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Pre-E3 2012 thread
Originally posted by sOLiD SNAKE View Post
Τι μ@λ@κίες είναι αυτές; Έτσι την πάθαμε και με το ME και διαβάζαμε την σύνοψη στο wikipedia.
Originally posted by 丹野 View PostΜόνο μία εταιρεία που κυνηγάει το χρήμα τα κάνει αυτά. Follow your... money!
....εεεεε μα......:tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:
Heavy Rain studio poised to reveal new game at Sony conference
Quantic Dream working on two new titles
Kara imminent (και κανα HR prequel για το Vita).
Δε νομιζω να κανουν λογο για 2 τιτλους, περιεργο βεβαια να δουμε sequel στο LoS το οποιο θα βγει στο 3DS και μαλλον χωρις IGA (ok αυτο για εμενα ειναι καλο).
Σκορπιες πρωτες πληροφοριες μεσω gaf:
- deep combat mechanics
- involves Trevor Belmont
- Fight with Trevor's version of the Combat Cross
- strong attacks with X
- wider-reaching attacks with Y
- secondary weapons like the boomerang-like glaive and electric bomb
- use these with A
- grab enemies with R
- block and dodge with L
- involves light and shadow magic returns
- earn experience points to unlock new combos
- these include launching foes into the air, smashing enemies down to the ground and more
- includes skeletons, axe-wielding undead and more
Για να καταλάβω, ο τίτλος λέγεται Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate και είναι μεταφορά/spinoff του Castlevania:LoS στο 3ds με πρωταγωνιστή τον Trevor Belmont ; ΟΚ πάμε παρακάτω
Οτι και να έχει στα σκαριά η Quantic Dream, i am interested. Δεν θα ήταν άσχημο και ένα πρότζεκτ της Quantic στο Vita .
Το θεμα ειναι αν υπαρχει πιθανοτητα να ειναι 3d παιχνιδι.
Κατα τ' αλλα η MS ανακοινωσε πως στην παρουσιαση της θα δουμε διαφορα παιχνιδια σε πρωτη προβολη (οχι απαραιτητα αποκλειστικα βεβαια) απο τις: Capcom, EA Sports, Harmonix, Square-Enix, THQ και Ubisoft.
Αντε να δουμε τι ετοιμαζει η καθε εταιρεια (FF Versus στο 360 απο Square for the lolz). H λογικη επιλογη βεβαια και κατι που περιμενω πολυ ειναι το Tomb Raider. Οι της Square ειπαν πως το παιχνιδι εγινε delay για το 2013 γιατι ειναι αρκετα φιλοδοξοι για τον εν λογω τιτλο και θελουν να διορθωσουν την καθε ατελεια. Οκ, ο,τι θελει πιστευει ο καθενας, αλλα μιλαμε για ενα παιχνιδι για το οποιο υπαρχει μπολικο hype και το λιγο feedback ειναι σιγουρα θετικο ως τωρα.
Επισης μολις βρηκα τα παρακατω για το νεο Castlevania:
- direct sequel to Lords of Shadow
- gameplay is reminiscent of Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia
- polygon-based graphics
- primarily plays in 2D and 2.5D
- occasional shift into a fully 3D environment
- Mirror of Fate encourages nonlinear exploration and discovery
- developed by Mecurysteam
- picks up 25 years after the end of the events that played out in Lords of Shadow
- Trevor Belmont steps up to stop Dracula
- this is not the same Trevor we know
- gameplay stretches across time
- players will eventually be able to control Trevor’s descendent, Simon Belmont
- there are two other unnamed characters are in the game as well
- switch between the four characters at predetermined points
- work through Dracula’s castle during different time periods
- each warrior boasts different abilities
- explore the same castle with marked differences between each character
- some paths may be blocked off due to characters not sharing the same abilities (like double jumping)
Πρώτες εικόνες:
Players fight with Trevor Belmont’s version of the Combat Cross. Pressing the “X” button will result in strong attacks while the “Y” button yields attacks with a rider range.
Secondary weapons including an electric bomb and boomerang-like glaive are included. These can be accessed with “A”.
Other actions include blocking/dodging with “L” and grabbing enemies with “R”. Koanmi is promising deep combat mechanics.
Mirrors of Fate will feature the return of light and shadow magic, experience points for combo unlocks (such as throwing foes into the air and to the ground), and more.
Τρομερό artwork !!!
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2 confirmed
Nintendo Power’s article doesn’t actually say anything about the title. However, producer David Cox says that that Mirror of Fate contains a “climax that will set up the events of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.”
Platforms weren’t confirmed, but it’s definitely going to be available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. There have been rumblings of a Wii U version as well.
It’d make perfect sense to bring the game to Nintendo’s new console. As some fans have suggested, Mirrors of Fate could act as a companion title to Lords of Shadows 2 on Wii U, perhaps introducing some connectivity between the two games.
Proswpika to artwork den maresei, o tritos kati leei, o prwtos einai gay kai o defteros den mporw na apofasisw."Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
Kindred, this blade and I."
"ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
Greek Gaming Videos
Greek Final Fantasy Forum
Ο πρώτος και ο τρίτος είναι ο ίδιος.Originally posted by Squall LeonhartI used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chestOriginally posted by 丹野Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...Originally posted by Ryu_grυπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.
Ναι, δε ξέρω, η αλήθεια είναι πως ένα από τα πράγματα που ήθελα περισσότερο να δω στα 3DS και Vita, ήταν ένα 2D Metroidvania με εντυπωσιακά hand-drawn γραφικά.There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.
Games list μέχρι στιγμής από IGN:
Spec Ops: The Line (360, PS3, PC)
Borderlands 2 (360, PS3, PC)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (360,PS3, PC)
Persona 4 Arena (360, PS3)
Persona 4 Golden (Vita)
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission (360, PS3, PC)
DayZ (PC)
Resident Evil 6 (360, PS3, PC)
Lost Planet 3 (360, PS3, PC)
DmC (360, PS3)
Street Fighter x Tekken (Vita)
Dust 514 (PS3)
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill (360, PS3, PC)
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters (360, PS3, PC)
Crysis 3 (360, PS3, PC)
FIFA Soccer 13 (360, PS3, PC)
Madden NFL 13 (PS3, 360, Wii, Vita)
Medal of Honor Warfighter (360, PS3, PC)
NCAA Football 13 (360, PS3)
NHL 13 (360, PS3)
SimCity (PC)
Outernauts (Facebook)
World Series of Poker (iOS)
Rock Band Blitz (XBLA, PSN)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (360, PS3, PC)
Dragon Commander (360, PS3, PC)
Divinity: Original Sin (PC, MAC)
NBA Baller Beats (360)
Zumba Fitness (360)
Star Trek: The Game (360, PS3, PC)
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (360, PS3)
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3)
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition (PC)
Dragon Ball Z for Kinect (360)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors (PSN)
Pikmin 3 (Wii U)
Super Mario Wii U (Wii U)
Neverwinter (PC)
Raiderz (PC)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (360, PS3, PC, Wii U)
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (360, 3DS, PC, PS3, Vita)
Jet Set Radio (Vita)
Eador: Masters of the Broken World (PC)
PlanetSide 2 (PC)
DC Universe Online (PS3, PC)
Free Realms (PS3, PC)
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (PC)
EverQuest (PC)
EverQuest II (PC)
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (PC)
Hitman: Absolution (360, PS3, PC)
Tomb Raider (360, PS3, PC)
Sleeping Dogs (360, PS3, PC)
Quantum Conundrum (360, PS3, PC)
Heroes of Ruin (3DS)
Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance (3DS)
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (3DS)
Gameglobe (WEB)
Dead or Alive 5 (360, PS3)
Darksiders II (360, PS3, PC, Wii U)
Metro Last Light (360, PS3, PC, Wii U)
Defiance (360, PC, PS3)
End of Nations (PC)
Rift (PC)
Far Cry 3 (PS3, 360, PC)
Rayman Legends (Wii U)
Assassin's Creed III (360, PS3, PC, Wii U)
Rocksmith (360, PS3, PC)
ShootMania Storm (PC)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (360, PS3, PC)
Zen Pinball 2 (PS3, Vita)
Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles (360, PS3, Vita)
Marvel Pinball 3D (3DS)
KickBeat (Vita)