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Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii
(σημειωση προς τον Paixtis: ειναι unofficial hack του NSMB Wii)
Προσωπικα με εντυπωσιασε.
Δε μοιαζει καφρικο σα το Bros 2 hack, ενω απ' την αλλη δειχνει να εχει μερικα πολυ πρωτοτυπα σε design level και να υλοποιει ακομη και τελειως δικους του μηχανισμους.
This is our latest trailer for Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii, showcasing some of the new hacks, levels and graphics you will see in the final game.
Newer is a full hack of New Super Mario Bros. for Wii, created by a team of devoted Nintendo fans. It features over a hundred new levels, plus new maps, music, gameplay mechanics, graphics, enemies and more. It is playable legally on any homebrew-capable Wii console without piracy or ISOs. Releasing November 2011!
All characters, some of the assets, music and coding owned by NINTENDO, our team does not claim the rights to any of those.