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Kαφριλα made of Industry

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  • Kαφριλα made of Industry

    Αγαπω την καφριλα. Αγαπατε την καφριλα. Αγαπαμε την καφριλα.

    Το Thread ειναι αφιερωμενο στις διαφορες καφριλες της βιομηχανιας ~Videogames~. Αυτο μπορει να μεταφραζεται ως αστειες δηλωσεις, αστεια made of, fail παρουσιασεις, σκονταφτω-πεφτω καταστασεις κτλ κτλ

    ΜΗΝ ποσταρετε Ingame videoz. Μας ενδιαφερουν πραγματικες καταστασεις.


    το ανακαλυψα εντελως τυχαια κι ελιωσα στα γελια. Ειναι οι αστειες σκηνες απτη δημιουργια του Mortal Kombat - Mythologies (PSX,N64) :

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
    " You 're saying that you 're just here to add a bit of colour?

    Authenticity sir, authenticity. "

    Discworld (1995, PC/Playstation/Sega Saturn)

  • #2

    Originally posted by Raf
    Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


    • #3
      Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

      Come on man, it doesn't get much better than this...
      :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


      • #4
        Και για να μην ξεχνιομαστε...

        Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.


        (τωρα που το σκεφτομαι, μετα την κυκλοφορια του Baby and me, το ονομα θα γινει NINI-NTENDO???? )
        :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


        • #5
          Originally posted by DjSolid View Post
          Και για να μην ξεχνιομαστε...

          Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.


          (τωρα που το σκεφτομαι, μετα την κυκλοφορια του Baby and me, το ονομα θα γινει NINI-NTENDO???? )
          Οποιαδήποτε παρουσίαση με την συγκεκριμένη κυρία (πως την λένε; όλο την ξεχνάω) είναι καφρίλα.

          Της αξίζει ένα dragon punch στα μούτρα!


          • #6
            Αγαπαμε John Romero

            From very early on in the game's development, Daikatana was aggressively advertised as the brainchild of John Romero, a man famous for his work at id Software in the development of Doom and Quake. Time magazine gave Romero and Daikatana glowing coverage, saying "Everything that game designer John Romero touches turns to gore and gold."[4] An early advertisement for Daikatana, created by marketer Mike Wilson and approved by Romero, was a red poster with large black lettering proclaiming "John Romero's about to make you his bitch", a reference to Romero's infamous trash talk during gaming. Nothing else was featured on this poster but a small tag-line reading "Suck It Down," an Ion Storm logo and an Eidos logo.[5] The advertisements tarnished the company's image.[6]
            Following the ad's appearance in several gaming magazines, more negative news came out of Ion Storm, fueling distaste for the game whose release was pushed back. The lavish rock star-like treatment given to Romero in his attempt to build a designer-centered game studio (including a multimillion-dollar office on the top floor of a Dallas skyscraper), Romero's well-publicized expensive tastes and hobbies (such as racing Ferraris), the dubious saga of Romero's girlfriend, professional gamer (and later, Playboy model candidate) Stevie "Killcreek" Case, being hired on as a level designer, and the game's development (which included most of the original development team quitting en masse to form a competing company), incited fierce disdain and criticism among certain elements of the then-emergent online gaming fan community. The press regularly published leaked gossip from disgruntled former and current employees, providing ample and regular doses of new drama to keep interest in the story high. Several online industry gossip websites came into existence primarily to track the unfolding debacle, some of which are still publishing today.[citation needed]
            Due to these and other problems, Daikatana was delayed multiple times from its conception in early 1997 to its eventual release in 2000. By this time, numerous games based on more advanced graphical technology (such as Id Software's Quake III and Epic MegaGames' Unreal Tournament) had already been released, causing Daikatana to lag technologically in the market with its dated Quake II game engine. Additionally, its gameplay had many aspects that were widely disliked by players, such as an artificially limited number of saves per level and the presence of computer-controlled "sidekicks" who were an active impediment to the player. As a result, Daikatana garnered a mediocre-at-best reception from reviewers and users alike. Many believe the fallout from Daikatana sidelined Romero's career in the high-end PC gaming industry for a number of years, though Romero himself has stated that he chose to make his next company, Monkeystone, drastically smaller for his own reasons. The game was a major contributing factor in the closure of Ion Storm's Dallas office. In 2009, Screwattack named this game the #7 bust on their "Top 10 Biggest Busts", which listed the biggest failures on gaming, due its controversial advertising and the hype that Romero built on this game, but in the end turned out to be a failure.[7]
            " You 're saying that you 're just here to add a bit of colour?

            Authenticity sir, authenticity. "

            Discworld (1995, PC/Playstation/Sega Saturn)


            • #7
              Το κείμενο για το Daikatana είναι αληθές, αλλά θα ήθελα να επισημάνω έναν πραγματικά σημαντικό, εξαιρετικό και παραγνωρισμένο τίτλο που βγήκε από την Ion Storm. Το Anachronox. Είναι ένα από εκείνα τα unique παιχνίδια, ένα sci - fi / cyberpunk RPG κατά βάση με πολύ χιούμορ. Ο κεντρικός χαρακτήρας είναι ένας ξοφλημένος μπεκρής ντετέκτιβ που ξεκινά με ένα σούπερ ήρωα, ένα καθηγητή που μοιάζει με dwarf, ένα ρομποτάκι, μια αιρετική επιστήμονα και μια μισθοφόρο, πρώην αν θυμάμαι καλά του ντετέκτιβ, και προσπαθούν (τι άλλο?) να σώσουν το σύμπαν. Σαν παραγνωρισμένο διαμάντι, τοποθετείται στο ίδιο επίπεδο με το Arcanum.
              Τι βλέπεις όταν έχεις πράσινα μάτια?

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              Η μόνη διαφορά ανάμεσα σε μένα και σε ένα τρελό είναι πως εγώ δεν είμαι τρελός - Σαλβαδόρ Νταλί

