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Final Fantasy XIV

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  • Θυμάμαι τον ground να μου λέει κάτι περί passports στο FF XI (πριν πόσα χρόνια τώρα αυτό) με τα οποία μπορούσες να μεταβείς από έναν server σε κάποιον άλλον. Κάτι τέτοιο δεν παίζει εδώ;


    • Oxi gia to 14, to paixnidi vasika episima arxise proxthes, then tha ekanan pote mia tetoia ipiresia gia na feygoun transfer osoi epaiksan px 2 meres, apla kaneis delete kai ksekinas allou. gia aytous einai poio apli lisi apo to na ponokefaliazoun me transfers apo tora, asxeta an gia mas tha itan sotirio


      • καλα τετοιες υπηρεσιες τυπου transfer θα μπουνε στην πορεια δεν τιθετε θεμα, σε ολα τα συνχρονα mmorpgs υπαρχουνε


        • Sigoura kapoia stigmi tha ginei, to thema einai oti ego ksekinisa noritera apo kapoious filous, me tous opoious apofasisame na pame Cornelia, kai tora an exei kleisei gia ta kala o server oi alloi then tha mporoun na erthoun Cornelia opote tha prepei na psaxnoume ksana apo tin arxi allo server xD Ki ego tha prepei na kano delete ton xaraktira mou


          • ego pantos eimai cornelia apo tis 22 tou mina, eho anevasei physical 17, archer 12, carpenter 11, botanist 10, pugi 6 ....

            ara dyskola na kano delete kai create allou psahnontas gia ellines :/


            • αυτο με τα queues παιδια ειναι λογικο σε καθε νεο mmorg τα ιδια γινονται, ειχανε γινει και προπερσυ στο warhammer και περυσι στο aion, αναγκαιο κακο

              καλα με τοσα νεα posts και τετοια αναζωπυρωση ενδιαφεροντος του thread μολις μπει ο ground θα παθει συγκοπη

              α και τελικα οι δικοι μου μπηκανε ακομα ουτε αυτοι οποτε ειμαι ακομα φλου για το που θα μπω (ΟΤΑΝ θα μπω μεσομακροπροθεσμα το κοβω) o cornelia ειναι μια δελαστικη προταση


              • Prwta prwta to oti dialeksa na arghsw na mpw sto game enw tha mporousa na eixa mpei day 1 den einai tyxaio.
                Polla atoma tha paiksoun tis prwtes hmeres, ola ta merh tha einai overcrowded, tha yparxei Queue "profanws" kai ola ta low level terata tha einai panta skotwmena.

                Ta pragmata tha einai poly kalytera se kapoious mhnes apo twra, egw exw skopo na mpw mesa, h telh Oktwvrh, tha deiksei analoga me thn oreksh kai to telos twn douleiwn mou.

                Otan mpw, tha mpw Cornelia giati ekei eipame apo thn arxh kai ekei tha pame.

                Twra gia to allo pou einai sxetiko me tous Ellhnes kai ta guild tous...
                Otan eipa na peite server osoi einai na mpeite prwtoi, kaneis den eipe tipote.
                Otan eipa Cornelia tote eixan thn epifwthsh kapoioi na pane se allous servers.
                Den htan sto xeri mou akrivws, den tha kinhgaw kai ton kosmo, an theloun mpainoun, an den theloun tough luck.

                Egw ean kanw guild sto FFXIV (pou tha kanw) tha einai panw apola social Linkshell kai meta se defterh moira tha afisw ta organwmena pragmata, gia otan tha kserw ti mporoume kai ti den mporoume na kanoume sto paixnidi kai afou vgoun 5-10 plhrofories giafto.
                Epishs tha exoume KAI ksenous sto Linkshell, ean kapoios exei provlhma me afto as fygei.

                Telos Evans sta eipa kai otan vrethikame, alla to lew akomh mia fora.
                To Passport tou FFXI DEN htan gia server transfer, htan gia na fereis enan filo sou ston diko sou server otan aftos ksekinounse kainourio paixnidi epeidh den yphrxe epilogh gia server tote kai se evaze mesa tyxaia.
                Sto FFXIV dialegeis server kanonika, opote tetoio systhma den xreiazetai.
                "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                Kindred, this blade and I.

                "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                Greek Gaming Videos
                Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                • ME tous servers tha tous ksana aniksoun? giati thelo na kanw ena friend invite boro na ton kanw meso game i prepei na dialeksi aytos ton server? Prospathi twra kai den tou deixnei to game. Tha sikothi pote gia na ton epileksi i ayto itan ?


                  • Logika nai.To pote einai allo thema.

                    Prosopika ekana ta panta stis 29 na mpo Cornelia alla akoma kleisto ton exoune nomizo opote mpoukara Lindblum mias k exei arketous apo Europi!

                    Tha sxoliaso to paixnidi se kamia vdomada apla tha po oti pros to paron nomizo pos anagkazo ton eauto mou na goustarei.Apla exo pisti sto mellontiko potential tou.As elpizoume loipon oti polla apo ta provlimata tha lithoune.


                    • Poia provlhmata?
                      "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                      But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                      Kindred, this blade and I.

                      "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                      Greek Gaming Videos
                      Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                      • nai to thema einai oti prepei na exei kai kanena "invite" opos eixe kai to FF 11. Ayto thelo na matho ama emathe kaneis kati tetio. I ama kseri kaneis kanena site pou na boro na do..Apelpistika ~


                        • Einai polla ground!Kapia anaferthikan idi sto forum opos search function.Akoma k to lag sta menus.To crafting thelei kapies veltioseis.Kanenas den exei katalavei pos akrivos douleuei akoma k meta to xthesino FAQ apo SE.

                          Anyway milame gia kapia enoxlitika k kapia oxi toso pou apla tha sinithistoune.Giafto eipa na min sxoliaso.Se kana dimino vlepoume.


                          • Ean den se afinei na mpeis kanonika, pws tha mporeseis na mpeis akomh kai me invite?
                            Egw elpizw na arxisei na thn kanei o kosmos siga siga mpas kai paiksoume

                            Einai polla ground!Kapia anaferthikan idi sto forum opos search function.Akoma k to lag sta menus.To crafting thelei kapies veltioseis.Kanenas den exei katalavei pos akrivos douleuei akoma k meta to xthesino FAQ apo SE.

                            Anyway milame gia kapia enoxlitika k kapia oxi toso pou apla tha sinithistoune.Giafto eipa na min sxoliaso.Se kana dimino vlepoume.
                            Search function kai to lag sta menus tha diorthwthoun pistevw, eixan pei pws tha to kanoun.
                            Twra gia to crafting den eimai sigouros, egw ta vrhka katanohta ola.
                            "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                            But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                            Kindred, this blade and I.

                            "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                            Greek Gaming Videos
                            Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                            • Kanane kapies allages meta to beta me pio prosfati to nerfarisma tou rapid synth.Douleuei apla einai poli random afti ti stigmi k pragmatika den to kritikaro prospathontas na kano synth lvl 20 item me rank 15 blacksmith/carpenter etc giati ksero oti poli kanoune tetoies vlakeies k meta arxizoune to flaming sta forums.


                              • kai ego to craft to vrika normal. Anyway emena ayto pou me keei einai na matho ama aniksoun oi server pali giati diavazo se polla forum tous kanoune lock apo ton poli kosmo ama isxei ayto tote den tha boume pouthena :S

