Eurogamer understands that key UK studios have had early kits for almost a year. But the source claimed the new shipment of kits would be "the first to have the final GPU in them".

                      Sony has not yet dated the system beyond plans to begin rollout worldwide by the end of 2011. But during yesterday's presentation, Sony listed the Wi-Fi only edition of NGP as "2011", while the Wi-Fi plus 3G version was listed as "Holiday Season 2011", implying that the 3G-enabled console would not be available day one.

                      SCEE did not share any solid information on date or price, only adding that details would be revealed "very soon".

                      Sony staff demoed a handful of upcoming first-party NGP titles, including Uncharted, Little Deviants and WipEout. The source said the latter was "the WipEout HD PS3 engine running on PS3 with no changes to the art platform. That means full resolution, full 60 frames per second. It looks exactly the same as it does on PS3 – all the shader effects are in there".

                      With Sony urging developers to create releases that work across PS3 and NGP, the implications of this are significant. "They want us to do cross-platform," said the source, explaining that the submission process has been streamlined, with only a single submission required for a title on PSN and NGP.

                      And developers were told: "All games at launch available on flash [the physical storage medium] would also be on PSN."

                      However, Sony is also insisting that it "does not want exactly the same game" on NGP and PS3 – there "has to be a reason for the NGP title". "They want at least some kind of interactivity between the two versions with NGP-only extras," the source added.

                      The rumoured addition of 'cloud saving' – seen as key for enabling gamers to switch easily between a game on PS3 and NGP – was raised by developers, but SCEE would not officially confirm it.

                      The publisher also moved to reassure developers that the technical hurdles of cross-platform development were being kept as low as possible.

                      "Any shaders for PS3 stuff will just work," said the source. "We won't have to rewrite. What would have taken two-to-three months before looks like it could take just one-to-two weeks now. The architecture is obviously different, but it's the same development environment."

                      Elsewhere with the hardware, it was confirmed that NGP features three gyroscopes, compared with one in PS3's controller, allowing for more accurate movement. And the front and rear touch panels are both capable of six-point multi-touch.

                      "The touch pad on the back is fantastic," the source said. "It does feel second nature, like you're having a real impact on the world." As an example of the potential, SCEE described squeezing an object in-game by pinching the front and the back simultaneously.

                      SCEE further outlined its vision for the first five years of the platform and its target audience, with year one focused on "hardcore" and year two on "hardcore and teens", with the expectation that the audience will expand younger and older after that.

                      Social networking and location-based features were also highlighted for their gaming potential. SCEE suggested, for instance, that "clues could be put on the social networking side" that could lead to "virtual gifts", that could in turn make use of the camera and augmented reality capabilities to distribute "new skins and avatars".

                      "Sony has made it completely developer-centric this time," the source added. "[The development kit] is really simple to plug in and use. It opens direct in Windows Explorer and you can see all systems on a network – so you could, for example, update the firmware of multiple NGPs at once.

                      "A PS3 dev station can take three hours to set-up. This looks like it will take under 20 mins. It just makes everything easier – they've really thought about it this time".

                      During a presentation to around 20 UK developers at its headquarters in London yesterday, Sony shared a wide range of i…


                      • To τελευταιο αρθρο του eurogamer ειναι και το πιο ενθαρυντικο για την τυχη της κονσολας. Οταν καποιος third party dev λεει ( το πλεον προφανες) οτι το μηχανημα ειναι αυτο που παντα ζητουσαν, νομιζω οτι πλεον ειναι στο χερι τους να το εκμεταλευτουν πληρως. Και οταν η SONY ζητα να υπαρχουν σαφεις διαχωρισμοι στα παιχνιδια (φοβουμενη και μαθημενη απο την ιστορια του PSP), ε θεωρω οτι τα πραγματα ειναι πλεον πιο ενδιαφεροντα απο ποτε στα handhelds, εαν οχι σε ολο το φασμα της βιομηχανιας και οπως αυτη μπορει να εξελιχθει πλεον μεσα απο το handheld / mobile gaming.
                        :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


                        • Στο πισω μερος,στο rear touchpad ,αν εχετε παρατηρησει εχει γραμμενα πολλες φορες τα τετραγωνο,Χ,κυκλο,τριγωνο.
                          Ισως ο ποιητης θελει να πει οτι ειναι η επιφανεια οπου μπορεις να εχεις οποιοδηποτε κουμπι.
                          Επιφανεια δλδ που δεν παιζει τον ρολο καποιου βασικου κουμπιου ,αλλα ειναι ολα μαζι ή και κανενα.
                          Τι ειπα ο ποιητης...


                          • Nice, δε το χα δει απο πισω...
                            Do a barrel roll!


                            • Εγώ θεωρώ σχεδόν δεδομένο ότι θα υπάρχει ένα πακέτο σε αυτή την τιμή. Το ζήτημα είναι τι μνήμη θα έχει και αν θα υποστηρίζει 3G. Προσωπικά μάλλον θα αγοράσω ένα μηχάνημα που να τα έχει όλα, εκτός και αν μιλάμε για 450€ .

