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Final Fantasy XIII-2

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  • #16
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 will launch in Europe and other PAL territories next winter, Square Enix has announced.

    "Final Fantasy XIII-2 is currently in production with an aim for producing high quality game content which exceeds Final Fantasy XIII in every aspect; namely, a brand-new story which stems from the previous title as well as a battle system which has evolved further since XIII – and more," reads the press release.
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 will launch in Europe and other PAL territories next winter, Square Enix has announced.


    • #17
      HD trailer:

      "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
      But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
      Kindred, this blade and I.

      "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
      Greek Gaming Videos
      Greek Final Fantasy Forum


      • #18
        Και official trailer site.


        • #19
          Μια ακόμη ενδιαφέρουσα λεπτομέρεια.Θα μπορέσουμε να μεταφέρουμε το save μας του 13 στο 13-2 για να απολαύσουμε ορισμένα bonuses.Τι ακριβώς θα συμβεί σε αυτήν την περίπτωση δεν έχει ανακοινωθεί ακόμη αλλά όπως και να χει καλή φάση.

          Γενικά είμαι πολυ hyped για το παιχνίδι,άντε θα περάσουμε καλά και φέτος.


          Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
          In Matsuno we trust.


          • #20
            lol εγω εχω ξεχασει σχεδον το story του 13 θα μεταφερω και save? τι να λεμε τωρα


            • #21
              Ξεσκόνισε το journal στο μενού, και θα τα θυμηθείς ολα.


              • #22
                An yparxei afto to Journal kai sto FFXIII-2 tha tous deirw.
                "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                Kindred, this blade and I.

                "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                Greek Gaming Videos
                Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                • #23
                  Παραθέτω εδώ μετάφραση από το lore του τίτλου το οποίο παρουσίασε η square όταν ανακοίνωσε τον τίτλο.

                  Το credit πηγαίνει σε κάποιον lissar,λινκ για το site του οποίου δίνω πιο κάτω

                  Once upon a time, a god ruled the world. He was called Buniberzei.

                  Buniberzei defeated his mother, the goddess Muin, and took control of the world for himself.

                  Muin disappeared into the unseen world--the invisible world.

                  Buniberzei was a god with many troubles.

                  The world, it was certain, was destined to die.

                  He believed this was a curse laid on the world by his mother Muin. Buniberzei knew he had to destroy her.

                  To do this, he must search for the door. The door to the invisible world where his mother waited.

                  Using his will alone, he created the first fal’Cie.

                  First, he created fal’Cie Pulse.

                  The duty he laid on him was to open the world, and search for the door to Muin.

                  Next, he created fal’Cie Etro.

                  But it was a mistake. Unknowingly, he created her exactly in the image of Muin.

                  Buniberzei feared her, and gave Etro no power of her own.

                  Instead, he created fal’Cie Lindzei.

                  The duty he laid on him was to protect Buniberzei from all who might seek to destroy him.

                  Buniberzei gave Lindzei one special duty. To wake him once the time came.

                  Then he turned to crystal, and fell into an endless sleep.

                  Pulse wished to expand the world, so he created many fal’Cie and l’Cie.

                  Lindzai wished to protect the world, so he created many fal’Cie and l’Cie.

                  But Etro was powerless, and could do nothing of her own.

                  Lonely, she thought of her mother, who she so resembled.

                  Etro tore at her body, letting her blood flow to the earth, and disappeared from the visible world.

                  From that blood, torn from her body, sprung humankind.

                  Creatures that were born, only to die.

                  The destruction of the visible world was no curse, only fate.

                  The world was divided into two halves, the visible and the invisible.

                  If the balance between these two were destroyed, the world itself would be destroyed.

                  The goddess Muin could do nothing to stop this fate.

                  She was being swallowed into the chaos of the invisible world.

                  Just before her last moment, Etro came to her side.

                  Muin told Etro that she must protect the balance of the world, before slipping into the chaos forever.

                  But Etro was foolish, and didn’t know the meaning behind Muin’s words.

                  Etro was lonely, but she felt affection for those humans who live only to die.

                  As they died, she smiled, and gave them chaos.

                  The chaos Etro gave them, the humans named “heart”.

                  Their hearts would become their power, but the humans did not yet know this.

                  Soon, they called Pulse the all powerful ruler. Lindzei they named their protector, and Etro... Etro the named ‘death’.

                  The humans lived on the world, hold chaos inside them.

                  Because they held chaos so close, the world once again was in balance.

                  And Buniberzei still sleeps. A crystal.

                  Until the end of forever...

                  This is a translation of the mythological story told in this Fabula Nova Crystallis video shown at the January 18th 2011 Square-Enix Confer...

                  Από lore καλά φαίνεται να τα πηγαίνει,άντε να γίνει κανα tokyo game show να μάθουμε περισσότερα για το παιχνίδι.


                  Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
                  In Matsuno we trust.


                  • #24
                    Χεμ χεμ.

                    Έχουμε καινούριο teaser trailer.

                    Είναι πολύ μικρό σε διάρκεια (27 δευτερόλεπτα)αλλά ενδεικτικό του τι να περιμένουμε.

                    Αυτά που διέκρινα:

                    Το σύστημα μάχης του 13 επιστρέφει.Τέλεια,αν έκανε κάτι σωστά το 13 ήταν το σύστημα μάχης του,αν το εξέλιξαν τότε win

                    H serrah είναι playable χαρακτήρας.

                    Καινούριοι playable χαρακτήρες.

                    Πολύ ωραίο το teaser πάντως,προδιαθέτει θετικά.Άντε θα δούμε ωραία πράγματα στην φετινή ε3.


                    Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
                    In Matsuno we trust.


                    • #25
                      00:16 epic moogle detected goty period

                      Edit: Έχει και πόλη.


                      • #26
                        ωχ αμα εχει αυτα τα υπερβολικα χαριτωμενα μεχρι αηδιας πλασματακια τα moogles δεν το παιζω:jumpy:


                        • #27
                          Aυτά είναι, να σκάει μύτη νέο trailer από Final Fantasy και να με αφήνει παγερά αδιάφορο. Και γαμώ!


                          • #28
                            να σε δω αμα βγει νεο trailer για dragonage 3 παιζει να εισαι περισσοτερο αδιαφορος


                            • #29
                              Afou prwtagwnistria h estw playable einai h Serah kai to deixnoun panathema tous, dhladh poso fail?
                              Wraios tropos na apodeikseis pws to 13-2 sou den einai san to 10-2 sou, pare ton xeirotero xarakthra kai kanton playable...
                              "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                              But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                              Kindred, this blade and I.

                              "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                              Greek Gaming Videos
                              Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                              • #30
                                Παρε κοσμε, απειρο υλικο απο in game footage (εχει πολεις και npsc's ). Περιμενω εντυπωσεις, εμενα μου φαινεται τελειο..

                                Part I

                                Part II

                                Part III

                                Part IV

