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That guy with the glasses: Kickassia!

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  • #16
    Ontws to History of Power Rangers to Parakolouthw apo to prwto Video pou evgale, o Linkara exei kanei ekseretiko afieroma, malista epeidh asxoloumai me Super Sentai apo palia, arxisa na ksanavlepw thn seira Bioman pou eixe kykloforisei kai sta Ellhnika paliotera poly prin tous Power Rangers.

    Wriste kai h agaphmenh mou ths seiras, h Farrah Cat:
    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Valte na deite sto 3:20, to kefali ths Farrah cat den xtypaei me to kefali kai to podi ths Kitrinhs 4 gia ekatosta!!!!
    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
    "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
    But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
    Kindred, this blade and I.

    "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
    Greek Gaming Videos
    Greek Final Fantasy Forum


    • #17
      Έλα να παίρνουμε λίγο μπρος

      Suburban Knights Part 1

      Από σήμερα και κάθε μέρα νέο επεισόδιο. Πάρτε και το trailer. Μήπως να μετονομαστεί και το thread επειδή έχει περάσει ένας χρόνος από το Kickassia ?

      PK World - Τα πάντα για Disney comics!


      • #18
        To eida kai egw, mexri stigmhs poly poly poly kalytero apo to kickasia.
        Vevaia yparxoun kai kapoioi opws o Filmbrain pou den vlepontai, alla h olh fash exei poly gelio.

        Oi agaphmenoi mou einai o Critic, o Linkara, o Benzaie, o Spoony kai o Dragumraju (h opws legetai o Mati apo captain planet telos pantwn), alla se afto to episodio dwsane resta kai o Jew Warrio pou den ton paw katholou, o Handsome Tom kai o 8-bit mickey pou tsantistike lol.
        Perimenw edw kai ena mhna na dw ti tha ginei, tha riksoume wraia gousta

        Allazw to onoma tou topic, otan oloklhrwthei h seira tha ta valw ola sto arxiko post.
        "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
        But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
        Kindred, this blade and I.

        "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
        Greek Gaming Videos
        Greek Final Fantasy Forum


        • #19
          Exoun vgei ta Suburban Knights 2 kai 3

          O Phelous einai to megalytero phail ekei mesa kai paramenei xalia se ola ta episodia, he can't act for the love of god pou lene!
          O Filmbrain parolo pou einai aparadektos ta katafernei kai pernaei katw apo to radar, h Nistalgia chick enw einai se kalyterh moira apo tous allous, einai entelws krya.
          Apo thn allh meria o Joe kai o Spoony ta spane apistefta.
          Gelasa para poly epishs me ton JewWario, ton Brand (indiana jones), ton 8-bit mickey kai ton handsome Tom.

          Poly diakomwdish apo monty python kai apo tis tainies pou paristanei o kathenas, tha epimeinw sthn arxikh apopsh oti afto einai POLY kalytero apo to kickassia.

          Eliwsa sta gelia otan o Spoony prospathise na peisei tous allous oti paizoun D&D, opws epishs me oles tis skhnes to Joe kai thn fash me thn mama sthn paidikh xara.
          "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
          But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
          Kindred, this blade and I.

          "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
          Greek Gaming Videos
          Greek Final Fantasy Forum


          • #20
            To phail synexizei me to party tou Critic, to party tou Spoony einai kata makran to kalytero.

            My name is Inigo Montoya motherfuckers!
            "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
            But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
            Kindred, this blade and I.

            "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
            Greek Gaming Videos
            Greek Final Fantasy Forum


            • #21
              Είδα τα 4 μέρη. Όντως είναι πολύ καλύτερο από το Kickassia, χωρίς αυτό να μειώνει την αξία του Kickassia. Απλά το νέο είναι κλάσεις ανώτερο. Αναλυτικές εντυπώσεις θα πέσουν μόλις τα δω όλα. Μέχρι στιγμής, εκτός από τον Doug, αυτοί που δίνουν ρέστα είναι ο Joe, ο Spoony και φυσικά ο Jew Wario, ενώ ακολουθούν Indiana, Tom, 8-bit Mickey κλπ. Αγαπημένο σκηνικό μέχρι στιγμής η μονομαχία στην παιδική χαρά, μιλάμε για τρελό γέλιο και πολλές αναφορές από τα σκηνικά κυρίως του Indy αλλά και των υπολοίπων. Αποκορύφωμα η πατάτα που έκανε ο Joe με το κοριτσάκι, λύθηκα στο γέλιο

              Ο Wario μου αρέσει σαν reviewer, έχω δει πολλά βίντεο από αυτόν, όμως τώρα ξεπερνάει τον εαυτό του. Από την άλλη ο Phelous όντως δεν το κατέχει το άθλημα, αλλά οκ, δεν είναι και τόσο άσχημος.

              PK World - Τα πάντα για Disney comics!


              • #22
                To skhniko sthn paidikh xara einai koryfaio.
                O Brad Jones (indiana) an den htan toso varemenos tha htan eksisou kalos me to top 4 IMO.
                O 8-bit Mickey ontws se afto to special gamaei!

                To parapono mou einai apo ton Critic kai ton Linkara, einai kai oi 2 koryfaioi, alla se afto to special den einai katholou kala grammenoi oi roloi tous :/
                To mono shmeio pou goustara apo Linkara einai pou arxise na tragoudaei "Youre the one that I love" sto asxeto.
                O Benzaie epishs den exei kanei mexri stigmhs tipote.

                Ton Phelous den thelw kan na ton syzhtaw, katafere kai einai xeiroteros apo ton Filmbrain pragma pou thewrousa adynaton.
                "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                Kindred, this blade and I.

                "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                Greek Gaming Videos
                Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                • #23
                  Eida kai to pempto, to xeirotero mexri stigmhs.
                  To mona asteia shmeia htan paradoksws afto me ton Filmbrain kai vevaia afto me ton aderfo tou Doug pou evgalan mesa apo to vivlio.

                  Ekplhksh htan o "That dude with the swade" (anime reviewer), aftos eixe fygei sthn nea zhlandia gia 10 xronia ypotithetai lol pote ksanagyrise?
                  Kalh fash!
                  "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                  But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                  Kindred, this blade and I.

                  "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                  Greek Gaming Videos
                  Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                  • #24
                    To shmerino episodio mas apozhmiwse gia to xthesino.
                    Apla espeire, me unexpected cameo apo AVGN, mexri stigmhs to kalitero apo ola ta prohgoumena.
                    Anamenoume to teleftaio avrio.
                    "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                    But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                    Kindred, this blade and I.

                    "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                    Greek Gaming Videos
                    Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                    • #25
                      Telos kai to fetino special, to teleftaio episeodio htan wraio, gelasa arketa.
                      Genika oloklhro to special aiwnes mprosta apo to prohgoumeno kai kanei setup to epomeno gia tou xronou.

                      Vazw edw ola ta link olwn twn episodiwn kai tha ta prosthesw kai sto arxiko post:

                      Suburban Knights - Part 1
                      Suburban Knights - Part 2
                      Suburban Knights - Part 3
                      Suburban Knights - Part 4
                      Suburban Knights - Part 5
                      Suburban Knights - Part 6
                      Suburban Knights - Part 7
                      "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                      But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                      Kindred, this blade and I.

                      "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                      Greek Gaming Videos
                      Greek Final Fantasy Forum

