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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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  • Πλάκα μας κάνουν!!!!!!!! 100? για μία τόσο άχρηστη limited edition; Lol δηλαδή, που φτάσαμε. Αυτή και του Assassin's Creed έχουν ξεπεράσει τα όρια της κοροϊδίας, το μόνο που τους λείπει είναι μία ταμπελίτσα "Hey, you are a faggot, buy me!".

    Όσον αφορά τις δηλωσεις του Kojima, εμμένω στην αρχική μου τοποθέτηση.
    Αστειευσε; Δεν ξερω βεβαια απο limited editions, αλλα ειδη ψαχνω τροπους να βγαλω αλλα 100 ευρα μεχρι τις 12 του μηνα. Το πολυ πολυ πρωτα παιρνω την limited και περιμενω λιγες μερες α αργοτερα που εχω γενθλια για να παρω το ps3

    Οσον αφορα τα λογια του Kojima. Ειναι ευκολο να καταλαβει κανεις πως απλα ειχε μεγαλές φιλοδοξιες. Και ποιος δεν θα ειχε; Ποιος δεν θα φανταζοταν ενα παιχνιδι με real-time γραφικα οπως αυτα των cg βιντεακιων, με εναν Snake να κανεις χιλιες δυο κινησεις, γιατι οχι διαδραστικοτητα στα cut-scenes, multiple endings και χιλια δυο αλλα πραγματα; Απλα μετα αφου κανεις ενα document σαν τον τηλεφωνικo καταλογο της Νεας Υορκης, πρεπει αν κοψεις απο εδω να ραψεις απο εκει για να γινει μονο σαν του Μανχαταν.

    Επισης εχετε καποιον, ναι θα το πω καλλιτεχνη αν και ο Kojimas δεν το παραδεχεται, που να ειναι ευχαριστημενος με το εργο του; Ολοι οσοι δημιοργουν κατι στο τελος φτανουν στα ορια της απογοητευσης και να το μισουν. Φυσικα, ομως οταν δει το κοινο το εργο, ο,τι και να ειναι αυτο, καταλαβαινουν και οι ιδιοι πως εχουν δημιοργησει ενα αριστουργημα.
    My blog:Doppel's Den


    • Πλάκα μας κάνουν!!!!!!!! 100? για μία τόσο άχρηστη limited edition; Lol δηλαδή, που φτάσαμε. Αυτή και του Assassin's Creed έχουν ξεπεράσει τα όρια της κοροϊδίας, το μόνο που τους λείπει είναι μία ταμπελίτσα "Hey, you are a faggot, buy me!".[/b]
      Όντως πολλά τα λεφτά (αν και έχει πολλά μέσα) θα το σκεφθώ αν το πάρω, θα δω Αν κόστιζε γύρω στα 80-85 εθρώ θα το έπαιρνα ασυζητιτή.
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      • Επισης εχετε καποιον, ναι θα το πω καλλιτεχνη αν και ο Kojimas δεν το παραδεχεται, που να ειναι ευχαριστημενος με το εργο του; Ολοι οσοι δημιοργουν κατι στο τελος φτανουν στα ορια της απογοητευσης και να το μισουν. Φυσικα, ομως οταν δει το κοινο το εργο, ο,τι και να ειναι αυτο, καταλαβαινουν και οι ιδιοι πως εχουν δημιοργησει ενα αριστουργημα.
        Καλα ειπαμε καλος ο kojima στο μοναδικο παιχνιδι που ξερει να φτιαχνει καλα αλλα ας μην τον βγαλουμε και da Vinci της εποχης ελεος..

        Και δεν ειναι μονος του εχει ολοκληρη ομαδα απο πισω του...


        • Καλα ειπαμε καλος ο kojima στο μοναδικο παιχνιδι που ξερει να φτιαχνει καλα αλλα ας μην τον βγαλουμε και da Vinci της εποχης ελεος..

          Και δεν ειναι μονος του εχει ολοκληρη ομαδα απο πισω του...
          Σωστος, δεν αντιλεγω. Απλα πιστευω πως πασχει απο παρομοιο συνδρομο με αυτο των καλλιτεχνων.
          My blog:Doppel's Den


          • Mην μπλέξουμε με τέχνες και κουραφέξαλα .

            Το πρόβλημα της le είναι ότι δεν περιέχει τίποτα. Όλα είναι βλακείες. Όλα.


            • Hey ο old snake θα γινει βασιλιας αναμεσα στα playmobil μου
              My blog:Doppel's Den


              • Παίδες στο τεύχος του αγγλικου Official PlayStation Magazine έχει review του MGS4
                8.5 του έβαλε!!!! :blink:

                Οκ οκ, Δέκα (10) του έβαλε αλλά φαντάζομαι την έκφραση στο πρόσωπο του BB οταν θα διάβασει το 8.5 (ανεκτίμητη! )
                I attack sharks
                when i smell them bleed
                I dont go swimming
                water just wants to be around me.


                • Στιγμιάια έπαθα πλάκα (νυστάζω) και ξύπνησα. Τι 8,5;!

                  Άντε ακόμη 30 και σήμερα!
                  Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                  • Lol etsi.Btw anarotiemai ti exoun paiksei apo to game safto to periodiko k mou kanan toso noris review...
                    Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
                    3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


                    • Καλα δεν αμφιβαλω για την ποιοτητα του αλλα περιμενω κατι πιο αξιοπιστο απο το official PS magazine...


                      • Καλα δεν αμφιβαλω για την ποιοτητα του αλλα περιμενω κατι πιο αξιοπιστο απο το official PS magazine... [/b]
                        Εντάξει ναι έχεις δίκιο, ούτε εγώ δίνω πολύ σημασία στα review του official αν και στο Resistance, από τα πρώτα games του ps3, το συγκεκριμένο περιοδικό είχε βάλει 7/10.
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                        • Εκδήλωση της Konami για το MGS4 ένα ακριβώς μήνα πριν την παγκόσμια κυκλοφορία του, ήταν παρόν και ο πρόεδρος της SCE Κazuo Hirai, επίσης ο Kojima έπαιξε το game σε μια γιγαντοοθόνη για περίπου 40 λεπτά -->>


                          Τι λέει ο δημοσιογράφος που έγραψε το πρώτο review για το MGS4 (10/10) --->

                          Metal Gear Solid 4: The first review is out!

                          And we've talked to the man who wrote it. Here's what he thinks

                          Words: David Houghton, GamesRadar UK

                          Metal Gear Solid 4. Looks like it's going to be good, doesn't it? But just how good, exactly? Just "Hmmm, this is fun, I'm glad I did buy a PS3 now" good? Or perhaps "There you go Hideo. My first-born child in recompense for this audio-visual wonder you have kindly bestowed upon my life" good?
                          One man knows the answer to that. His name is Paul Fitzpatrick and he's written the world's first review of the game for the UK's Official PlayStation Magazine. And he very happily gave it a none-better 10/10 score. The review will be in issue 19, which goes on sale on Friday 16th of May, but you don't have to wait that long. We have you see, spoken to Paul and found out exactly how he feels about the biggest game on the PS3 this year. Want to know? Of course you do.

                          One word of warning though. We've tried to keep this interview as spoiler-free as possible, but if you absolutely, positively don't want to even read a single hint of a seed of a scrap of a possibility of a plot point that you could extrapolate to work out the truth by the time the game comes out, click away now. In fact if that's the sort of person you are, why the hell are you reading this story anyway? Be off with you!

                          GamesRadar: First things first. This is the epic resolution to an epic saga and it comes on a Blu-ray disc. Just what sort of percentage of the playing time do the cut-scenes take up?
                          Paul Fitzpatrick: Hard to say. I didn't time the cut-scenes, but I completed MGS4 in just over 29 hours, and at a guess I'd say it was two thirds playing to one third watching. But that is a guess?

                          GR: How long did you spend finishing MGS4 for the review? What was your play schedule like and how how complete a look at the game do you feel you got? Anything you would have liked to take some extra time over?
                          PF: 29 hours and six minutes was my exact play-through time, and I saw everything I felt I needed to see to really get the measure of the game. I'd love to go back and play through with all the cool weapons and items unlocked of course. There are some beauties. Oh, and the play through didn't take in Metal Gear Online, which is being reviewed separately.

                          GR: The gameplay formula seems to have made the biggest single-game evolution we've ever seen in the MGS series. Does it still feel like a Metal Gear game despite that? If so, how have Konami maintained that essence, and if not, how have things changed?
                          PF: It totally feels like Metal Gear. The faction dynamic isn't over-used and when it is available is only ever an option, supplementing stealth. It was a bit of classic Kojima misdirection to suggest that everything would be tied to that. The characters, themes and to a lesser extent, the core controls and abilities are where MGS really resides, and they have remained the same, even if what you do with them has altered.

                          GR: The game seems to be made of a wider spread of game styles and mechanics this time. Is it still as focused an overall experience as we expect from Metal Gear?
                          PF: Yes, for the reasons above. Emotionally, there is some dilution as there are so many individual stories to tie up and resolve, but from a gameplay perspective it's remarkably focused.

                          GR: What's the single biggest improvement over the previous games? What makes the biggest difference in MGS4?
                          PF: Having what is basically a classic FPS shooter control set up is the biggest improvement (although I guess it debuted in MGS3: Subsistence). It means that when Snake has to shoot it out, you can negotiate that with confidence for the first time.

                          GR: You said in your review that MGS4 isn't perfect. What were your biggest complaints with it, and why did those issues disappoint you? Any major flaws?
                          PF: I think the game's ending suffers from the Return Of The King syndrome in that it keeps ending when it should really draw a line earlier on. That's the main one for me. Also, the 'togglable' auto-aim isn't always as smart at

                          GR: Why weren't those problems enough to stop you giving the game a 10/10 rating?
                          PF: For me, like the greatest films, it's outstanding because of, and not despite, its idiosyncrasies and flaws. It's the expression of one very creative person's vision and to see that undiluted with all it's eccentricities and genius intact is remarkable. It's also a cracking story and truly rewarding to play.

                          GR: Can you talk about anything that really surprised you? Anything you weren't expecting, or that you expected to be there but wasn't?
                          PF: I was expecting the faction dynamic to be enforced, and to feature for longer. The other thing that surprised me is something that should be left to surprise you too. Sorry!

                          GR: Without giving too much away, which characters and story elements should we be looking out for this time? Any surprises or character moments you found particularly rewarding as a long-term fan? Does Raiden redeem himself?
                          PF: Raiden does redeem himself, although clearly Koj loves him a lot more than we ever will. Big Mama's story is worth looking out for too, but it's impossible to say much more without spoiling it.

                          GR: Did the game's ending feel as final a resolution as we're being led to believe it is, or is there still potential for continuation with or without Kojima?
                          PF: A bit of both. This is the end of Snake's story, but there are other characters who feasibly could live to sneak another day.

                          GR: As an overall production, does the game deserve the years of hype it's garnered?
                          PF: It is unique, and mostly for the very best reasons. It is, lest I haven't said this enough, a really, really enjoyable game to play. So, for my money, yes.

                          GR: Do you think its release will make any kind of difference to the PS3 as a platform? Some say it'll sell systems like nothing we've ever seen before, while some think it will only sell to the pre-converted hardcore Metal Gear audience.
                          PF: I think GTAIV is more likely to shift hardware, but if you like games at all and/or have any interest in where they're going, this is indispensable. This is a game for the fans. But if you're not one, it doesn't take much to get on board. The earlier games are still superb, and wikipedia can get you up to speed with the plot in fifteen minutes. Get involved!

                          GR: In ten years, how do you think MGS4 will be viewed in comparison to the rest of the series?
                          PF: As a brilliantly inventive, reassuringly mad grand finale to a consistently inventive and mad series.
                          Άρα σύμφωνα με τον δημοσιογράφο η καθαρή gameplay διάρκεια του τίτλου είναι περίπου 20 ώρες με περίπου 9 και κάτι ώρες cutscenes. To προβλέπω επικό!

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                          • Kai ego cult...
                            Episis leei oti mantevei to 1/3 na'nai cutscenes kai ta 2/3 gameplay.Den einai sigouros.
                            Telos dn ekrine ka8olou to online legontas oti einai diaforetikos titlos kai 8a to krinei allos.
                            Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
                            3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


                            • Oρίστε και κάτι εικόνες που μόλις πριν λίγο μου έστειλε το OPS3 magazine UK από το review του MGS4 (το τεύχος κυκλοφορεί 16 Μαίου) -->

                              Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                              • Αυτό το Q&A και το MGS presser του Kotaku ίσως να με έκαναν λίγο fanboy (BigBOSS) αυτήν την στιγμή. Έκδωσε το, το τιμημένο, δεν μπορώ δνε μπορώ να περιμένω!

