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Nintendo Media Summit 2010 - Official Topic of Excitement, Awesomeness & WIN

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  • #16
    Λιστα με τα games που αναφερθηκαν σημερα:


    • Max & the Magic Marker (WiiWare) - March 8
    • Cave Story (WiiWare) - March 22
    • WarioWare DIY Showcase (WiiWare) - March 29
    • Monster Hunter Tri - April 20
    • Super Mario Galaxy 2 - May 23
    • Sin & Punishment: Star Successor (formerly Sin & Punishment 2) - June 7
    • Metroid: Other M - June 27
    • And Yet It Moves (WiiWare) - Spring
    • Art Style: light trax (WiiWare) - Spring
    • Art Style: Rotozoa (WiiWare) - Spring
    • Rage of the Gladiator (WiiWare) - Spring
    • Super Meat Boy (WiiWare) - Summer
    • FlingSmash (MotionPlus) - Summer
    • Grill Off! With Ultrahand (Club Nintendo prize;WiiWare) - TBD


    • DSi XL (hardware; $189.99) - March 28
    • WarioWare DIY - March 28
    • Picross 3D - May 3
    • 100 Classic Books ($19.99) - June 14
    • PhotoDojo (DSiWare) - Spring
    • Metal Torrent (DsiWare) - Spring
    • X-Scape (DSiWare) - Spring
    • GhostWire - October
    • Dragon Quest IX - TBD
    • Game & Watch Collection 2 (Club Nintendo prize) - TBD
    Do a barrel roll!


    • #17
      FAKE αλλα φαινεται γαματο
      Do a barrel roll!


      • #18
        Ειμαι ο μονος που πιστευει οτι 190 δολαρια για το DSi XL ειναι παλαβη τιμη;
        :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


        • #19
          Οχι, συμφωνω μαζι σου, αν και δε με ενδιαφερει το DSi XL αλλα το DSi το οποιο επισης ειναι ακριβο. Το 2006 το DS Lite κοστιζε 150€, δε γινεται τωρα να πληρωνουμε παραπανω για μια απλη αναβαθμιση. Πουλαει δυστυχως και δε πεφτει η τιμη παντως εγω δε προκειται να το παρω.
          Do a barrel roll!


          • #20
            Καλά, το DS το έχουν γραμμένο. Βγαίνουν πολλά παιχνίδια για DSi ενώ ο περισσότερος κόσμος δεν έχει.


            • #21
              Εγώ έχω DS και γραμμή για DSi δεν σκοπεύω να πάρω. Γραμμένο το έχουν γιατί έχει πήξει στο R4 γιαυτό. Θα πάρω μόνο κανονικό DSi μόλις πέσει πάρα πολύ η τιμή του. Τι να το κάνω εγώ DSi XL ? Άλλη μαλακία από 'δω !


              • #22
                Lol to screenshot apo castlevania: lords of darkness
                "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                Kindred, this blade and I.

                "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                Greek Gaming Videos
                Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                • #23
                  Απο το Castlevania ειναι; Ωραιο φαινεται.
                  Do a barrel roll!


                  • #24
                    Και ηρθε η ωρα να μαθουμε περισσοτερα για το νεο τιτλο-μυστηριο που ετοιμαζει η Team Ninja με τη Nintendo. Impressions απο το ign.

                    Θα ποσταρω για αρχη κατι απο τον επιλογο:
                    My feeling now so far is that Other M plays a lot like a Super Metroid reborn with 3D elements -- there's really no way to criticize that.

                    I was skeptic, but now I'm a believer. People, this works. It's fresh. It's fun. It's stunning. We've waited decades for a few tasty morsels about Aran's history and now we'll get to watch it all unfold in cinematic glory as we take out the Space Pirate trash and explore an immense, lush world -- all with blazing fast controls. I will be counting the days until June because Other M has leaped to the top of my must-have list.
                    Σχετικα με το gameplay:
                    The controls are surprisingly uncomplicated. You hold the Wii remote sideways (most of the time, which I'll get to) and finger the D-Pad to move Samus. Digital controls, I know -- but they work very well within the context of the game. Oftentimes, the presentation is quasi-two-dimensional, meaning that despite the fact that the levels are constructed via polygons and full 3D, the viewpoint unfolds via a 2D angle. Samus can walk in and out of the foreground even as she runs left and right. There's a lot more to it than that, though, because the structure of the world enables her the ability to run sideways at one moment and then directly forward via behind-the-back third-person the next. The camera very competently follows the action regardless of your choices or placement, although there are the occasional quirks that need management -- for instance, the character might sometimes walk into the screen as she seeks a door, which is not ideal.

                    The 1 button shoots her beam. Hold it down and she'll unleash a powerful charge attack. You'll quickly find that while there's no real lock-on system from third-person mode, the heroine very accurately auto-targets the nearest enemy. Simply face her into the general direction, press the 1 button and your chances of success are very high. The 2 button, meanwhile, is used for jumping. Press the A button and Aran will go into morph ball mode, at which point she can lay bombs every time you tap the 1 button. If you hold down the 1 button here, you'll drop a single power bomb, capable of burning up everything in the room in a powerful nuclear light. The controls feel very responsive and Samus moves through environments extremely fast -- an attribute of the character missing from the Prime games.

                    There's more, though. Yes, some pro-tips -- for example, if you charge your beam completely and then switch to morph ball, Samus will automatically lay four or five bombs circling her perimeter, which is a great way to quickly dispose of enemies. But if pyrotechnics are not your thing, you can also play defensively. When enemies shoot projectiles, you can cinematically dive out of harm's way if you tap any direction on the D-Pad just before impact. Works flawlessly and looks good, too. Time it just right and Samus can pull off reversals on alien attacks, too. And if you beat an enemy into submission, you can also perform a thrilling finishing move complete with a sweeping camera that spotlights Samus as she cinematically disposes of the poor creature in question.

                    Here, though, is where the gameplay mechanics take on a few distinguishing facets. At any time, and anywhere, if you point the Wii remote at the screen, the action will change to the first-person and you'll be able to take direct control over Aran's beam as you might in the Prime games. There are some differences, however. First, you can't move around in the first-person -- you can only look and shoot. Tap the A button to very rapidly shoot down foes on a static screen. Hold B-trigger and you can actually look around in a full 360-degree radius. The latter is amazingly useful for examining rooms because you will oftentimes see crevices, vents, and more that cannot be easily observed from the quasi-2D viewpoint. It's also useful because when you've got the B-trigger held, you can lock onto potential targets and fire missiles (and presumably other weapons, as you gain access to them) at objects and enemies. In the demo, I blew through cracked walls and also shot the tentacles off a frozen boss.

                    Utilizing the Wii remote in this dual fashion is extremely uncommon and there's certainly a very small learning curve to the process -- one more likely to seem difficult in the heat of intense battles. But I have to note, it works really well and I like it. The aim sensitivity on the Wii remote is fast and very reliable. However, I would like the ability to set my turn speed so that I could crank it up a little higher during those situations when I want to thoroughly examine all areas of a room. Right now, it's a bit slow for my liking. (I tried to access the options menu but it was completely disabled.)
                    Και κατι τελευταιο απο τον Craig Harris
                    I'm impressed with Metroid: Other M. Very impressed. I was nervous about the project after seeing the trailer at E3 since it wasn't exactly clear what direction Team Ninja was taking the new game. But after playing through the somewhat short demo, I'm really jazzed for the final product.
                    Μπορειτε να διαβασετε αρκετα πραγματα ακομη στο ιδιο το αρθρο.
                    Do a barrel roll!


                    • #25
                      Και μερικα νεα απο το Λονδινο που γινεται το ευρωπαϊκο Nintendo Media Summit αυτη τη στιγμη:

                      Super Mario Galaxy 2 to be released on 11th June in Europe

                      Monster Hunter Tri, free online play, 23rd April

                      Sin & Punishment 2 launches 7th May in Europe (ενα μηνα πριν την Αμερικη)

                      Fling Smash due summer

                      5th March DSi XL launch date

                      Metroid Other M due Q3 in Europe
                      Do a barrel roll!

