PS Vita
The BEAST Unleashed

The BEAST Unleashed

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Γράφω εδώ στα γρήγορα κάποια πράγματα που βλέπω τώρα στο live του kotaku:
- codename NGP - Next Generation Portable
- 2 analog sticks (λέγονται Micros Analog Sticks)
- 5" oled οθόνη
- 3G
- Touch Screen
- Από όποια γωνία και να το βλέπεις θα είναι το ίδιο
Παιχνίδια που αναφέρθηκαν:
- Uncharted
- Killzone
- WipEout
- Resistance
- LittleBigPlanet
- Hustle Kings
- Hot Shots Golf
Το Uncharted παίχτηκε live και ο Yoshida χρησιμοποιούσε touch χειρισμό.
Το design λέγεται SUPER OVAL DESIGN.
Εκτιμήσεις του bashcraft από Kotaku για το μέγεθος του μηχανήματος:
it looks to be around the size of the original PSP
the screen is wide and HIGH
the screen is wide and HIGH
The rear touch panel is FIVE INCHES, same size as the game screen, so where you touch on the rear touch pad is where it is on the screen.
You can use two fingers, too
You can use two fingers, too
Τώρα δείχνουν το "LiveArea".
other games and publishers
LiveArea is the user interface
find about games, the PlayStation Store
user friendly
Touch based
LiveArea has a communication function, and a live feed that shows what your friends are up to.
Friends can comment
...connect with mobile networks
LiveArea is the user interface
find about games, the PlayStation Store
user friendly
Touch based
LiveArea has a communication function, and a live feed that shows what your friends are up to.
Friends can comment
...connect with mobile networks
LiveArea interface
Θα υπάρχει μία εφαρμογή που θα λέγεται Near με την οποία θα μπορείς να μοιράζεις πληροφορίες για games, να κάνεις rate και διάφορα τέτοια, γενικά μιλάνε πολύ για αυτήν.
so NGP has sixaxis, which can put players in the game, much like move or the sixaxis.
Games on PlayStation Suite will work on NGP, too
That means that content that is for smart phones (PlayStation Suite) operate on the NGP
That means that content that is for smart phones (PlayStation Suite) operate on the NGP
Hirai says wants to know with new creators
"This means that the content for PlayStation will be expanded"
You can play downloadable PSP titles on the NGP
"This means that the content for PlayStation will be expanded"
You can play downloadable PSP titles on the NGP
Capcom, Koei, Konami, Sega, Epic and Activision
"This stick feels great, you can quote me," says Takeuchi (Capcom)
"It feels different from the stick on the PSP. It goes down further, it tilts. It'll be good for action games."
"It feels different from the stick on the PSP. It goes down further, it tilts. It'll be good for action games."
He's showing Lost Planet on NGP, running in real time
It doesn't look as good as PS3
It looks really, really good, and better that the PSP
But the polygons are blocky
still, it's very impressive
It doesn't look as good as PS3
It looks really, really good, and better that the PSP
But the polygons are blocky
still, it's very impressive

Και η Sega λέει:
"Everything can be transformed to NGP."

Now, Hideo Kojima is on stage, creator of Metal Gear
"I don't have an announcement of a new title"
mgs4 is shown running on NGP
it looks really good
Bettern than Lost Planet 2 did
This is pretty impressive looking
this is a test, like all the other clips
"This game used model data and environments from PS3, and it was exported directly to NGP"
"On NGP, we can enjoy the same quality as the PS3"
"I don't have an announcement of a new title"
mgs4 is shown running on NGP
it looks really good
Bettern than Lost Planet 2 did
This is pretty impressive looking
this is a test, like all the other clips
"This game used model data and environments from PS3, and it was exported directly to NGP"
"On NGP, we can enjoy the same quality as the PS3"
Αναφέρεται και αυτό που κυκλοφόρησε ως φήμη, ότι δηλαδή θα μπορείς να μεταφέρεις παιχνίδια από το PS3 στο NGP και να παίζεις κανονικά. Επίσης από το στόμα του Hideo:
"I am currently working on a new project for that dream."
Παρουσιάστηκε επίσης ένα παιχνίδι Dungeon Defenders. Αρχικά φτιαχνόταν για PS3 και "was moved to the NGP in a very very short time."
it was developed using Epic Gamers' Unreal Engine
Call of Duty coming to NGP
"we believe Call of Duty will set the bar for the next generation of portable gaming" (από Philip Early της Activision)
He says the dual analog sticks, social networking, front and back touch screens make anything possible
"we believe Call of Duty will set the bar for the next generation of portable gaming" (από Philip Early της Activision)
He says the dual analog sticks, social networking, front and back touch screens make anything possible
- q entertainment
- andubisoft
- rockstar
- κα
He (Hirai) is talking about the chemistry between the PS3 and NGP
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Αυτά αγαπητοί, ελπίζω να σας κάλυψα

Το σχήμα μου άρεσει πάρα πολύ. Άπειρα μοντέρνο, διακριτικά κουμπάκια για αυξομείωση έντασης και άνοιγμα/ κλείσιμο της συσκευής, όπως του iPhone4 και high end Android συσκευών. Βάζω κάποιες φωτογραφίες, ζεστές ζεστές από το kotaku:
Παραθέτω ακόμα τα specs, πάλι από kotaku:
The Hardware
Sony confirmed many of the features of the PSP2 that we've already heard in the form of leaks, rumor and speculation. The PSP2 features a high-resolution, touch-sensitive OLED screen that's larger than the original PSP screen, tilt-sensitive SIXAXIS controls, dual analog sticks, front and back-facing cameras, and a touch sensitive back panel.
Sony boasts that the new PlayStation Portable is as powerful as a PlayStation 3. The device features built-in WiFi and 3G wireless connectivity and uses an all-new form of media storage for games—no more UMD.
Here's how Sony describes it: "NGP adopts a new game medium, a small flash memory based card, dedicated for NGP software titles. Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store the full software titles plus add-on game content or the game save data directly on to the card. By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich and immersive games."
For now, Sony is officially calling the new PlayStation Portable by its codename, Next Generation Portable or NGP. It will be out this holiday in Japan.
The Full Specs
Sony confirmed many of the features of the PSP2 that we've already heard in the form of leaks, rumor and speculation. The PSP2 features a high-resolution, touch-sensitive OLED screen that's larger than the original PSP screen, tilt-sensitive SIXAXIS controls, dual analog sticks, front and back-facing cameras, and a touch sensitive back panel.
Sony boasts that the new PlayStation Portable is as powerful as a PlayStation 3. The device features built-in WiFi and 3G wireless connectivity and uses an all-new form of media storage for games—no more UMD.
Here's how Sony describes it: "NGP adopts a new game medium, a small flash memory based card, dedicated for NGP software titles. Taking advantage of the flash memory feature, this innovative card can store the full software titles plus add-on game content or the game save data directly on to the card. By adopting flash memory based card, SCE will be able to provide game cards with higher capacity in the future, allowing developers to store more game data to deliver rich and immersive games."
For now, Sony is officially calling the new PlayStation Portable by its codename, Next Generation Portable or NGP. It will be out this holiday in Japan.
The Full Specs
- CPU: ARM® Cortex™-A9 core (4 core)
- GPU: SGX543MP4+
- External Dimensions: Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection)
- Rear touch pad: Multi touch pad (capacitive type)
- Cameras: Front camera, Rear camera
- Sound: Built-in stereo speakers, Built-in microphone
- Sensors: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass
- Location: Built-in GPS, Wi-Fi location service support
- Keys / Switches: PS button, Power button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square), Shoulder buttons (Right/Left), Right stick, Left stick, START button, SELECT button, Volume buttons
- Wireless communications: Mobile network connectivity (3G), IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1x1)(Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode), Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP)
Edit (kudoz στον Azrael):
Key NGP features:
3rd party υποστήριξη:
- Acquire
- Alvion (makers of Malicious)
- AQ Interactive
- Arc System Works
- Arika
- Artdink
- Ascii Media Works
- Atlus / Index Holdings
- Capcom
- Chunsoft
- Craft & Meister (they’re making Earth Seeker for Wii)
- CyberConnect2
- D3 Publisher
- Dimps
- Edia (they make Maplus software for PSP)
- Enterbrain
- Falcom
- From Software
- Genki
- Grasshopper Manufacture
- GungHo Online Entertainment (remember Mimana?)
- Gust
- Hamster
- Hudson
- Idea Factory
- Irem
- Kadokawa Games
- Kadokawa Shoten
- Konami
- Level-5
- Marvelous
- Media Five
- Namco Bandai
- Nippon Ichi Software
- Now Production
- Q Entertainment
- Sega
- SNK Playmore
- Spike
- Square Enix
- SystemSoft Alpha
- Takara Tomy
- Tecmo Koei Games
- Tose
- Yukes
PlayStation Suite announced - PlayStation game framework for Android
Source: NGP battery life is 4-5 hours