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NBA 2K11

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  • #16
    Δε μπορω να καταλαβω αυτη την επιμονη για το οτι το παιχνιδι σωνει και καλα δε θα βγει.
    Συν τοις αλλοις το thread εχει ξεφυγει για τα καλα, ας μην ξεχναμε πως θα επρεπε να μιλαμε κυριως για το 2Κ11.


    • #17
      Δεν επιμενω οτι δε θα βγει, επιμενω οτι κανεις δεν εχει πει για το ΕΑΝ και ΠΟΤΕ θα βγει. Εχει διαφορα ξερεις...
      :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


      • #18
        Εγω ξερω πως λιγη σημασια εχει αφου κανεις εδω μεσα δεν ενδιαφερεται για το παιχνιδι, ακομα και αν εν τελει κυκλοφορησει.
        Τελος ξαναλεω πως το θεμα ειναι για το 2Κ11... αυτα.


        • #19
          Σόρυ αλλά θα πρέπει να κάνω μία τελευταία παρέμβαση με το link:

          Τώρα που έχω PS3 έψαχνα να πάρω ένα μπασκετάκι και από τη στιγμή που το Elite θα αργήσει μάλλον θα πάω με το 2Κ11. Γενικά ο τύπος το έχει εκθιάσει:
          It's the #1 selling and rated NBA series that everyone is playing - from the most elite NBA athletes and superstars to the local court gym rats. NBA 2K10 delivered on its promise to TAKE OVER, and NBA 2K11 will build on that momentum by dialing up all of its features - gameplay, AI, presentation, visuals, audio, online and more - to deliver what's expected to be the best basketball video game experience EVER.

          αλλά ομολογώ πως είμαι λίγο διστακτικός καθώς το 2Κ10, που το έχω παίξει σε PS2, δε μου άρεσε και τόσο. Μάλλον θα κατεβάσω το demo.

          I am an iteration closer to my desired solution!
          The World Ends With You

          I will wipe out the Belmonts from the face of earth!
          Castlevania Lords of Shadow

          I am Wowser, King of the Woopa Twoopa and ruler of the Shroom Kingdom
          Hyperdimension Neptunia


          • #20
            Electronic Arts has officially canceled NBA Elite 11. The disastrously delayed basketball sim has been completely removed from the publisher's slate, with EA's chief financial officer Eric Brown announcing the game's death during an investor call.

            Case rested.

            Υ.Γ.: Τα συγχαρητηρια μου στον προαναφερθεντα κυριο της CD-Media. Απο οτι φαινεται ξερει πραγματικα πολυ περισσοτερα απο εμας σε τετοιου ειδους θεματα.

            Υ.Γ.2: Μην περιμενετε να ξαναασχοληθω σοβαρα με τετοιου ειδους ζητηματα. Ανευ σημασιας πλεον.
            :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


            • #21
              Ουτως ή αλλως το 2k παιζει μονο του τα τελευταια χρονια, ελπιζω καποια στιγμη να γινει συζητηση για αυτο το game στο παρον thread...
              Do a barrel roll!


              • #22
                Δεν εχω δει καλυτερο Basketball Sim Game απο αυτο....

                Συμφωνω οτι πλεον ειναι μονο του στην αγορα των Basketball Games με κανεναν ανταγωνιστη, εχει χαρακτηριστη εως και "The Best Basketball Game in Gaming History Ever" .

                Οσο και αν παλια επεζα NBA Live ( και μαλιστα ειχα σταματιση στο 2003, που νομιζω ηταν και το τελευταιο που ειχε τον Michael Jordan), πιστευω πως τα NBA 2κ με το χρονο κερδιζαν και περισσοτερο κοσμο απο τα NBA Live.

                Aπλα η 2κTeam θελει λιγο να προσεχει τα bugs της σε ολα την 2k σειρα.
                Εγω παντως εκανα την κινηση μου και ανεβασα μερικα videos στην 2ksports για να δουν τα bugs τους.

                Καταλλα, το game ειναι παρα πολυ ωραιο και playable σε σχεση με προιγουμενα της σειρας.


                • #23
                  Το καινούργιο patch απλά το κατέστρεψε το παιχνίδι.

                  Ναι συμφωνώ οτί διόρθωσε πολλά bugs, ειδικά στις μακρινές πάσες και στους αιφνιδιασμούς κτλ κτλ.

                  Αυτά είναι που διόρθωσαν ( ή μηπως απλά άλλαξαν των κώδικα ώστε να αλλάξει απλά το gameplay; ):

                  GENERAL GAME FEATURES
                  • Fixed a soft hang that would occur when loading an in-game save that was created during a timeout situation. This change also affects in-game saves created in the various game modes (Association, My Player, etc.). It addresses the My Player freeze issue that some of you have run into

                  • Fixed a hang on startup (when the game went to load files) that would happen when the user had a large number of saved files on the hard drive/storage device.

                  • The Cleveland Cavaliers court floor has been updated to reflect the design being used for the 2010-11 season.

                  • The ‘My Rookie of the Year’, ‘One for All’, and ‘Not Over Yet’ Achievements/Trophies should now properly unlock once the necessary conditions are met.

                  • Long socks should no longer appear visually corrupted during gameplay.

                  • Correct player signatures are now shown on Pressbooks that are uploaded to the 2K Sports server.

                  • The ‘Player Progression’ menu (Located in Features -> Living Rosters) should now properly work when new Living Roster updates are applied. Please delete the ‘Player Progression’ save file after the patch is released so the system can bring the file up-to-date.

                  • Improved Shot Stick shot release timing and consistency across offline and online games.

                  • Fixed a rare hang that would occur when intentionally fouling the inbounder.

                  • Dunks will now branch into mid-air collisions, resulting in contact layups and changes in shots.

                  • Big men with low vertical ratings will now jump the appropriate height when rebounding and contesting shots.

                  • Addressed an exploit when using the Hopstep Dunk. Players will now branch to a contested shot animation when defenders are nearby.

                  • The ballhandler will no longer pick up his dribble when a ‘take charge’ attempt fails.

                  • Users are now able to execute the Crossover move when using the ‘Alternate A’ controller configuration.

                  • Added high trajectory shots when the shot is taken along the baseline. This will reduce/eliminate baseline shots that just hit off the side of the backboard.

                  • Addressed a playcalling issue where non-stars are getting a bulk of the plays run for them during specific situations.

                  • Queued pass/shot commands are now deleted when a fumbled catch occurs.

                  • Improvements have been made to the directional passing system with the end result being more accurate pass targeting.

                  • Tuned under-basket shots such that big players are no longer overpowered by smaller defenders, thus forcing a bad shot.

                  • Body-ups have been re-tuned such that good dribblers do not ‘lose’ during a mismatch or by taking good angles.

                  • Queuing a fake pass command when catching the ball will no longer result in a touch pass.

                  • Missed and inaccurate passes will now play at an appropriate rate when passing out of a shot or contact shot.

                  • Long range passes have been re-tuned to fix a gameplay exploit. Also, improved defender reactions on such passes so that they are properly contested.

                  • Users are no longer able to call a timeout when they are bobbling the ball.

                  • Improved AI logic for boxing out, ensuring that players go into boxout situations when appropriate.

                  • Players boxing out their opponent should no longer be called for Over the Back fouls.

                  • Tuned ‘Take Charge’ logic such that charges will now be properly called when the defender is set. This includes a fix for the pro-hop exploit where charges were not being called.

                  • Fixed an issue with player swapping during rolling inbounds; users will no longer be stuck controlling a player with the inability to switch players.

                  • AI defenders will no longer closely guard bad shooters far from the hoop when not necessary.

                  • Improved AI steal behavior and tuned the overall steal frequency/difficulty; defenders should now only attempt steals when they are actually looking at the ball.

                  • On the ‘Casual’ game style only, defenders are now slightly slower to react on passes, thus limiting the number of pass deflections.

                  • Fixed a long hang that would sometimes occur at the end of the highlight reel between quarters.

                  • When an Arena Music event is triggered, it will now randomly select one of the available songs instead of always playing the first song in the list.

                  • Addressed a few minor audio issues including instances where the commentators would call a few players by the wrong name, instances where a commentary line would cut out mid-sentence, instances where the commentary would refer to a missed shot as a made shot, and clean-up in the Doris Burke analysis during playoff situations.

                  • The commentators will now tell Coach ‘stories’ during gameplay. These stories tie-in with the Player/Team stories for an increased presentation experience.

                  • Users are now able to button through lengthy substitution overlays and get right back to gameplay.

                  • Fixed a very rare hang that would happen during the Player of the Game segment at the end of the game.

                  • Fixed an occurrence where the incorrect portrait was displayed for a created/generated player.

                  • Voice Chat improvements have been made to eliminate/reduce the amount of background static that can be heard in Team-Up/Pick-Up games.

                  • Users are no longer able to substitute in injured/fouled out players during Crew games.

                  • Opponents can no longer see Pick and Roll and Play Calling icons during online games.

                  • Addressed a game disconnect issue when one user would call a timeout, quit out of the game, and attempt to start another game.

                  • Addressed a hang that would occur in the transition between the 1st and 2nd quarters in the weeks leading up to the All-Star break.

                  • Injured players will no longer lose their Player Role due to an injury, which ultimately led to may unhappy players around the league.

                  • Fixed an issue that caused a decrease in trading activity in future years. This same issue also resulted in valued free agents not signing during the free agency time period of the offseason.

                  • Home court advantage (for simulated games) has been toned down during the regular season, and even more so during the playoffs (this fix also applies to My Player mode).

                  • Participating in Intra-Squad Scrimmages will no longer disable Intentional Fouls during regular NBA games.

                  • Addressed an issue where trade values would drop to 1-star when a Weekly Practice was scheduled.

                  • Fixed a bug where coaches would get fired continuously (this fix also applies to My Player mode).

                  • Users are now able to properly waive players in the Training Camp period of the offseason when there are more than 15 players signed to the team.

                  • Corrected an issue where the Qualifying Offers period was automatically getting skipped, thus not allowing users to make qualifying offers to their restricted free agents.

                  • Addressed an issue where Potential values weren’t being properly updated in the player progression system.

                  • Existing NBA players should no longer have their signature animations changed at the end of every season based on their skill progression/regression (this fix also applies to My Player mode).

                  • Fixed an issue where generated players would be created with the award history of a player currently in the Hall of Fame (this fix also applies to My Player mode).

                  • Tuned rookie generation code such that incoming talent is more in-line with players already in the league. Other generation improvements were made as well, including better secondary position logic along with adjustments to the size of the incoming players (this fix also applies to My Player mode).

                  • Users are now able to call plays during Intra-Squad Scrimmages in the Live Practice feature.

                  • Players who have the ‘Prospect’ player role are now much more forgiving of their role, meaning they will no longer become upset when they are in the role until they have reached a high rating.

                  • Addressed a number of other smaller issues within the mode (better CPU logic when accepting/declining Team Options, undrafted rookies should no longer sign larger than expected contracts, etc.).

                  MY PLAYER
                  (A number of issues that also affect My Player mode were listed above in the Association section. Those issues were noted as such.)
                  • Addressed a hang that would sometimes occur when completing a game during the NBA time period.

                  • The user’s team will now be more efficient in finding a trade to one of the requested teams when a Trade Request is made.

                  • The Rookie of the Year Milestone should now properly unlock when the conditions are met.

                  • Addressed a playcalling issue where the dribbler would hold the ball until the last second during My Player games.

                  • PlayVision art is now drawn on the floor when the CPU calls a play, easily enabling the user to follow the action on the court.

                  Απλά παρατήρησα περισσότερα λάθη στο gameplay από ότι είχε πριν το patch.

                  Π.Χ: Να κάνεις τέλεια άμυνα και στο shoot του αντιπάλου σηκώνεσαι για τάπα, ξέρεις ότι θα τον ταπώσεις και για κάποιο λόγο σου δίνει foul ενώ δεν τον έχεις ακουμπήσει καν!


                  • #24
                    Διαφωνω. Το παιχνιδι εγινε σαφως πιο ισορροπημενο, επισης τα plays επιτελους λειτουργουν βαση σχεδιου και οχι Μαντειου Δελφων και οι αμυνες πιανουν τοπο. Τωρα εαν εσυ ειδες προβληματα τι να πω, εγω επαιξα μια full season και ειμαι Finals τωρα και μετα το patch το παιχνιδι ανεβηκε δυο σκαλια παραπανω στα παντα.
                    :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


                    • #25
                      Επίσης, για κάποιο λόγο στη version του PC με το patch απλά buggaroun τα dribbles.
                      Δηλαδή, δεν μπορείς παράδειγμα να κάνεις behind the back ή spin ή half spin, γενικά πολλά δεν μπορείς.

                      Καταλαβαίνεις γιατί έχω ξενερώσει με το παιχνίδι;


                      • #26
                        Εγω που το εχω για PS3 παντως τρεχει υπεροχα.
                        :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:

