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Little Big Planet 2

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  • #61
    Originally posted by BigBOSS View Post
    Το GOTY πρέπει να δίνεται σε οποιοδηποτε game προσφερει κάτι νέο και φρέσκο.
    Do a barrel roll!


    • #62
      E κοίταξε αν είχα δύο games που προσέφεραν κάτι νέο και φρέσκο αλλά το πρώτο είχε μια ιστορία 20 ετών, άρα και ένα παρελθόν στο οποίο πατάει και έχει καθιερωθεί στην συνείδηση των gamers ως κάτι το ποιοτικό, ενώ το δεύτερο κυκλοφόρησε μόλις τώρα κάνοντας τεράστια επιτυχία και fans απο το μηδέν (συν αυτό που είπαμε παραπάνω) ε τότε θα διάλεγα το δεύτερο ως GOTY. Το αξίζει περισσότερο.
      Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


      • #63
        Επειδή έχει ενδιαφέρον η συζήτηση, τι λέτε να ανοίξουμε ένα θέμα για το πότε ένας τίτλος αξίζει να γίνει GOTY;


        • #64
          Tech Interview: LittleBigPlanet 2
          In Digital Foundry's last Saturday feature before the onslaught of E3, we talk to one of Media Molecule's tech mastermi…

          Ενδιαφερον interview που δεν μενει μονο στα τεχνικα θεματα.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Evans View Post
            Επειδή έχει ενδιαφέρον η συζήτηση, τι λέτε να ανοίξουμε ένα θέμα για το πότε ένας τίτλος αξίζει να γίνει GOTY;

            Pistepse me de to thes auto. se paw stoixima se 3 selides tha leme pali an to killzone 2 eftase to CGI prwto video tou 2005. Think about it.

            Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


            • #66
              "off topic mode ON"
              Ε ας δούμε πως θα ξεκινήσει το θέμα και τι γνώμες θα ειπωθούν και ας καταλήξουμε στο θέμα που είπες δεν πειράζει.Άλλωστε το ταξίδι μετράει σωστά;
              "off topic mode OFF"
              Carpe diem


              • #67

                Θα κυκλοφορησει και θα ειμαι φανταρος!


                • #68
                  Interview: Media Molecule's Alex Evans, on LittleBigPlanet 2

                  Ωραιο interview.
                  Θελω να σταθω σε ενα κομματι ομως της συνεντευξης που μου εκανε εντυπωση και δειχνει την δυναμικη που εχει το παιχνιδι.

                  Μια απο της ερωτησεις περιλαμβανει το ονομα ενος LBP gamer,τον Johnny.Ο evans αρχιζει λοιπον να μιλαει για αυτον.''It's an interesting story'' λεει....και η συνεχεια παρακατω.
                  It's an interesting story. What's amazing about him is that he had these levels that had this narrative twist to them. It's really hard to tell stories in LBP 1, we don't give you a lot of features, while in LBP 2 we give you Sackbots, we give you voiceovers. We saw his levels, and the community was actually emailing us, saying, "check this guy out," over and over again. So we sent him a PSN message saying "come down to the studio," and we didn't know who he was or anything about him.

                  It turned out that he left school at 16-years-old, and he worked for his dad at his own construction company, and just was a gamer, really. He had never done a job interview in his life, so when he was finally convinced by the community that we weren't just spamming him with fake PSN messages, he turned up. He's a really sweet guy, quite young, never had a job interview before, so he showed up in a borrowed suit, sweating, like holding his PS3 in his arm. He came up in this beat up construction van, like a Ford Transit van, and turned up, just sweating and sweating.

                  He had all these unpublished levels, and told us "I haven't published these yet, because they're not perfect," and we were all crowded around the monitor, just asking "how did you do that? How did you do that?" He was showing us ways of using our tools which, we guess we knew it was possible on some level, but on another level, the way he was using it was really inspiring. He's what we now jokingly call an "insta-hire," it was just like, done.

                  He's been an amazing shaper of the tools we're working on, he just immediately gets down to it. He doesn't use a PC, he just uses a PS3 all day, just building levels, but with these ropey builds we kept giving him, like "okay, Johnny, what did you think about that?" It's been great.
                  Εβαλα στο καπακι LBP για να δω ποιος ειναι αυτος ο Johnny.Kαι ειδα οτι ειχα hearted 2 πιστες του(πριν μπω στρατο νομιζω).Μου ειχαν κανει μεγαλη εντυπωση τοτε(τωρα πλεον εχω δει μαλλον καλυτερα πραγματα,αλλα και αυτος θα σιγουρα εδειχνε ακομα καλυτερα πραγματα αν συνεχιζε να δημιουργει πιστες),διοτι ειδα για πρωτη φορα trailer(λολ) για μια πιστα που θα εβγαζε,αλλα και εφε εκρηξεων που δεν ειχα ξαναδει και δεν υπαρχουν ως tools απο την MM.
                  Αυτος τωρα δουλευει για την ΜΜ οπως και αλλοι 3 που τους ξεχωρισε η MM,για διαφορους λογους.(ενας απο αυτους ειναι νομιζω και ο τυπος που καταφερε να φτιαξει backround σε 50 layers)


                  • #69
                    Με ένα σμπάρο δυο τρυγόνια. Και έδωσε στους gamers τη δυνατότητα να δημιουργήσουν δικές τους πίστες, και μέσα από αυτό κυνήγησε ταλέντα. Αξιέπαινη κίνηση.

                    PK World - Τα πάντα για Disney comics!


                    • #70
                      Ενα παραδειγμα για το πως λειτουργει ενα cutscene στο LBP2.
                      btw το voice over το κανει ο Johnee(βλ προηγουμενο ποστ μου) ως μελος της Mm πλεον.Η πιστα ειναι απο το story mode.



                      • #71
                        Νεο trailer



                        • #72
                          Τι είχα πει για το Creative;Δε θυμάμαι πια,Ξεχάστε τα κι εσείς.Αυτός ο τίτλος δεν έχει αντίπαλο.Άντε πλησιάζει η μέρα που θα πάρω κι εγώ ps3.
                          Carpe diem


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Altair View Post
                            Αυτός ο τίτλος δεν έχει αντίπαλο.Άντε πλησιάζει η μέρα που θα πάρω κι εγώ ps3.
                            Aρκεί να έχει κάποιος όρεξη, ιδέες και χρόνο.
                            Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                            • #74
                              Trailer απο την εκθεση.


                              • #75
                                I played a LittleBigPlanet 2 basketball game with Media Molecule co-founder Alex Evans today, then watched someone else control multiple Sackbots in a puzzle game. Both were very different from LittleBigPlanet's platforming sections. Neither was as cool as the racing game Evans demonstrated. The racing game itself, which saw a Sackboy ride on a fuzzy caterpillar-like beast, wasn't particularly spectacular looking. Sackboy simply had to avoid fiery obstacles and roadblocks. It was how that racing game was built, using LittleBigPlanet 2's new music sequencer and synth tool, that was so unexpected.
                                Yes, someone made a song that turned into a race track. And it turns out that music sequencing in LittleBigPlanet 2 will enable creators to do much more than that.
                                For the purposes of building a race track, the sequencer tool makes a lot of sense. The top-down racetrack consisted of a starting point connected to the rest of the level, then a bunch of track sections that were built further away, floating in empty space. Those racetrack sections were essentially samples, speaking in music sequencer terms. As the timeline on the music sequencer moved forward, those racetrack samples transitioned from one to the next, making a complete, playable course.
                                Evans showed us the racetrack's timeline, which looked like note chart of increasing and decreasing track section difficulties. Anyone who's ever used a sequencer or timeline in, say FruityLoops, GarageBand, Flash or Adobe Premiere, should feel comfortable with using a tool like this to create levels, cinematics or racetracks. That tool, Evans says, has helped LittleBigPlanet level designers create much faster than the methods used in the original game, a more efficient replacement for switches and levers.
                                Of course, LittleBigPlanet 2's sequencer can be used for its intended purpose: to make songs. Evans accessed the sequencer from a Sackboy's pop-it menu and threw together a quick tune comprised of honkytonk piano, beatbox kicks and snares. It was "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" with some erratic beatboxing layered on top.
                                Evans then added an effect to a block, making it switch from a safe wooden material to a dangerous molten brick, then back again. All he had to do was tie that danger cue to the sequencer timeline, further illustrating how powerful that tool can be in creating levels.
                                If you found the time investment required to craft a level or cinematic or custom game in the original LittleBigPlanet not worth the reward, it might be worth taking another look at LittleBigPlanet 2. It's due to hit the PlayStation 3 in North America and Europe this November.
                                I played a LittleBigPlanet 2 basketball game with Media Molecule co-founder Alex Evans today, then watched someone else control multiple Sackbots in a puzzle game. Both were very different from LittleBigPlanet's platforming sections. Neither was as cool as the racing game Evans demonstrated.


