Originally posted by Ground_zero
My view on a mousepad's role in a player's performance can be interpreted from this simple "chart". Remember, to deny the undeniable effect of the mousepad in your gaming performance is one step away from improving yourself and deallocating dormant potential.
One should always strive for a situation where the mousepad serves as a direct continuity of personal skill and doesn't act as a barrel against the door. Unfortunately, most people don't care enough to find out if they could actually perform better with a "good mousepad", since they are doing "fine" with their "current ones". These are the people who often belittle the major importance of the mousepad and are more worried about if they can reach 76 or 125 fps.
One should always strive for a situation where the mousepad serves as a direct continuity of personal skill and doesn't act as a barrel against the door. Unfortunately, most people don't care enough to find out if they could actually perform better with a "good mousepad", since they are doing "fine" with their "current ones". These are the people who often belittle the major importance of the mousepad and are more worried about if they can reach 76 or 125 fps.
Για να μην τα πολυλογω το setup παιζει ενα Α ρολο ειδικα αν ο ανταγωνισμος ειναι μεγαλος, μπορει να στο επιβεβαιωσει και ο christop ανετα, ΠΟΤΕ δεν ειπα ομως οτι τα ρασσα κανουν τον παππα.