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  • Originally posted by Xeno View Post
    Πώς κανετε ετσι, καθενας με τα γουστα του, αυτα τα πραγματα ειναι στην κριση του καθενος.
    Συμφωνώ. Ανάλογα με τα γούστα του και το τι θέλει. Κατά κάποιο τρόπο αυτό λέω τόση ώρα.
    Originally posted by Somari View Post
    Αν θέλει να ασχοληθεί χαλαρα, τότε μόνο το DOA4 δε θα διαλέξει, με την hyper-ultra-cheap δυσκολία του.
    Είναι δύσκολο, όχι όμως όσο λες εσύ. Εκτος και αν δεν σου περνα να παίξεις. Έχει το challenge του, και δεν απευθύνεται ιδιαιτερα σε παίχτες που θέλουν να μάθουν το κάθε combo για να νικήσουν τον γείτονα τους.


    • Συμφωνώ. Ανάλογα με τα γούστα του και το τι θέλει. Κατά κάποιο τρόπο αυτό λέω τόση ώρα.
      Egw pali eida na les:
      Για ομορφιά πάλι, ε πρέπει να είσαι η τυφλός ή fanboy για να μην καταλάβεις ποιος υπερτερεί. Αυτά. Δεν είναι το τι προτιμώ εγώ ή ο Ground_Zero. Μιλάμε με facts.

      Αν για παράδειγμα όλα τα sites στο internet είναι πληρωμένα από την Tecmo και για αυτό παίρνει καλύτερες βαθμολογίες τότε είναι ένα άλλο θέμα. Εγώ αυτό βλέπω αυτό λέω
      Symfwna me ta idia sites to Tekken 3 pernei 95% vathmologia kai to Soulcalibur gia Dreamcast pernei 98%...
      Kai ta 2 games exoun kseperastei apo tis epomenes synexeies tous, mathe na ksexwrizeis ti ginetai me tis vathmologies kamia fora.
      "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
      But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
      Kindred, this blade and I.

      "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
      Greek Gaming Videos
      Greek Final Fantasy Forum


      • Μονο αυτά είδες να έγραψα ή μονο αυτά ήθελες να δεις?

        Όσο για τις βαθμολογίες... Το κάθε πράμα στον καιρό του. Μιλάμε για αυτή την γενιά, με γεγονότα. Μην συγκρίνουμε τα ασύγκριτα. Δεν είναι λογική αυτή.


        • Afta eipes afta eida.
          "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
          But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
          Kindred, this blade and I.

          "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
          Greek Gaming Videos
          Greek Final Fantasy Forum


          • Δεν είπα ότι είναι πολύ δύσκολο, είπα ότι έχει πολύ cheap δυσκολία.
            Originally posted by Raf
            Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


            • δεν εχει καμια σχεση ολα αυτη η συζητηση με το thread xeno νομιζω κακως την μετατοπισες

              κατα κανονα τα reviews στα fighting games απο συντακτες (aka all around gamers) ειναι τοσο σχετικα με την competitive φυση των fighting games (που ειναι και η πεμπτουσια τους) οσο ειμαι εγω με τα kinect games (hint εχω παιξει 2 δυο kinect games για κανα 4ωρο max και τα δυο)


              • Δεν εχει σχεση, αλλα βρες μου κατι πιο σχετικο ή κανε thread για non-competitive gaming .
                Εδω ειπα να τα μεταφερω ετσι προχειρα μιας και η συζητηση τουλαχιστον ειναι για fighting games συνηθως.


                • hint εχω παιξει 2 δυο kinect games για κανα 4ωρο max και τα δυο
                  Και πάλι έχεις μάλλον παίξει περισσότερο από οποιονδήποτε άλλο εδώ μέσα.

                  Boeing Boeing
                  Νομίζω πως Sophitia/Ivy τις βάζουν όλες κάτω σε physics.

                  Να πω πάντως και τη noob άποψή μου. Όταν είχε βγει το DoA2 στο Dreamcast μου άρεσε αρκετά, περισσότερο από Soul Calibur μπορώ να πω. Απλά αργότερα, ειδικά όταν παίζω με φίλους, εξίσου noob, το Soul Calibur είναι πιο ευχάριστο μεταξύ άλλων επειδή οι χαρακτήρες έχουν πολύ μεγαλύτερες και εμφανείς διαφορές μεταξύ τους. Just my two cents.

                  Και επίσης συμφωνώ πως το Soul Calibur είναι ομορφότερο οπτικά, ειδικά οι παρούσες εκδόσες. Το DoA μοιάζει με generic anime σε 3D.
                  Originally posted by Squall Leonhart
                  I used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chest
                  Originally posted by 丹野
                  Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...
                  Originally posted by Ryu_gr
                  υπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.


                  • μια πολυ ενδιαφερον συνεντευξη απο τον seth killian

                    The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.

                    Sony Computer Entertainment has made another key acquisition today: fighting game expert, Street Fighter master, and former Capcom employee Seth Killian, who is now a member of the PlayStation family at the company's Santa Monica Studio.

                    Killian will still be in the business of creating fighting games, as one of his first projects will be PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale, Sony and SuperBot Entertainment's crossover brawler.

                    His role as lead designer at Sony Santa Monica Studio's external development group will extend to more than fighting games, however. In addition to leading development on the God of War series, Sony's Santa Monica Studio also works with smaller teams like thatgamecompany, Eat Sleep Play, and Q-Games to bring their titles to PlayStation systems.

                    Killian tells Polygon he'll be working with multiple external teams, not just SuperBot.

                    "I'm happy that I get to start with a fighting game, but yes, my assignments already include other types of games as well," Killian said via e-mail. "The External group works with Sony's outside studios, like the cool kids from thatgamecompany (Flower, Journey), Giant Sparrow (The Unfinished Swan), and of course SuperBot Entertainment (PlayStation All-Stars) just to name a few. For my projects, I'll be collaborating with the teams on the design and creative side, in planning and execution."

                    Killian announced he was leaving Capcom in mid-June, having worked with the development teams responsible for Street Fighter 4, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken. Killian explained in an e-mail interview what brought him to Sony's Santa Monica Studio after six years at Capcom.

                    "Sony Santa Monica has a great group of talent (including senior management made up mostly of women, which is unusual and awesome), and they work on some of the most interesting projects in gaming, with a range that runs from AAA to smaller, more personal games," Killian said. "I think they're the most progressive studio of their size anywhere in the world, which gives me a chance to work directly with a lot of my industry heroes.

                    "The studio is also infested with smart combat designers that speak my language and make me feel like less of a weirdo, so that was pretty exciting."

                    The opportunity to work with "the fighting game brain trust" developing PlayStation All-Stars, Killian says, was another reason he was attracted to the Santa Monica-based developer.

                    "I am intensely interested in balance," Killian said, "but to do it right means taking time to try and understand not just a few characters, but the whole ecosystem of All-Stars, which takes some time. That said, the target is definitely to make it withstand and even shine under serious competitive pressure. It's a fun game that you can just mash around in with friends, but the SuperBot team includes a lot of stone-cold fighting game killers who want to build something they enjoy too, and you only have to look around the office to find them all playing for fun and smiling."

                    Killian says his duties won't see him working directly on another Sony Santa Monica Studio project, God of War: Ascension, despite its competitive multiplayer fighting angle.

                    "I will be playing as much of the multiplayer as I can manage," Killian said, "and whether I end up stealing from them, or maybe they'll find an idea from me, either way my hope is that all the games become as strong as they can be."

                    A longtime fighting game fan and evangelist, Killian joined Capcom in 2006 to consult and collaborate on the development of Street Fighter 4, the beginning of a revival of the then-struggling fighting game genre.

                    "My job at Capcom started weird and got progressively weirder," Killian explained. "I was always supported with input into the games, but I realized at one point that of all the job titles I accrued over the years (when I left I was 'Strategic Director, Community, Online, and Special Combat Advisor'), none of them even existed before they were given to me – they were making it up as they were going along, just like I was.

                    "Everybody was happy with what I was doing, but they also recognized that it didn't fit into the organizational structure at all. Towards the end, I was working on the fighting games as well as titles outside the fighting genre, but also still working on explicitly community side things."

                    Killian's new gig at Santa Monica Studio will see him focus mainly on development, not marketing.

                    "At Sony, the lead game designer role is very much a full time job unto itself," he says. "I'm not formally responsible for community outreach any longer (PlayStation and Santa Monica both have great teams for that), but fans have always been centrally important in my thinking and approach to pretty much everything, so those distinctions aren't very important to me. I'll talk to whoever is willing to listen, and listen to whoever has something worthwhile to tell me, whether they are other designers, smart fans, or tough critics."

                    His departure from Capcom, Killian says, does not necessarily signal his departure from the fighting game community, a group of dedicated fans that he considers his "extended family." After six years of focusing on Capcom's suite of fighting games, sequels and iterations delivered worryingly too frequent for some, Killian remains upbeat about the future of the genre.

                    "I think it's a very interesting time [for fighting games]," Killian says. "The market is crowded – not because there [are] so many fighters relative to other games, but because most fighters tend to require such a large time investment from their players. If the games are very hard to learn, but also need that time investment to shine, they have to compete with each other or even cannibalize their own player bases from previous installments. That fragments the player base across titles, and the fewer players playing any particular game mean that your skills (that investment) are less admired or valuable. That's a dangerous time for the genre, because it risks collapsing under its own weight – if you're the best at something nobody really plays, why bother?"

                    "All-Stars is a real wild-card in my opinion, which is part of why I wanted to work on it," Killian continues. "It ignores a lot of conventional thinking about fighters, both in terms of how you win (no lifebars, only supers kill, regular moves build super meter) and in terms of execution. There are some tricky styles of play, but none of the moves are hard to do at all (button, or button + direction), so you can get the basic elements very quickly and dive into strategy much faster than you could in a traditional fighter.

                    "Taking what people think of as a 'fun' or 'party' genre and sticking a bunch of extremely technical and smart players on the project has this amazing result – a game on very serious underpinnings with a zany fan-service wrapper. It ends up being something total noobs can have fun with while also rewarding smart players and clever mind reading. The noob won't beat the good player, but the weirdest thing about All-Stars is that I have fun even when I'm getting owned. Usually when I get creamed in a fighter, I get kind of depressed, or feel helpless, or maybe even angry.

                    "In All-Stars, for some reason, I'm left smiling and curious, with the urge to play just *one* more game. Maybe it's just PaRappa, but I think they're really on to something."


                    • "I think it's a very interesting time [for fighting games]," Killian says. "The market is crowded – not because there [are] so many fighters relative to other games, but because most fighters tend to require such a large time investment from their players. If the games are very hard to learn, but also need that time investment to shine, they have to compete with each other or even cannibalize their own player bases from previous installments. That fragments the player base across titles, and the fewer players playing any particular game mean that your skills (that investment) are less admired or valuable. That's a dangerous time for the genre, because it risks collapsing under its own weight – if you're the best at something nobody really plays, why bother?"
                      Amen to that.
                      "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                      But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                      Kindred, this blade and I.

                      "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                      Greek Gaming Videos
                      Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                      • δεν συνηθιζω πλεον να ποσταρω νεα απο το διεθνες fgc (γιατι δεν υπαρχει ενδιαφερον) αλλα το παρακατω ειναι κατι το μοναδικο

                        Interview w/ "Blind" Tournament Player, James Who Debuted at Console Combat

                        With great honor, we have a very special interview to show to everyone. If any of you watched the Console Combat fighting game stream back on July 29th, chances are you know where this is going. We bared witness to our first ever "Blind" player to be playing Mortal Kombat. When Tim Static informed that this was about to happen on stream I jumped to my laptop and tuned in immediately and did my best to spread the word.

                        When James first came on to play, I noticed that his brother Devontae was right by his side, assisting him with his headphones and remained next to him the entire match. James selected Raiden against Emperor Dark's Shang Tsung. Keep in mind, we learned that this was James' and Devontae's first ever tournament experience like this. While James played, the only mistake he began to make was getting a little too overzealous with Raiden's "superman" and was punished by Emperor Dark's Shang Tsung. The questions began to run through my mind while still simply being amazed at what I was seeing, "How does he know which side of the screen he's on?, How does he know when to break, when to x-ray?, How does he know?". Well, this is where the interesting part comes in to play and that is our interview with James & Devontae:

                        STORMS: First off, Hello James and it's a pleasure to "interview" you!

                        Let me just say that when Tim Static sent me a text letting me know that there was going to be a "blind" player coming up on Console Combat I stopped what I was doing and rushed to my laptop. It's not everyday that we are honored to have such a member of the community be recognized like this. It's not everyday that we hear about a blind player playing Mortal Kombat or any fighting game, thus where the wonder comes in to play. I'll start off with my questions to both of you...STORMS: 1. I noticed Devontae, that you would assist James in putting his headset on and other various things during play. Devontae, do you assist during the match at all or is it all James?

                        Devontae: 1. Stormz, yes I do assist James in matches at home. I turn the volume up on the television when he needs to hear it. Usually he sits next to it so that he can hear it better. I also inform him of how much meter he has, and inform him of when he is capable of breaking; performing EX moves and when he is able to perform X-rays. He does well online and I do the exact same thing when he plays online. I never tell him what moves to do. He has memorized the move list of the character(s) he plays with and knows most of the fatalities

                        STORMS: 2. How long have the both of you been doing this? Meaning, going to tournaments and doing what you did at Console Combat.

                        James: 2. This was me and Devontae’s first tournament. We usually go through “drills” where I go through the move list of the character I want to play with. Most of the time I usually play casually with friends and family.
                        Devontae: I’ve been James friend for a while. I would help him learn the move sets of certain characters, and put him through different scenarios that test his knowledge of that character. Since he got Mortal Kombat, we have been doing this.

                        STORMS: 3. Does James have a history with Mortal Kombat or fighting games? Meaning, has he played them since the early days in a competitive nature or casual?

                        James: 3. Yes I have a history. I have had EVERY MORTAL KOMBAT game that ever came out. I’ve played Tekken, the Dragon Ball Z series, and the Soul Calibur series but mostly Mortal Kombat. CoCo was my first tournament experience.

                        STORMS: 4. James, in your situation when playing, what is your execution process? Meaning, during the match do you just listen carefully to what your opponent is doing (i.e. throwing out a projectile, etc) or is it all guessing? Are you completely blind or are you able to see in the slightest?

                        James: 4. I listen to sound cues mostly. Usually I don’t worry about what the opponent is doing because I am performing my moves before they have a chance to do the same. To answer your second question. I was born six months early and weighed half a pound. I have ROP (Retina opathy of prematurity) meaning my retinas are detached. This is why I became blind at birth. Giving me too much oxygen was also a factor.
                        Devontae: I got him to sit next to the TV while I play with different characters and explain what each character is doing while making a specific sound. He is aware that the game recycles character noises like grunts and yells. His hearing has been a big help.STORMS: 5. James, if you don't mind us asking, how long have you been blind and what is the spark behind having the desire to play fighting games? By the way, you should know that the stream chat was all in your favor including me while you were fighting! It was very exciting to see you playing... I hope to see you again and hopefully meet you.

                        James: 5. As I’ve said in question four, I have been blind since birth, and I wanted to prove that even though I cannot see, I can go and do things like everyone else. My short term goal is to attempt to take Season’s Beatings, and my long term goes is to go to EVO 2012. I know that the road will be long and difficult, but with my friend’s help, and with God watching over me, I know that I can succeed in anything I do.

                        STORMS: 6. Why Raiden? Though, in my opinion he may be one of your best choices to play with considering three of his best moves when executed: teleport, throw and "superman". Do you play any other characters?

                        James: 6. Idk. I guess I picked him because he’s my strongest character. He has different forms movement that I can’t take advantage of. His combos are easy to perform in succession. I do play with other characters. They are Kitana, Smoke, Jade, Scarlet, Kabal, Sonya and recently Kung Lao.

                        STORMS: 7. How often will we be seeing you and Devontae attending Cleveland's Console Combat?

                        James: 7. hopefully every time. We will also try to be at the Major tournaments as well
                        Devontae: I will try as hard as I can to get to Coco. I really want to participate.

                        STORMS: 8. How do you train? Do you hit up practice mode or do you also have an offline practice partner, your brother for example?

                        James: 8. Most of the time when Devontae isn’t at my house, he puts me through drills over the phone. But when he is here, we usually play casually for a while before playing with a tournament mindset.
                        Devontae: When I am there, we also go online and either plays online with family who also has Mortal Kombat or fight random people online. I recently got him to start playing tag matches, which he hates, LOL.

                        STORMS: 9. Can we look forward to see you at any upcoming majors?

                        James: 9. Most defiantly!
                        Devontae: If we can make and if we are prepared to whoop ass!

                        STORMS: 10. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer these! It's a pleasure to have a player as unique as you in our community - Thank you and good luck!



                        • Αντε μετα να αποδειξεις πως δεν εισαι ελεφαντας (VF εστω).


                          • Τι ακριβώς είδα;
                            Originally posted by Squall Leonhart
                            I used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chest
                            Originally posted by 丹野
                            Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...
                            Originally posted by Ryu_gr
                            υπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.


                            • Και εγώ που δεν είμαι ειδικός στην αρχή δεν κατάλαβα, αλλά μετά είδα ότι το βίντεο είναι από το DOA5


                              • Εχμ οκ ναι, γιατι ομως; Δυο χαρακτηρες του VF στο επομενο DoA? H Sega μετα απο third party εγινε και fourth party?
                                Do a barrel roll!

