το οτι θα εχει λαθη αυτο εξυπακουεται , ποιο open world game στο παρελθον τετοιας εκτασης δεν ειχε αλλωστε, το σημαντικο ειναι αυτο που ειπες να διορθωθουν καποιοι κουραστικοι μηχανισμοι απο το oblivion, ολα τα υπολοιπα διορθωνονται με patches
No announcement yet.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Οι πληροφορίες είναι αρκετά παλιές και πάνω κάτω όλοι τις ξέρετε αλλά τις βάζουμε να υπάρχουν. Κρατάμε βέβαια μικρό καλάθι για το πόσο και αν υλοποιηθούν όλα αυτά.
Release date is 11.11.11 (Nov 11th, 2011)
Runs on a new engine called "Creation Engine"
PC version launches with a "Creation Kit" (SDK)
There is no 64-bit compatible executable (*.exe file) planned for the PC version at launch
Available on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC
No Kinect support planned for Xbox 360 version
New combat system (in comparison to Oblivion)
Dual wielding possible with any combination you'd like ie: blade+spell, spell+spell, blade+blade, blade+shield etc
Camera staggering when delt a blow
Favorite loadouts can be saved and easily toggled between
Special kill animations depending on current weapon
Improved ranged combat (in comparison to Oblivion)
Shield bash moves available when you have a shield equipped
Weapon specialization
Timing based blocking
Backstabbing with a dagger causes significantly more damage
Blunt and Blade are replaced by Two-Handed and One-Handed
Bow attacks will be much more powerful, taking a cue from the "Better Bows" Oblivion mod
Power attacks can be initiated which depletes stamina and staggers enemies
Shields can only be placed in left hand. So no "turtling"
More weapons available compared to Oblivion
85 spells
Frost spell effects can be seen on enemies. Fire spells can set the environment on fire
Dual wielding spells is possible
Fire deals the most damage, Lightning drains magicka, Frost drains stamina; spells still do damage as well
Dragon Shouts
20 Dragon Shouts
Dragon Shouts are separate from the magic system, so they are not tied to a character's magical ability
Players will have to collect words for shouts from around the world, there are three words for each shout
Three levels for each shout
Shouts have a cool down timer
Updated AI; townsfolk wont aimlessly wander around and will perform day to day jobs (mills, farms, mines)
NPC's will react to items dropped near them
NPC's properly react when you do an action; swinging your sword around, breaking items in a house, stealing items etc
Killing shop owners no longer leaves the shop unattended. The shops family will inherit the store and take over running it. The new owner will be angry with you but you will still be able to obtain quests from them.
AI companions can be hired
NPC children have been confirmed
5 major cities; Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun, Windhelm
20 minor cities with at least 10+ buildings
Windhelm is the largest city
Cities will still be loaded as separate zones from the world map
130+ dungeons
Dungeons will be locked at the player's level when they first enter
The direction in which water flows inside dungeons is often a visual indicator of the way out
Game world size is approximately the size of Oblivion's Cyrodiil
Traps and puzzles
Outside environment has birds
Each town has its own ecosystem. ie: Destroying a town's mill results in the town importing wooden goods (weapons, etc) from another town but prices will increase and some items may no longer be available
Dwemer ruines can be found across Skyrim
High Hrothgar will actually have 7000 steps
Carriage system available for travel to all major locations
Enemies don't always match your level; some may be too strong to fight until you increase your level
Able to destroy oil lamps which may catch the environment on fire (ie: in a house)
Flowers found around the world can be picked as ingredients for Alchemy
Properties can be bought
Dynamic shadows
Dynamic environment effects such as snow and rain
Higher poly count for models
Increased draw distance
All items you are capable of putting into your inventory will be fully modelled, allowing for closer inspection; this can prove important when it comes to completing some quests
Music by Jeremy Soule (Guild Wars, Oblivion)
Max Von Sydow to voice Esbem (The Blade)
More voice actors in comparison to Oblivion and Fallout 3 as a result of larger budget and better data compression
Ice Wraiths
Giant Spiders
Saber Tooth Cats
Centurion Speheres
Random spawns are scaled to player level accordingly
There are different types of Dragons
Defeating dragons will be the key to unlocking many of the Dragon Shouts.
Dragons you must battle can be grounded by heavily damaging their wings, preventing them from taking flight; expect a big landing if you drop them out of the sky, however!
Skyrim's dragons are said to be reminiscent of dinosaurs as envisioned in the Jurassic Park motion pictures
You cannot fly dragons
Some dragons are scripted in to the story and others can be randomly found
There won't be a finite amount of dragons in the game, to give the impression that you cannot wipe the dragons out over the course of the quest
Character, Leveling and Stats
10 playable races
Character customization upon creation
Class selection has been dropped; your class is determined by how you play (weapons used, spells used)
Mysticism, Acrobatics and Athletics skills cut
No major/minor skills
No birth signs
You gain a perk every level, similar to Fallout 3/New Vegas
Soft level cap at 50; you may still level up farther but you gain no benefits
Faster leveling than Oblivion
5 magic schools; Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration, Illusion
280 Perks; nevertheless due to the "soft" level cap, it will not be possible to ever gain all the Perks on a single character
Players can get characters to sprint by holding down a button, this decreases Stamina
Running backwards results in decreased speed; you wont be able to run away from enemies this way
One crafting skill per archetype; Warrior: Smithing, Mage: Enchanting, Thief: Alchemy
3 attributes; Health, Magicka, Stamina
HUD-free first person view
Improved camera for third person
In-game menus are incorporated into the viewpoint of the player character when brought up via four-point compass interface (these actions are purely cosmetic, and require no additional input from the player):
Your character looks to the sky for the Skills menu
Your character looks to the ground for the Map menu
Your character looks to the right over his/her shoulder for the Inventory
Your character looks to the left over his/her shoulder for the Magic and magic items menu
Main quest takes place approximately 200 years after the ending of Oblivion
Player character begins the game in jail (again), this time awaiting execution
Main quest line is approximately 20 hours
Game play after completing the main quest line is possible
Main quest line NPCs cannot be killed
Quests are dynamically chosen by the Radiant Story system and are also based on how you've been playing your character; every play through will be different
NPCs which initiate and participate in certain quests may also change based on their relationship with the player character
Some quests will naturally involve defeating dragons
Clues to completing some quests can sometimes be visually represented on the items themselves in your inventory
New Skyrim details from OXM
When the author was fighting a group of 3 bandits after defeating the first 2 the third tried to run away.
Necromancers can resurrect chickens and harvest their eggs.
He also states that while fighting a necromancer "he summons a khajiit warrior." He does not say whether he is resurrecting this warrior or if he actually conjured him?
When you level up you get 10 points to add to health, magicka, or stamina.
Stolen horses run away.
Spriggans can heal themselves after you think they are dead (fetal position).
A town guard stops the player at a gate of a town and makes him pay for the horse he stole earlier.
Bandits roll a boulder at the player from a bridge.1. The first is of a dragon in flight shooting flames at the player. The player is shooting an arrow at the dragon. The article points out the scale of the dragon saying that it dwarfs the buildings that are underneath the dragon.
2. Shows the player using alchemy equipment from the 3rd person perspective. in the device is a green liquid and gas. The player is hunched over a mortar and pestal. He is wearing a blue/purple robe and a greyish hood which drapes over his shoulders and back a bit.
3. The third is of a female player in the horned helmet and hide(?) armor. She is in a camp of some sort looks like it has a watch tower made of logs.
4. Next is a small screen shot of the lockpicking mini game. looks like a skyrim themed version of the fallout lockpick game (not new).
5. We see what looks like the player with a companion in a partially flooded dungeon, they are approaching a skeleton that is shackled to a post with water pouring down over him.
6. Shows a guard with a torch and a full face helmet.
7. Shows a player dual casting a fire spell in a robe and hood.
8. Shows an awesome shot of the night sky with the northern lights.
9. Player shooting a bear with an enchanted glowing bow (this looks really cool).
10. Giant Mudcrab, looks freaking huge.
11. A really good looking female npc.
έψαχνα για απαιτήσεις στο pc και βρήκα αυτά, αν και δεν είναι επίσημα απλώς μια πρόβλεψη
Minimum System Requirements
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or Althon X2 2.0 GHz
* RAM: 3 GB
* HDD: 15 GB
* Graphics: 512 MB card
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c
Recommended System Requirements
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Core 2 Quad 3 GHz
* RAM: 3 GB
* HDD: 15 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 512 MB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c
Supported Graphics Cards:
Minimum – 8800 GT
Recommanded – Geforce GTX 460/Radeon 5850
αν είναι έτσι πάει για maxed out στα 1080p
επίσης ψάχνοντας στο σκρουτζ είδα να πουλάνε την pc έκδοση από 37 ευρώ περίπου.
για όποιον ενδιαφέρεται χάρτης της Τάμριελ με τις πόλεις, χωριά κτλ
κοιτάξτε διαφήφιση που κάναν οι άνθρωποι:resp:
επίσημες απαιτήσεις για pc από Bethesda
The following are the official minimum requirements:
Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
2GB System RAM
6GB free HDD Space
Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet access for Steam activation
And the recommended requirements:
Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
4GB System RAM
6GB free HDD space
DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM (Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon 4890 or higher).
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet access for Steam activation
Originally posted by ChrisTop View PostΑρκετά χαμηλές οι απαιτήσεις, με 8800GT σαν του Doom 2 πρέπει να φαίνονται οι χαρακτήρες.
Αναμενομενο εφ'οσον φτιαχτηκε με βαση τις κονσολες τωρινης γενιας, δηλαδη τεχνολογια PC 5+ χρονων..
καθολου αναμενωμενο τι 8800gt lol, και αλλοι τιτλοι blockbusters που βγηκανε και στις τρεις πλατφορμες φετος εχουνε πολυ μεγαλυτερες minimum απαιτησεις, υποτιθεται κιολας οτι ειναι τρεχει σε νεα μηχανη γραφικων απο oblivion/fallout 3/new vegas..οχι? παλι ρετουσαρισμα κανανε μονο?
Originally posted by Vaynard View Postκαθολου αναμενωμενο τι 8800gt lol, και αλλοι τιτλοι blockbusters που βγηκανε και στις τρεις πλατφορμες φετος εχουνε πολυ μεγαλυτερες minimum απαιτησεις, υποτιθεται κιολας οτι ειναι τρεχει σε νεα μηχανη γραφικων απο oblivion/fallout 3/new vegas..οχι? παλι ρετουσαρισμα κανανε μονο?
τα υπολοιπα blockbuster αποτελουν συγκρισιμα μεγεθη καλως η κακως μεταξυ τους δεν μπορει να εξαιρεθει το skyrim, και δεν θυμαμαι να εχω δει φετος τοσο χαμηλα requirements αυτο ειναι σιγουρα ανησυχητικο για τον τεχνικο τομεα του παιχνιδιου, εκτος και αν εχουνε κανει θαυματα
οι κονσολες ειναι lead platform οπως εχει πει η bethesda ενω κανονικα θα επρεπε να γινει port σε αυτες το skyrim, θα μπορουσε ο τεχνικος τομεας να ειναι πολυ καλυτερος και οχι να χρησιμοποιουνται τεχνολογιες 5 χρονων πριν, ας ειναι καλα ο ανοιχτος κωδικας του παιχνιδιου στο pc που θα επιτρεψει φανταζομαι την δημιουργια mods να ερθει στα ισια του το πραγμα, ισως δουμε και τιποτα extra επιλογες στα γραφικα
τελος το οτι κανουνε καλη δουλεια οι υπολοιποι σχετικο ειναι... αφου τις περισσοτερες φορες τα βγαζουνε ports απο τις κονσολες στα pc πλεον, πχ αμα βαλεις διπλα διπλα οτι εχει κυκλοφορησει φετος και στις τρεις πλατφορμες με το witcher 2 σε max settings μαλλον κλαιςβλεπεις το φως το αληθινο ενα πραγμα
γκρινιαζω για γουρι πρεπει να βγει επος