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Duke Nukem Forever

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  • Duke Nukem Forever

    The following things have been accomplished between Duke Nukem Forever's announcement on April 28th, 1997 and its death on May 6th, 2009...

    Popular Video Game Series Releases

    Duke Nukem:

    * Duke Nukem 64 (Nintendo 64 - October 1997)
    * Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (PlayStation 1 - 1998)
    * Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (Nintendo 64, - 1999)
    * Duke Nukem (Game Boy Color - 1999)
    * Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (PlayStation 1 - 2000)
    * Duke Nukem: Advance (Game Boy Advance - 2002)
    * Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (PC - 2002)
    * Duke Nukem Mobile (Sidescroller): (Mobile Phones - 2004)
    * Duke Nukem Mobile (3D): (Tapwave Zodiac - 2004, Mobile Phones - 2005)
    * Duke Nukem Mobile II: Bikini Project (Mobile Phones - 2005)

    Final Fantasy:

    * Main Series
    o Final Fantasy VII
    o Final Fantasy VIII
    o Final Fantasy IX
    o Final Fantasy X
    + Final Fantasy X-2
    o Final Fantasy XI
    o Final Fantasy XII
    * Cell Phone Games
    o Before Crisis: Final Fantasy
    o Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
    o Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode
    * Tactics Series
    o Final Fantasy Tactics
    o Final Fantasy Tactice Advance
    * Crystal Chronicles Series
    o Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
    o Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
    o Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearer
    * Remakes
    o Final Fantasy Collection
    o Final Fantasy Anthology
    o Final Fantasy Chronicles
    o Final Fantasy Origins
    o Final Fantasy I & 2: Dawn of Souls
    o Final Fantasy III DS
    o Final Fantasy IV DS
    o Final Fantasy IV Advance
    o Final Fantasy V Advance
    o Final Fantasi VI Advance
    * Games Featuring Final Fantasy Characters
    o Ehrgeiz
    o Kingtom Hearts
    o Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
    o Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
    o Kingdom Hearts II
    * Movies, Anime Series & Concerts
    o Final Fantasy: The Sprits Within
    o Final Fantasy: Unlimited, Entire Series
    o Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    o Final Fantasy: Dear Friends, Entire World Tour

    Grand Theft Auto:

    * Grand Theft Auto
    o Grand Theft Auto, Gameboy Color Port
    * Grand Theft Auto
    * Grand Theft Auto: London 1969
    * Grand Theft Auto: London 1961
    * Grand Theft Auto 2
    * Grand Theft Auto III
    * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    * Grand Theft Auto Advance
    * Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
    o Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, PS2 Port
    * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
    * Grand Theft Auto IV
    * Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

    The Legend of Zelda:

    * Ocarina of Time
    * Majora's Mask
    * Oracle of Ages
    * Oracle of Seasons
    * The Wind Waker
    * Four Swords Adventures
    * The Minish Cap
    * Six remakes of previous Zelda titles for the Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance and Gamecube.
    o Link's Awakening DX, Gameboy Color
    o A Link to the Past, Gameboy Advance
    o Ocarina of Time, Gamecube
    o The Zelda Collector Edition, Gamecube
    o Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda, Gameboy Advance
    o Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Gameboy Advance
    * Phantom Hourglass
    * Twilight Princess

    The Sims:

    * The Sims
    * The Sims: Livin' Large
    * The Sims: House Party
    * The Sims: Hot Date
    * The Sims: Vacation
    * The Sims: Unleashed
    * The Sims: Superstar
    * The Sims: Makin' Magic
    * The Sims Online
    * The Sims 2
    * The Sims 2: University
    * The Sims 2: Nightlife
    * The Sims 2: Open for Business
    * The Sims (Console Port)
    * The Sims Bustin' Out
    * The Sims 2 (Console Port)
    * The Urbz: Sims in the City

    Other Popular Game Series:

    * Over 75 games based in the MegaMan universe, and 12 games featuring MegaMan universe character cameos.
    * Over 50 games based in the Star Wars universe.
    * Mario has appeared in over 50 different video games.
    * Every Massive Multiplayer Online game and expansion with the exception of Meridian 59.
    * Every Dance Dance Revolution and Bemani rhythm game
    * Every Pokemon game released outside of Japan.
    * Every Unreal, every Unreal Tournament, and every game that has used any of the Unreal engines.
    * Quake 2, 3, 4, and countless games that have used their engines.
    * Every Tony Hawk and extreme sport spin-off game.
    * Daikatana began development 10 days before Duke Nukem Forever- Unfortunately no one was made John Romero's bitch when it hit retail shelves on May 23rd, 2000.
    * 3DRealms and Remedy bring Max Payne and its sequel from concepts to finished games, porting both to Xbox and PS2, and Mark Wahlberg even starred in a mediocre full length feature film based on the series.
    * Valve released both Half-Life 1 and 2, with several expansion packs and countless mods for each.
    * Every version of Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Source were developed.
    * Every Thief game.
    * Black Isle was formed, released seven titles and was shut down.
    * The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and IV:Oblivion, and the entire Baldur's Gate series.
    * Wizards of the Coast has printed six Core Sets, 30 Expansion Sets of Magic: The Gathering. If someone bought one of every single card printed since DNF was announced, they would have a collection of over 100,000 cards.
    * Every installment of Metal Gear Solid released to date, as well as Ghost Babel (MGS for the Gameboy) and the Metal Gear Acid series for PSP.
    * A garage full of programmers in Croatia (Croteam) developed the engine and created the game Serious Sam. Since then there have been multiple sequels and console ports- all off a fraction of the money 3D Realms has blown on DNF's development.
    * Every 3D Prince of Persia game.
    * Aside from Wolfenstein 3D, every single First Person Shooter based during World War II, including the entire Medal of Honor series.
    * While DNF was been in production, Blizzard Entertainment, another studio famous for delays, has released four full games(Starcraft, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, and World of Warcraft), with expansions for all of them.
    * Bioware released Neverwinter Nights with two expansions, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Jade Empire. All games are deep, lengthy RPGs that demand multiple playthroughs.
    * The entire Halo trilogy.
    * Every Gran Turismo game.
    * Team Fortress 2

    Video Game Systems:

    * Microsoft XBOX
    * Microsoft XBOX 360
    o Several revisions including the Elite and Halo Edition
    * Nintendo GameCube
    * Nintendo Wii
    * Nintendo Gameboy Color
    * Gameboy Advance
    o Gameboy Advance SP
    o Gameboy Micro
    * Nintendo DS
    o Nintendo DS Lite
    o Nintendo DSi
    * Sega Dreamcast
    * Sony PSone
    * Sony Playstation 2
    o Sony Slim Playstation 2
    * Sony Playstation 3
    o Several revisions with different hardware, pack-ins, and backwards compatibility options
    * Sony PSP
    o Sony PSP Slim

    * Over 4500 games were released for the above video game systems in the United States.
    * Over 350,000,000 consoles and handhelds were sold worldwide.
    Για να μαθαίνουν οι μικροί και να θυμούνται οι μεγάλοι !

    edit: Διόρθωσα και εμπλούτισα κάπως το κείμενο όλο. Συγχώνευσα και τις πληροφορίες που ήταν μονάχα ένα link.

    Είπα να ανοίξω αυτό το θέμα στην επιστροφή του "Γ@μ@ω και δέρνω Εξωγήινους" Δούκα, αφιερώνοντας του αυτό το video στην επιστροφή του μετά από την χρόνια αναβολή του.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

  • #2
    Neogaf τρέμε τα τιτανοτεράστια OT μας!! Ρε παιδιά αν ανοιγετε thread για game εμπλουτίστε το λίγο. Επίσης για το forever ούτε ημ/νια δεν ξέρουμε ακόμη. Δηλαδη πέραν του οτι θα το ολοκληρώσει η Gearbox ξέρουμε τίποτα άλλο για να μιλήσουμε? Gameplay στοιχεία. story, multiplayer etc? Απλά δηλαδή με το που ανακοινώνεται ένα παιχνίδι θα ανοίγουμε thread απλά για να υπάρχει? Πιστεύω πως καλύτερα κάτι τέτοιο να συμβαίνει λίγο πριν βγει ένα παιχνίδι ένα αντε δύο μήνες πριν με συγκεντρωμένες τις όποιες πληροφοριες σε ένα original post.

    Εκτός κι αν θέλετε να μιλάμε για το mighty foot
    «Should Shinobi fail before completing the mission, he will disappear before the dawn and vanish forever.»


    • #3
      Πιστεύω πως καλύτερα κάτι τέτοιο να συμβαίνει λίγο πριν βγει ένα παιχνίδι ένα αντε δύο μήνες πριν με συγκεντρωμένες τις όποιες πληροφοριες σε ένα original post.
      To καλύτερο είναι να ανοίγεται ένα thread για ένα συγκεκριμένο τίτλο όταν υπάρχουν αρκετές πληροφορίες για αυτό, έστω και αν αργεί ακόμα η κυκλοφορία του. Στην παρούσα φάση όπως είπες δε γνωρίζουμε απολύτως τίποτα. Τι σκας μωρέ, σε 6 μήνες θα έχουμε ακόμα 2 threads για το ίδιο παιχνίδι και θα γράφουμε διαφορετικά posts στο καθένα.


      • #4
        ας γινεται ενα copy-paste απο τις παρουσιασεις του neogaf καλυτερα (στα οποια δεν παιζεται), να αποχτησει και λιγο πρεστιζ το forum

        για να γινει original post παρουσιαση πρεπει αυτος που θα την κανει να χαλασει αρκετη ωρα και σιγουρα δεν θα βγει τοσο καλη οσο του neogaf οποτε τσαμπα κοπος


        • #5
          Βασικά το Duke Nukem Forever δεν έχει ανακοινωθεί καμιά 20ριά φορές τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια? Τώρα μας έπιασε η αγωνία?

          O Duke διατηρεί τη γοητεία του μετά από τόσα χρόνια και τόσους "άντρες" επειδή είναι TRUE και ΑΥΘΕΝΤΙΚΟΣ. Πάρτε οποιοδήποτε φλώρο του Gears of War, ο Δούκας θα τον σκοτώσει, θα τον χέσει και θα πηδήξει τη γκόμενά του. ΤΕΛΟΣ.
          Τι βλέπεις όταν έχεις πράσινα μάτια?

          Στο Βιλαμπάχο ακόμα τρίβουν...

          Η μόνη διαφορά ανάμεσα σε μένα και σε ένα τρελό είναι πως εγώ δεν είμαι τρελός - Σαλβαδόρ Νταλί


          • #6
            Mια που δεν έχουμε περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το παιχνίδι ας αρχίσουμε με καλτ ποστ και ότι ήθελε προκύψει.Και εγένετω neogaf.

            The following things have been accomplished between Duke Nukem Forever's announcement on April 28th, 1997 and its death on May 6th, 2009...

            Popular Video Game Series Releases
            Duke Nukem

            * Duke Nukem 64 (Nintendo 64 - October 1997)
            * Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (PlayStation 1 - 1998)
            * Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (Nintendo 64, - 1999)
            * Duke Nukem (Game Boy Color - 1999)
            * Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (PlayStation 1 - 2000)
            * Duke Nukem: Advance (Game Boy Advance - 2002)
            * Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (PC - 2002)
            * Duke Nukem Mobile (Sidescroller): (Mobile Phones - 2004)
            * Duke Nukem Mobile (3D): (Tapwave Zodiac - 2004, Mobile Phones - 2005)
            * Duke Nukem Mobile II: Bikini Project (Mobile Phones - 2005)

            Final Fantasy:

            * Main Series
            o Final Fantasy VII
            o Final Fantasy VIII
            o Final Fantasy IX
            o Final Fantasy X
            + Final Fantasy X-2
            o Final Fantasy XI
            o Final Fantasy XII
            * Cell Phone Games
            o Before Crisis: Final Fantasy
            o Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
            o Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode
            * Tactics Series
            o Final Fantasy Tactics
            o Final Fantasy Tactice Advance
            * Crystal Chronicles Series
            o Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
            o Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
            o Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearer
            * Remakes
            o Final Fantasy Collection
            o Final Fantasy Anthology
            o Final Fantasy Chronicles
            o Final Fantasy Origins
            o Final Fantasy I & 2: Dawn of Souls
            o Final Fantasy III DS
            o Final Fantasy IV DS
            o Final Fantasy IV Advance
            o Final Fantasy V Advance
            o Final Fantasi VI Advance
            * Games Featuring Final Fantasy Characters
            o Ehrgeiz
            o Kingtom Hearts
            o Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
            o Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix
            o Kingdom Hearts II
            * Movies, Anime Series & Concerts
            o Final Fantasy: The Sprits Within
            o Final Fantasy: Unlimited, Entire Series
            o Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
            o Final Fantasy: Dear Friends, Entire World Tour

            Grand Theft Auto:

            * Grand Theft Auto
            o Grand Theft Auto, Gameboy Color Port
            * Grand Theft Auto
            * Grand Theft Auto: London 1969
            * Grand Theft Auto: London 1961
            * Grand Theft Auto 2
            * Grand Theft Auto III
            * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
            * Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
            * Grand Theft Auto Advance
            * Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
            o Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, PS2 Port
            * Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
            * Grand Theft Auto IV
            * Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

            The Legend of Zelda:

            * Ocarina of Time
            * Majora's Mask
            * Oracle of Ages
            * Oracle of Seasons
            * The Wind Waker
            * Four Swords Adventures
            * The Minish Cap
            * Six remakes of previous Zelda titles for the Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance and Gamecube.
            o Link's Awakening DX, Gameboy Color
            o A Link to the Past, Gameboy Advance
            o Ocarina of Time, Gamecube
            o The Zelda Collector Edition, Gamecube
            o Classic NES Series: The Legend of Zelda, Gameboy Advance
            o Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Gameboy Advance
            * Phantom Hourglass
            * Twilight Princess

            The Sims:

            * The Sims
            * The Sims: Livin' Large
            * The Sims: House Party
            * The Sims: Hot Date
            * The Sims: Vacation
            * The Sims: Unleashed
            * The Sims: Superstar
            * The Sims: Makin' Magic
            * The Sims Online
            * The Sims 2
            * The Sims 2: University
            * The Sims 2: Nightlife
            * The Sims 2: Open for Business
            * The Sims (Console Port)
            * The Sims Bustin' Out
            * The Sims 2 (Console Port)
            * The Urbz: Sims in the City

            Other Popular Game Series:

            * Over 75 games based in the MegaMan universe, and 12 games featuring MegaMan universe character cameos.
            * Over 50 games based in the Star Wars universe.
            * Mario has appeared in over 50 different video games.
            * Every Massive Multiplayer Online game and expansion with the exception of Meridian 59.
            * Every Dance Dance Revolution and Bemani rhythm game
            * Every Pokemon game released outside of Japan.
            * Every Unreal, every Unreal Tournament, and every game that has used any of the Unreal engines.
            * Quake 2, 3, 4, and countless games that have used their engines.
            * Every Tony Hawk and extreme sport spin-off game.
            * Daikatana began development 10 days before Duke Nukem Forever- Unfortunately no one was made John Romero's bitch when it hit retail shelves on May 23rd, 2000.
            * 3DRealms and Remedy bring Max Payne and its sequel from concepts to finished games, porting both to Xbox and PS2, and Mark Wahlberg even starred in a mediocre full length feature film based on the series.
            * Valve released both Half-Life 1 and 2, with several expansion packs and countless mods for each.
            * Every version of Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Source were developed.
            * Every Thief game.
            * Black Isle was formed, released seven titles and was shut down.
            * The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and IV:Oblivion, and the entire Baldur's Gate series.
            * Wizards of the Coast has printed six Core Sets, 30 Expansion Sets of Magic: The Gathering. If someone bought one of every single card printed since DNF was announced, they would have a collection of over 100,000 cards.
            * Every installment of Metal Gear Solid released to date, as well as Ghost Babel (MGS for the Gameboy) and the Metal Gear Acid series for PSP.
            * A garage full of programmers in Croatia (Croteam) developed the engine and created the game Serious Sam. Since then there have been multiple sequels and console ports- all off a fraction of the money 3D Realms has blown on DNF's development.
            * Every 3D Prince of Persia game.
            * Aside from Wolfenstein 3D, every single First Person Shooter based during World War II, including the entire Medal of Honor series.
            * While DNF was been in production, Blizzard Entertainment, another studio famous for delays, has released four full games(Starcraft, Diablo 2, Warcraft 3, and World of Warcraft), with expansions for all of them.
            * Bioware released Neverwinter Nights with two expansions, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Jade Empire. All games are deep, lengthy RPGs that demand multiple playthroughs.
            * The entire Halo trilogy.
            * Every Gran Turismo game.
            * Team Fortress 2

            Video Game Systems:

            * Microsoft XBOX
            * Microsoft XBOX 360
            o Several revisions including the Elite and Halo Edition
            * Nintendo GameCube
            * Nintendo Wii
            * Nintendo Gameboy Color
            * Gameboy Advance
            o Gameboy Advance SP
            o Gameboy Micro
            * Nintendo DS
            o Nintendo DS Lite
            o Nintendo DSi
            * Sega Dreamcast
            * Sony PSone
            * Sony Playstation 2
            o Sony Slim Playstation 2
            * Sony Playstation 3
            o Several revisions with different hardware, pack-ins, and backwards compatibility options
            * Sony PSP
            o Sony PSP Slim

            * Over 4500 games were released for the above video game systems in the United States.
            * Over 350,000,000 consoles and handhelds were sold worldwide.


            Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
            In Matsuno we trust.


            • #7
              Ο neogaf-ισμός στο μεγαλείο του. :xp: Θεοί είσαστε ρεεεε


              • #8
                Θυμάμαι το promotional video του Forever Που είχαν δώσει κάποια στιγμή μέσα στο 2000 (εγώ το είδα μέσα απ'το Manhattan Project ~τι τραγικό παιχνίδι!~) κι έδειχνε gameplay σκηνές.

                Περιττώ να αναφέρω ήταν uber cult υποσχόμενο.

                Βέβαια, για να προσγειωθούμε και λίγο... εν έτη 2010 και σε λίγο 2011, τι να δείξει το Duke Nukem Forever πια? Καλά γραφικά? Γρίφους? Cult δράση & Black Humour?

                Αν κυκλοφορήσει τελικά...το έφαγε η αναμονή που κατέληξε κακόγουστο αστείο.

                Btw, το Duke Nukem 3D το είχα καταευχαριστηθεί στο Saturn. Είχα original Και την PC έκδοση που κατα γενική ομολογία καμία console version δεν την φτάνει.

                Μετά, ήρθαν κάτι Time to Kill, Land of Babes, Manhattan Project...ξεπεσμός
                " You 're saying that you 're just here to add a bit of colour?

                Authenticity sir, authenticity. "

                Discworld (1995, PC/Playstation/Sega Saturn)


                • #9
                  Είμαι της άποψης πως όντως το Duke Nukem Forever δεν έχει τίποτα να δείξει πια.Το ότι έχει ανατεθεί όμως στην Gearbox με κάνει να αισιοδοξώ πως θα βγει τουλάχιστον κάτι αξιοπρεπές.

                  Όσον αφορά τα ΟΡ δεν έχω κανένα πρόβλημα αν ανοίγουν αρκετά νωρίς,απλά να γίνονται σωστά (όχι όπως το δικό μου).Ίσως θαφτούν βέβαια,ίσως και όχι.Αυτό εξαρτάται από το πόσο τα περιμένει ο κόσμος και αν τα κρατάνε ζωντανά οι δημιουργοί τους.Βλέπε το θέμα του SF4.

                  edit: Deus θέλω το λινκ της λίστας που παρέθεσες.
                  Carpe diem


                  • #10
                    Kati paromoio tha ginei kai me to remake tou FF7 h me to diablo 3 me fenetai...
                    "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                    But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                    Kindred, this blade and I.

                    "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                    Greek Gaming Videos
                    Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                    • #11
                      Duke Nukem Forever is Shockingly Real, Unsurprisingly Crass

                      The 15-minute demo (visible only behind closed doors after a two-hour wait) is... well, it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from a Duke Nukem title. No game, however brilliant, could ever justify a 13-year wait, of course. But viewed with more realistic expectations, it seems exactly what old Duke fans would want from the series. In short, it's violent, crude, vulgar, sexist, brutal, cocky, and misogynistic. It's also a solidly crafted first-person shooter that doesn't seem particularly revolutionary but definitely plays well.

                      Tα δυο ingame videos απο το event (cam)

                      Preview Hands On απο το Gamespot

                      If there's one thing that surprised us about the demo, it's this: Duke Nukem Forever is pretty darn fun for a game with such a tumultuous development. The comic timing was impressive, the guns felt satisfying, and the graphics were quite pleasing to look at. Of course, this is a Duke Nukem game through and through, so there are some inherent elements to it that will instantly turn some people off. But pick up a controller, spend a few minutes with it, and you'll be surprised at how well it has turned out. Whether the rest of the game can follow suit is something we're eager to see. Stay tuned for more.

                      Και πολλες νεες εικονες

                      Προσωπικα δεν με ενδιαφερει και τοσο το παιχνιδι, απλα επειδη οντως εχουμε καποια πραγματα παραπανω αυτη τη φορα, κανω το post (δεν ξερω αν τα εχει παραθεσει καποιος αλλου).

                      Tanno, αν θες βαλτα και στο OP γιατι οντως ειναι τελειως κενο. Εγω παντως θα ηθελα να κανουμε γεματα OP, πολλες φορες εχω ζηλεψει θεματα παιχνιδιων που εχει το neogaf ;).

                      Edit: Δεν υπαρχουν και tags στο θεμα..


                      • #12
                        Προσωπικα δεν με ενδιαφερει και τοσο το παιχνιδι, απλα επειδη οντως εχουμε καποια πραγματα παραπανω αυτη τη φορα, κανω το post (δεν ξερω αν τα εχει παραθεσει καποιος αλλου).
                        Κανέναν δεν τον ενδιαφέρει, αλλά όλοι οφείλουμε να το αγοράσουμε.


                        • #13
                          Objection!!! Εμένα με ενδιαφέρει! Είμαι Duke fanboy, μέχρι και τα time to kill, land of the babes έχω τερματίσει
                          «Should Shinobi fail before completing the mission, he will disappear before the dawn and vanish forever.»


                          • #14
                            "I owe my carrier to Duke"

                            αποτι καταλαβα δεν θα εχει το κλασσικο μουφο health system που εχουν ολα τα εμπορικα fps σημερα με το regeneration ( μεχρι και υποτιθεμενα rpg οπως το mass effect 2) , ΠΑΛΙ ΚΑΛΑ !!! φτου φτου φτου !!


                            • #15
                              Όχι ρε γμτ,γιατί;Μα είναι δυνατόν να κάνει regenerate ο κάθε φλώρος και ο Δούκας να χρειάζεται γιατρικά όπως η Λάρα;Έλεος,τι είναι,κοριτσάκι;
                              Carpe diem

