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  • #16
    Φίλε Ground zero νομίζω πως ξεχνάς κάτι πολύ σημαντικό. Δεν ξέρω ποια είναι η μεγαλύτερη καρκινική λέξη στον κόσμο, ξέρω όμως ότι υπάρχει μία Ελληνική που είναι μεγαλύτερη από αυτήν που ανέφερες.
    Me prolave o Ramparter, alla allo 1 leksh kai allo oloklhrh protash
    "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
    But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
    Kindred, this blade and I.

    "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
    Greek Gaming Videos
    Greek Final Fantasy Forum


    • #17
      Ποιο από τα δύο βρίσκεις πιο εντυπωσιακό εσύ δηλαδή;


      • #18
        Sygnwmh alla pragmatika, afto einai to thema?
        Ean hthela tha mporousa na eixa anaferei thn protash, alla mias pou oloi thn kseroun kai einai antitheto me ton titlo tou Topic, eipa na anaferw thn megalyterh leksh.
        "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
        But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
        Kindred, this blade and I.

        "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
        Greek Gaming Videos
        Greek Final Fantasy Forum


        • #19
          Τέλειο το 3
          Γαμάτο το 4
          OMG το 6
          ΕΠΟΣ το 11
          There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
          Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


          • #20
            Αυτό με τον συλλαβισμό των αριθμών στα αγγλικά είναι όντως...
            "...You can have all the faith you want in spirits, and the afterlife, and heaven and hell, but when it comes to this world, don't be an idiot. Cause you can tell me you put your faith in God to put you through the day, but when it comes time to cross the road, i know you look both ways..."


            • #21
              Proswpika to 13 mou ekane thn megalyterh entypwsh
              "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
              But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
              Kindred, this blade and I.

              "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
              Greek Gaming Videos
              Greek Final Fantasy Forum

