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  • Ανακοινωθηκε το..

    Υπηρχε ηδη το modnation racers με το play create share και ηταν αρκετα καλο.Δεν ξερω γιατι ετοιμαζουν νεο cart game.Οπως και και να χει,οτι εχει τιτλο LBP() ειναι καλοδεχουμενο.


    • γιατί ήταν αποτυχία
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      • Η Santa Monica βοηθάει στο Last Guardian

        Καθώς και άλλα εσωτερικά studios συμμετέχουν στην ανάπτυξη

        H Sony επιβεβαίωσε πως πέρα από την Team ICO, έχει επιστρατεύσει τη βοήθεια κι άλλων εσωτερικών ομάδων ανάπτυξής της, με σκοπό την ολοκλήρωση του The Last Guardian. Μιλώντας στο Wired, ο Shuhei Yoshida (αφεντικό της Sony Worldwide Studios), ανέφερε πως μεταξύ άλλων και η Santa Monica -σειρά God of War- προσφέρει τις υπηρεσίες της. "Ξέρετε, δεν είναι μόνο η Santa Monica. Έχουμε φοβερούς developers στα Worldwide Studios. Έχουμε ένα κεντρικό tech group στις ΗΠΑ και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο οπότε τους δίνουμε οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια χρειάζονται. Έχουμε τους καλύτερους μηχανικούς στην Αμερική και την Ευρώπη, οπότε αυτές οι ομάδες τους βοηθάνε (την Team ICO) δίνοντας τους συμβουλές". Ο Yoshida αναφέρει στη συνέχεια πως η Team ICO προχωράει, αργά, αλλά σταθερά, την ανάπτυξη του παιχνιδιού και "πολύ συχνά γυρνάει πίσω και επανεξετάζει πράγματα".

        "Υπάρχει ένα όραμα που θέλουμε να πραγματοποιήσουμε αλλά είναι πάρα πολύ δύσκολο όπως και τα τεχνικά θέματα που αντιμετωπίζει η ομάδα και κάποια σχέδια πρέπει να γίνουν για να αξιολογήσουμε για να συνεχίσουμε την πρόοδο."

        "Σε ένα σημείο η πρόοδος ήταν πολύ καλή, οπότε μιλήσαμε για το timing του λανσαρίσματος του παιχνιδιού στο παρελθόν. Αλλά τώρα σημειώνει πρόοδο, αλλά ακόμα όχι τόσο ικανοποιητική -είναι playable αλλά όχι στο βαθμό που μπορούμε να μιλήσουμε για την ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας".
        Φαίνεται πως τα προβλήματα συνεχίζονται για την Team ICO, η οποία έχει χάσει σημαντικά μέλη της ομάδας της. Εν όψει και της επικείμενης αποχώρησης του Fumito Ueda (mastermind των ICO/SotC) ας ελπίσουμε πως η ανάπτυξη του The Last Guardian θα ολοκληρωθεί με επιτυχία.
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        • PS4 in the works, AMD building graphics

          Sony has a new console in the works according to former AMD employees

          Sony has a new console in the works. Sony is working on an as-yet-unannounced new gaming console, former AMD employees say, and the processor designer may play a key role in the new product. AMD’s graphics technology is already used in Microsoft’s XBox 360 console. However, Sony’s PlayStation 3 -- introduced in [...]
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          • Άντε επιτέλους. Και κάτι νέο για το The Last Guardian. Καιρός ήταν να μάθουμε γιατί στα διαλά καθυστέρησε το τέλος της ανάπτυξης του.

            Απορώ τι τους έπιασε και αποχώρησαν κάποιοι...

            Santa Monica(God of War saga) + Team ICO(ICO+SotC) = WIN WIN!


            • Ratchet & Clank Collection officially announced

              It’s amazing that it’s been almost 10 years since the release of the original Ratchet & Clank on PlayStation 2. A lot has changed since 2002, but your loyalty to our furry Lombax and his faithful robot companion has endured. As we reach the 10th Anniversary of Ratchet & Clank, we wanted to commemorate the [...]

              Today, we’re delighted to announce the Ratchet & Clank 10th Anniversary Celebration, which also simultaneously addresses the biggest current request from our fans: The Ratchet & Clank Collection. This will contain Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal – all remastered by Idol Minds, working closely with our team at Insomniac Games. In addition to a full 1080p HD remaster (720p stereoscopic 3D support) of all three games and the inclusion of three Platinum Trophies, we’re happy to confirm that the online competitive multiplayer from Up Your Arsenal will be included. [/B]Now you can check out the acclaimed multiplayer mode that many of you didn’t get to experience the first time on PS2.
              The collection will release this fall in North America. I know it’s a little bit later than the Spring European release, but it’s because we have something very special planned for our North American fans to celebrate the 10th anniversary, and we’ll share all the details very soon.
              We’re so excited that PlayStation has worked to give our original Ratchet & Clank PS2 adventures the HD remaster treatment they deserve. Stay tuned in the coming months for more on the Ratchet & Clank 10th Anniversary Celebration, as well as more details, screenshots and footage as we near the release of the Ratchet & Clank Collection.


              • αν και ψιλο φήμη
                The Next PlayStation is Called Orbis, Sources Say. Here are the Details.

                While the official reveal of Sony's next home console could still be months away, if not longer, Kotaku has today learned some important details concerning the PlayStation 3's successor.
                For one, the console's name—or at least its codename/working title—is apparently Orbis. And it's being planned for release in time for the 2013 holiday season.
                The details in this story come from a reliable source who is not authorized to talk publicly about next-gen hardware but has shared correct information with us before. What they're telling us in specifics matches much of what we've heard and reported in generalities in recent weeks.
                A Sony spokesperson declined to comment about these details, citing the company's policy not to comment on "rumors or speculation."
                WHAT'S IN A NAME

                Orbis. Say it out loud. Sounds a little like the word "four", doesn't it? Only it doesn't make the next PlayStation sound like a bad horror movie sequel.
                It's also a name loaded with meaning. The word "Orbis" itself, from Latin, means circle, or ring, or even orbit. Not terribly helpful. Combine it with the name of Sony's new handheld system, though, and you have the common term Orbis Vita (or, in strict Latin, Orbis Vitae). Which means "The circle of life". Could the Vita be playing a very important role in the development and use of the next PlayStation home console? Maybe!
                Such symbolism also suggests that rather than being a codename, like most companies employ when still developing a console (think NGP, or Durango), this might actually be the machine's final name. We don't know that, though, so keep an open mind about things.
                Full size

                Type in and you arrive at Sony's portal for Vita developers. Same with, referencing the former codename for the Vita. The PS4 version of that address gets you nowhere. PS3 does, as does, though not to any Orbis-specific portions of the site.
                • Is called, or at least carries the working codename, "Orbis".
                • Is scheduled for a Holiday 2013 release.
                • Won't be backwards compatible with PS3 games.
                • Will lock new games to a PSN account as an anti-used games measure.
                • New games can be bought either on Blu-Ray or downloaded.
                • Current specs are an AMD x64 CPU and AMD Southern Islands GPU

                CURRENT SPECS

                Our main source supplied some basic specs for the console, but as the future is always in motion, bear in mind these could easily change between now and the Orbis' retail release. Still, if you'd like to know what developers are being told to plan for now, here you go.
                • AMD x64 CPU
                • AMD Southern Islands GPU
                • The former, that's largely something we've heard before, but the latter is interesting. That's the name given to many of AMD's 2012 roster of high-end PC cards. The PS4's GPU in particular, we're told, will be capable of displaying Orbis games at a resolution of up to 4096x2160, which is far in excess of the needs of most current HDTV sets. It'll also be capable of playing 3D games in 1080p (the PS3 could only safely manage 3D at 720p).
                  NEXT YEAR

                  Our main source tell us that "select developers" have been receiving dev kits for the new console since the beginning of this year. Revised and improved versions of these kits were sent out around GDC, while more finalised beta units will be shipped to developers towards the end of 2012.
                  That should hopefully give developers plenty of time to have launch games ready for the Orbis' retail release, which will be in time for the 2013 holiday season. If you can remember the PS3 launch—it's OK if you can't, it was a while ago—that too was in time for the holiday shopping season (November 2006 for Japan and North America).
                  SO LONG, PS3 GAMES

                  Remember how the PlayStation 3 swiftly dropped the ability to play PS2 games? Well, our main source tell us the Orbis won't even bother, and that Sony has no plans to offer backwards compatibility for its existing catalogue of PS3 games.
                  SO LONG, USED GAMES
                  BACK IN DECEMBER... A post left on Pastebin back in December also referred to the PlayStation 4 as Orbis, calling it a codename in the same vein as Microsoft's Durango. The system specs in that post differ significantly from what Kotaku has heard, and the lack of a hard drive by default goes against the idea of downloading full games to the system.
                  The Pastebin post also mentions that big name developers like EA were disappointed by an Orbis much less powerful than Microsoft's next machine, so there's a chance that it's the story of an earlier prototype that didn't make the grade. We've reached out to EA for comment.
                  Just like the next Xbox/Durango, we've heard from multiple sources that the Orbis will likewise have some kind of anti-used games measures built into the console. Here's how our main source says it's currently shaping up: new games for the system will be available one of two ways, either on a Blu-Ray disc or as a PSN download (yes, even full retail titles). If you buy the disc, it must be locked to a single PSN account, after which you can play the game, save the whole thing to your HDD, or peg it as "downloaded" in your account history and be free to download it at a later date.
                  Don't think you can simply buy the disc and stay offline, though; like many PC games these days, you'll need to have a PSN account and be online to even get the thing started. UPDATE - Since some people seem to have taken this to mean the console requires an "always on" intenet connection, we've heard nothing about that. All we've heard is that you need to authenticate a new game online via the PSN.
                  If you then decide to trade that disc in, the pre-owned customer picking it up will be limited in what they can do. While our sources were unclear on how exactly the pre-owned customer side of things would work, it's believed used games will be limited to a trial mode or some other form of content restriction, with consumers having to pay a fee to unlock/register the full game.
                  This would allow used games to continue to be sold at outlets such as GameStop, while also appeasing major publishers who would no longer have to implement their own haphazard approaches to "online passes".
                  That's all we've got for you at the moment. Remember, none of this information is confirmed, and even the information that is locked down in March 2012 may change before the console's eventual release. This is just what we've been told Sony is working on and planning for as of today. That being the case, how do you think it's shaping up?


                πάντως τα περι 4k αναλύσεων μου ακούγονται μούφες, ας τρέχουν τα games σε 1080p και ειμαστε εντάξει.

                Αν έχει τέτοιο hardware θα ειναι πολύ ακριβό πάντως. Αντε κανά 600άρι και βάλε, θα το αγοράσει πολύς κόσμος...
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                • Αν αυτό είναι αλήθεια, τότε και η Sony μας απογοητεύει. Είναι όπως το φοβόμουν. Αντιγράφουν την Microsoft, αλλά στα χειρότερα της.

                  Όμως το άλλο πρόβλημα είναι και η απαγόρευση των used games. Ελπίζω να μην είναι αλήθεια. Τώρα μένει να δούμε, αν θα είναι region locked.


                  • WTF???????????????????
                    Μη Backwards Compatibility και μη used Games?!


                    • MH used games?

                      Day 1 jailbreak
                      Originally posted by Raf
                      Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


                      • Καταλαβαίνετε τι πάει να πει αυτό; Θα κάνουν χρυσωρύχεια τα παιχνίδια τους οι λιανοπώληδες.


                        • Μακάρι να ισχύει αυτό το μπλοκάρισμα των used games γιατί θέλω πολύ να δω τι αντίκτυπο θα χει στις πωλήσεις software.
                          Do a barrel roll!


                          • Λογικα αν γινει κατι τετοιο θα το κανουν και οι 2(ΜS,sony) και σιγουρα δεν ξυπνησαν μια μερα και ειπαν τελος τα used games.Εχουν ανταλλαξει αποψεις με studios,γιατι δεν υπαρχει περιπτωση να προχωρησουν σε κατι τετοιο με το ρισκο να φανε ακυρο.
                            Λογικα θα υπαρχει υποστηριξη απο τους third party σε μια τετοια κινηση.Οποτε το διλλημα θα ειναι μαλλον καινουρια games ή καθολου games.Δεν νομιζω οτι θα υπαρχει η αλλη επιλογη(εφοσον δεν σπασουν :troll.

                            Εχει αρχισει αλλωστε ο πολεμος στα used games με πρωτη την ΕΑ,οποτε για εκει το παμε καλως ή κακως.


                            • Originally posted by Ramparter View Post
                              Μακάρι να ισχύει αυτό το μπλοκάρισμα των used games γιατί θέλω πολύ να δω τι αντίκτυπο θα χει στις πωλήσεις software.
                              Αυτό όντως έχει ενδιαφέρων από αυτήν την άποψη.

                              Εχουν ανταλλαξει αποψεις με studios
                              Καλά εννοείτε ότι είναι θέμα των publishers, αυτοί πιέζουν για τα used games.


                              • Originally posted by Ramparter View Post
                                Μακάρι να ισχύει αυτό το μπλοκάρισμα των used games γιατί θέλω πολύ να δω τι αντίκτυπο θα χει στις πωλήσεις software.
                                Εσύ τι νομίζεις ότι θα γίνει; Εγώ νομίζω ότι θα γίνει πόλεμος πειρατών, γιατί εξαιτίας του περιορισμένου αποθέματος, θα θέλουν να τα σπάσουν για να μπορέσουν να τα αγοράσουν και να τα παίξουν.

                                Μόνο μη διανοηθούν να σκεφτούν το region-lock.

