Παραδόξως έχει πολύ καλό grip και ειναι απίστευτα βολικό και ΑΑΑ κατασκευής. ΙΜΟ εχει τα καλύτερα triggers μετα το pad του 360 και του original Xbox- βέβαια δεν έχω εμπειρία με αυτό του PS4. Επίσης το βάρος του δεν με εχει επηρεάσει καθόλου. Για να είμαι ειλικρινής σε ο,τι game έχω ασχοληθεί πολλές ώρες και σε παρατεταμένα sessions μεχρι τωρα στο Wii U, δεν με εχει κουράσει καθόλου, ειναι σαν να κρατάω συμβατικό χειριστήριο.
No announcement yet.
Bayonetta 2 - Nintendoes what Segadon't
Σοβαρά; Καλό αυτό. Ψιλοφοβόμουν είναι αλήθεια διότι έχουν μεγάλη απόσταση τα 2 αναλογικά μεταξύ τους και όσον αφορά το βάρος - καλά άστο αυτό, εδώ με το Duke του πρώτου Xbox δεν είχα πρόβλημα στο Wii U θα κολλήσω;
Άμα κάτσει φάση θα τεστάρω Zombie U να νιώσω λίγο αντρίλα. Τα αρνητικά reviews τα χέζω. Οι δημοσιογράφοι του σήμερα είναι πολλοί βουτυρομπεμπέδες και τα θέλουν όλα στο πιάτο.
Χτες το demo το εβγαλα στο gamepad. Τελευταια φορα που ανοιξα TV ηταν στο Wind Waker HD γιατι νομιζα οτι χρειαζοταν αν και τωρα βλεπω οτι γινεται και χωρις.
Donkey Kong, Mario Bros, Mario Kart ολα στο gamepad τα παιζω
ΥΓ: Να προσθεσω οτι ειναι πολυυυυ πιο βολικο απο το να παιζω στο 3DS XL.
Βολικό το gamepad και καλό grip??Are u kidding me?Οι αποστάσεις είναι τόσο μεγάλες που μετά από αρκετή ώρα gaming(ναι έχω λιώσει monster hunter εδώ και δέκα μέρες) τα χέρια μου είναι μονίμως πιασμένα και πονάνε!Από τα χειρότερα όσον αφορά το grip κατεμέ.Εντάξει το χειρότερο είναι το 3ds χωρίς ccp.Δεύτερο έρχεται το gamepad.Θα μου κάψει τα χέρια λέμε!Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128
"20χρονη ιντερνετ περσονα δηλωνει περηφανη στη τηλεοραση οτι παιζει 24 ωρες τη μερα"
...oh wait
GameSpot - 10
Bayonetta 2's combat is so expertly constructed, and its presentation so joyously insane, that you'd have to try so very hard to get bored of it all. In a year filled with the promise of ever more elaborate experiences on all the shiny new hardware, that Bayonetta 2--a homage to classic game design and escapism--should be the most fun I've had playing a game all year is unexpected. But maybe it shouldn't have been. After all, its predecessor still stands as one of the finest games of its genre. To have surpassed that with Bayonetta 2, and to have created a game that will be remembered as an absolute classic, is nothing short of astonishing.
Sega's loss is Nintendo's gain: Bayonetta, twirling away from a gigantic demon's maw and smacking the highest choir of angels on the nose, has just given Wii U its first true classic.
Buy it if you liked the first one. Buy it, if you love it. Buy it if you love video games. Buy a Wii U if you have to. Bayonetta 2 sings all its praises in a celebration to this hobby of ours. But don't make the mistake of not playing it.
When Bayonetta came out in 2010, I thought it was nearly perfect. Four years later and Platinum hasn't lost its edge with Bayonetta 2. It's just as stylish and as fun as ever, and a must-buy for action fans who own a Wii U.
Bigger, badder and exquisitely better, Bayonetta 2 knocks its predecessor off its enviable perch to become perhaps the greatest action game of all time. From the word go, it will send your adrenaline into overdrive as you venture on a quest that will take you to the very depths of Hell and back. The plethora of unlockables promise to keep you coming back for more in new and refreshing ways, while Tag Climax suitably extends the experience beyond a purely solo offering in a richly rewarding way. Bayonetta 2 is game of the year material without a doubt, and a worthy purchase for any action fan.
Intense, gorgeous and thrilling to play, this is Platinum’s best game so far. Nintendo have clearly had an input here, with a game that’s more forgiving for new players, but still has enough challenge for fans; all without watering down or compromising the experience for either type of player. A non-stop climax of excitement from the moment you start the Prologue, this is one of those games that demands to be played.
If you bought the Wii U months ago explicitly in anticipation of Bayonetta 2, congratulations, your decision has paid off in spades.
Every aspect of Bayonetta 2 feels polished and focused. At times, the writing feels ridiculous, but I still love how it plays. The superb pacing and combat are just that good. By the end I was convinced: This sequel builds on everything that made the original great, and delivers one of the most satisfying action games I've played.
Official Nintendo Magazine - 93%
4Gamers - 91/100
The queen of the action games is back. Bayonetta 2 manages to impress in almost every aspect with a combination of non-stop action, adrenaline, a bit of naughtiness and really responsive controls. The story and atmosphere might not suit everyone, but even the biggest pessimists will have to recognize that in terms of gameplay this game is among the best. With Bayonetta 2, the developers have succeeded in making the game very accessible for newcomers, while maintaining the depth of it for the hardcore gamers. Future action games will have a hard time topping this, because Bayonetta 2 managed to push the bar very high for this genre. If you didn't have a reason to buy a Wii U, then Bayonetta 2 is an excellent one to do so.
Creating a sequel to an already-polished game is a challenge, but Platinum Games’ approach ultimately succeeds. Bayonetta 2 is rooted in its past while taking steps (but not strides) toward the future. Though I was disappointed by some of the familiarity, I was usually having too much fun to care.
The worst thing you can say about Bayonetta 2 is that it’s still not much of an improvement over its predecessor, but even that supposed criticism still confirms it as one of the best action games of all-time. Creating Bayonetta 2 may not make much business sense but unlike most sequels today this isn’t a game made for the love of money, but for the love of gaming itself.
Bayonetta is is a must buy for any action gaming fans. It's fast, intense and ridiculous, all with an entertaining story and a protagonist that is forever subverting and playing with her audience. It's pure Platinum Games, too, which means it'll likely be adored by its converts and ignored by too many — we hope that won't happen, as what we have here is one of the Wii U's best games, and a rare arrival on the system that's unashamedly violent, gory and mature, while still mischievously winking at the watching world. Bayonetta 2 is brilliant, brash and impossible to ignore.
Bayonetta 2 is one of the best games to ever grace the Wii U. The sequel feels tighter, less obnoxious, and is a blast to play through. While the Wii U GamePad is not used in any significant way, and Tag Climax could have benefited from local co-op, this is the action-packed Bayonetta follow–up that I wanted. Fans of Platinum's outings owe it to themselves to check it out and start exploring the many twists and turns along the journey.
Bayonetta 2's biggest disappointment may be that it's an iterative sequel, but it's not such a problem when it's iterating on genius.
Bayonetta 2 is simply awesome. Platinum Games has done a great job improving their previous game, adding small details and creating a gorgeous looking new adventure for the sexy-witch. If you love action games, you can't miss this perfect cocktail of fun gameplay, great graphics and over-the-top humor.
VentureBeat - 87/100
Bayonetta 2 is surprising. Some of that is because it is an M-rated Wii U exclusive. It’s also because it is a good game in a genre that doesn’t seem long for this world. With everything moving open-world and online, Platinum is still sticking to it’s better zone. And it’s working.
I don’t know if I’ll ever need a Bayonetta 3, but I’m certainly glad that I got to play Bayonetta 2.
Bayonetta 2 is sheer class. Yes, it takes a little too long to get going, given its length, but the final four hours are relentlessly, breathlessly exceptional. Granted, it's all just 'more of the same' with a shorter haircut, but we're talking about more of one of the best games ever made.
When Platinum Games is on, it's really, really on, and Bayonetta 2 is in almost any respect that counts a better game than the first, whose mechanics were already exemplary. But every time I'd feel on a roll, enjoying my time with Bayonetta 2 immensely, I'd be broken out of it by another cheap shot of T&A. I would be wrecking a flock of angelic or demonic enemies, sliding in and out of witch time almost at will, and then the special weapon I had picked up became a literal stripper pole for Bayonetta to dance on, because ... well, because, I guess.
Θεωρώ οτι ειναι θέμα χρόνου να κυκλοφορήσει και σε άλλες πλατφόρμες.
Τουλάχιστον θα το παίξουν και οι fans της Nintendo διότι καλώς ή κακώς έχουν μαύρα μεσάνυκτα γιατί έκανε τόσο ντόρο ο τίτλος όταν βγήκε στα 360/PS3 formats. Γενικά, ότι κυκλοφορεί εκτός Nintendoκονσόλας πλήρη άγνοια έχουν σαν gamers (the vast majority) αλλά ok μικρό το κακό.
Βγει δεν βγει στις άλλες κονσόλες, το Wii U για την ώρα έχει περισσότερους ποιοτικούς τίτλους.