Το Galaxy 2 θα περναγε τις πωλησεις του 1ου πιστευω. Αν βαλει και τον Sonic ακομη καλυτερα.
No announcement yet.
Νέα και ειδήσεις για Nintendo Switch, 2DS
This is a sticky topic.
Να σου πω την αλήθεια, περίμενα να κάνει καλύτερα νούμερα το πρώτο Galaxy. Τα sequels πάντως, συνήθως, πουλάνε λιγότερο. Νομίζω ο Sonic θα βοηθούσε.
Γυρνώντας στο θέμα πάντως, προσωπικά δε με ενδιαφέρει αν θα είναι playable ο Sonic. Άλλωστε, αν θα είναι πως θα είναι; Με gameplay Mario ή Sonic made by Nintendo; Ειδικά το δεύτερο θα είχε πολύ ενδιαφέρον. Αυτό που με ενδιαφέρει προσωπικά είναι να δω ένα ολόκληρο Sonic Themed Galaxy, ας είναι cameo ο Sonic. Για να πω αλήθεια, στην αρχή έτσι νόμιζα πως θα είναι.There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.
Να σου πω την αλήθεια, περίμενα να κάνει καλύτερα νούμερα το πρώτο Galaxy. Τα sequels πάντως, συνήθως, πουλάνε λιγότερο. Νομίζω ο Sonic θα βοηθούσε.
Έτσι είναι, εδώ άμα θυμάσαι δεν είχε γίνει καν η παραμικρή προσπάθεια για τη προώθηση του τίτλου. Χαρακτηριστικά θυμάμαι ότι λίγο καιρό πριν τη κυκλοφορία του δε μιλούσε σχεδόν κανείς γι' αυτό. Όσο ακούστηκε, ήταν μετά τη κυκλοφορία του λόγω ποιότητας.There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.
Ελπιζω οχι, αν ειναι να μπει ο Sonic θα πρεπει τουλαχιστον να εμφανιζεται σαν NPC πχ καποιο mini game ή αγωνα στον οποιο να πρεπει να τον κερδισεις... . Αν ειναι playable ακομη καλυτερα.
Nintendo Australia fines NSMB Wii uploader $1.5 million
Nintendo of Australia announced that as the result of a federal court settlement, one Australian will be required to pay $1.5 million ($1.3 million USD) to Nintendo for loss of revenue due. This person was allegedly the first to upload New Super Mario Bros. Wii to the internet, doing so on November 6, one week before the game was released (an act that facilitated creative works in addition to piracy).
Originally posted by Ramparter View PostNintendo Australia fines NSMB Wii uploader $1.5 million
Αουτς, πολυ επιθετικη κινηση. Δε νομιζω παντως να μασισει κανενας πειρατης απο αυτο, μαλλον θα προσεχουν περισσοτερο πλεον οταν ανεβαζουν ενα game.
Καλά να πάθει... Χαίρομαι που πιάστηκε ένας ξένος πειρατής και όχι Έλληνας. Καλά να πάθουν και οι άλλες εταιρείες που δίνουν επίσημα gaming είδη σε πειρατικές χώρες μεγαλύτερες του ποσοστού μας.sigpic
Originally posted by Tannosuke View PostΚαλά να πάθει... Χαίρομαι που πιάστηκε ένας ξένος πειρατής και όχι Έλληνας.
Originally posted by Tannosuke View PostΚαλά να πάθουν και οι άλλες εταιρείες που δίνουν επίσημα gaming είδη σε πειρατικές χώρες μεγαλύτερες του ποσοστού μας.
Ερχονται τα τρενα... θα τσουξει ασχημα.
Nintendo Media Summit Coming
Time to start the hype engines. The Big N sends out invites for a special games event later this month.
February 9, 2010 - That's right, Nintendo fans -- it's time to start up those hype engines. We think there's good reason to rev 'em up, too.
Last month, the Official Nintendo Magazine teased a big reveal for its next issue. Typically, details were scarce, but the publication promised it had "something very special lined up" and that readers should keep their collective eyes peeled for the March 12 release date.
Now, Nintendo of America has officially invited select members of the press to its Q1 Media Summit event, set to kick off February 24 in San Francisco. "Please join us for a full day of presentations, demos and hands-on gameplay," the invite reads.
For your consideration, some big Nintendo games on the horizon include Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, and the next Legend of Zelda offering. We'd be surprised if the Big N spoiled the Zelda surprise before the Electronic Entertainment Expo, but we would not be at all shocked if Mario or Samus made an appearance at the event, particularly given both titles are more likely to be released this year than Link's next. Also, Nintendo recently updated the official Metroid website with a new focus on Other M.
We're just saying.
Start 'em up.
And rest assured IGN will be on-hand at the event with full coverage.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth Review
At its best, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is engaging, even charming. There are moments when the logic really clicks and the evidence needed to contradict a statement is obvious. At its worst, Ace Attorney is a frustrating exercise in trial and error gameplay, where you have to keep tossing out evidence in the hopes you pick the right one that somehow makes sense amidst a half-cocked story. Amazingly, both the good and the bad are tied to the same system. Sometimes it works great. Then moments later it falls to pieces and makes little sense.
The Ace Attorney series has never reached a true level of excellence. While there are some really strong elements added for Miles Edgeworth, the core is still trial-and-error gameplay. Some of the logic left me scratching my head and it's entirely too linear. Fans of the Ace Attorney series will like it, no doubt about that, but there's also no denying that the series is running out of steam.
Ace Attorney: Miles Gamespot Review
GameSpot is the world's largest source for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, Wii PC, 3DS, PSP, DS, video game news, reviews, previews, trailers, walkthroughs, and more.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is a strong adventure game with an intricate storyline and a successful twist on the gameplay formula of its predecessors. Its text-based narrative is slow but solid, while new gameplay elements with the chance to explore the world outside the courtroom make for a lot of tight situations, charming locations, and madcap characters. Solving puzzles is always a lot of fun, and the return of some familiar faces from the series will make returning players feel welcome. Tying everything together is an intricate and layered storyline that will have the kid inside you thrilled to the end.
Endless Ocean: Blue World Review: The Wii Game You're Wrong About
http://kotaku.com/5477173/endless-ocean ... rong-about
This game is also a stealth role-playing game, a game with more than a hundred esoteric side goals, and enough obscure side quests that it makes Rune Factory Frontier look streamlined and the average Final Fantasy quest for ultimate weapons seem as simple as a walk to the mailbox.
Gamesradar review Endless Ocean Blue World
http://www.gamesradar.com/wii/endless-o ... 1161629091
a real sense of achievement when you find your way through an underwater maze and chance upon something truly spectacular.
1up review Endless Ocean 2
Red Steel 2 live action control demo
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In game real life girl shows you the moves
No More Heroes 2 Euro edition uncensored
http://www.thatgamingsite.com/id188-Mil ... -News.html
Censored version cancelled.
Another Code Two Memories retrospective
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/anoth ... rospective
Rogue Squadron Wii listed by UK retailer