Ο χρονικός περιορισμός πώς θα δουλεύει ακριβώς??
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Role Players Realm
This is a sticky topic.
Ωπα ωπα πολλά νέα μαζεύτηκαν,αρχιζω τον σχολιασμό.
Φοβερή η συλλογή αλλά υπερτιμημένη για αυτά που προσφέρει.Αν όπως είπε ο xeno περιλαμβανόταν τα soundtrack θα ήταν μια χαρά η τιμή.Πάντως πιστεύω ότι τα final fantasy 4 remake (ds),final fantasy the after years,crisis core,dirge of cerberus,,final fantasy 10-2,final fantasy 13-2,final fantasy tactics έπρεπε να συμπεριληφθούν.Αν ήταν και αυτά μέσα τότε τα 450 θα έπιαναν τόπο.
Πάμε τώρα στα του lighting returns...Εδώ μας τα μπερδεύει για άλλη μια φορά η square.Με το που είδαμε το τέλος του 13-2είδαμε cliffhanger τέλος και περιμέναμε το sequel και τώρα μας δίνουν ένα νέο παιχνίδι που εξελλίσεται στο μέλλον,δεν συνεχίζει την ιστορία και αφήνει στην μέση αυτό που ξεκίνησαν;Το 13-2 αφήνει πάρα πολλά αναπάντητα ερωτήματα,την μοίρα της serah,τι έγινε με τον caius,τι έγινε με τον κόσμο και αν καταστράφηκε κτλ κτλ.
Πολύ ευχάριστο πάντως το ότι η ανάπτυξη του versus συνεχίζεται κανονικά.Ευελπιστώ σε έστω και μικρή παρουσίαση.Λογικά θα έχουμε νέα του σχετικά σύντομα,η square είπε χαρακτηριστικά πως ήρθε η σειρά του noctis.
Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
In Matsuno we trust.
Μας τρολάρουν άσχημα....
Final Fantasy Versus XIII to miss Tokyo Game Show
Final Fantasy Versus XIII will not be at this year’s Tokyo Game Show, producer Shinji Hashimoto has reportedly confirmed.
“I spoke to Hashimoto regarding various things today,” said an attendee of the Final Fantasy 25th anniversary event in Shibuya on Twitter. “It appears Versus will not be at the Tokyo Game Show. First, they are putting all their strength into the conclusion of the Lightning Saga and Final Fantasy XIV.”
In a later tweet, he added that Hashimoto said: “It is being developed, so look forward to it next year.”
It might be worth noting that in 2009, Square said Versus XIII wouldn’t appear at the show, but it did regardless. Perhaps there’s a chance it’ll happen again?
H alhtheia einai oti ontws rixnoun to varos se FF XIII kai XIV afthn thn stigmh omws."Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
Kindred, this blade and I."
"ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
Greek Gaming Videos
Greek Final Fantasy Forum
Πάρε κόσμε λεπτομέρειες για το lighting returns (πολύ χαζό όνομα πάντως)
We already knew the title would incorporate a constantly-ticking clock, counting down until the end of the world. Generally speaking, the story unfolds over 13 days, with each in-game day passing in 1-2 hours of real time. While Square Enix had cited inter-area travel as an example of something that would use up extra time, we now know that helping people, defeating monsters and completing quests can have both negative and positive effects on time. Depending on your actions, you'll be able to either extend the time left for the world, or decrease it. If it's too much of the latter, the game can potentially end before the 13 days pass. And it sounds like you'll never forget the timer: Besides being part of the game's interface, clocks will be dispersed throughout the cities as reminders.
While the information about this potential "bad ending" reached by running out of time sounds dire, Lightning Returns is meant to be played/completed multiple times, and isn't a "tens of hours" length game. There's a lot of ways this can play out, from something akin to Chrono Trigger's New Game+ or something else entirely. We'll just have to wait and see.
We knew Lightning would be the only playable character; this was done not only to help the player focus on her actions (versus dividing attention between 3 characters), but add more action and timing-based elements to combat, such as the ability to move around the battlefield. While the series' classic ATB gauge remains, gone are menu-driven commands, replaced with multiple abilities assigned to different buttons (just imagine most other action RPGs and you get the idea).
Are you an otaku, too?
Lightning Returns is set hundreds of years after Final Fantasy XIII-2, but - and this is where the spoilers come in - following the events of Serah and Noel's adventure, time has ceased to flow, and people no longer age. The only returning cast member known thus far is Hope, who - like Otacon to Solid Snake - guides Lightning via a communicator.
World Driven
Square Enix delved a little more into the "World Driven" concept they talked about considerably at the announcement event. According to Square Enix, Final Fantasy XIII was story driven, as the story was the focal point of the story (and why environments were straight lines apparently). Its sequel Final Fantasy XIII-2 was "player driven," as the story was much more open and non-linear, and unfolded based on player choice. With the world dying and time running out, Lightning Returns has players focusing on the world and how choices affect its outcome. The Novus world, by the way, is divided into four main continents, two being city-based and the other two more "natural."
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is, for certain, Lightning's final game and will have a definitive end (if you hadn't noticed, Final Fantasy XIII-2 was left a LITTLE open). The game is currently 30% complete, and is launching in 2013 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Ενδιαφέρον και πρωτότυπο φαίνεται αλλά όπως έγραψα και πιο πριν την φοβάμαι την squareenix.
Έχω και κάτι ακόμα πολύ ενδιαφέρον...Νέα fanmade final fantasy 7 ταινία!!!
Σύντομο τρεηλερ.
Πάρα πολύ καλή φάση,εξαιρετική φαίνεται η ταινία για ερασιτέχνες,ας ελπίσουμε να μην τερματίσει την προσπάθειά τους η square όπως έκανε με την περίπτωση του chrono trigger remake.
Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
In Matsuno we trust.
Έχουμε νέα για το νέο παιχνίδι της cd project,cyberpunk.
CD Projekt RED today officially named its next RPG Cyberpunk 2077. Previously the title, which is based on the pen-and-paper RPG Cyberpunk 2020, was simply known as Cyberpunk, and also draws inspiration from the movie Blade Runner and William Gibson's novels. The player is dropped into the world in 2077 where, like other media with similar themes, the futuristic tech is both a blessing and a curse. The story is described as multi-thread and nonlinear, so you can expect a bit of an open world as you explore Night City and the area, including well known locations from Cyberpunk 2020 like Forlorn Hope, Afterlife (what other game has had a bar with that name?) and gang-controlled areas.
Players can expect freedom in gameplay with the game's sandbox style, though naturally, its mechanics will stay similar to the pen-and-paper title. Weapons, other arsenal and the all-important atmosphere also make up the futuristic setting - talk about a far cry from The Witcher.
και επίσημο site
Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
In Matsuno we trust.
Θα κυκλοφορήσει sequel του bravely default flying fairy.Πλατφόρμα κυκλοφορίας;Το pc ( ! )Θα ονομάζεται Bravely Default: Praying Brage και θα εξελίσσεται 200 χρόνια μετά το bravely default του 3ds.
Πάρτε και ένα πρώιμο βιντεάκι.
Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
In Matsuno we trust.
Θα κυκλοφορήσει sequel του bravely default flying fairy.Originally posted by Squall LeonhartI used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chestOriginally posted by 丹野Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...Originally posted by Ryu_grυπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.
Λογικά θα έχει ξαναμπεί (σίγουρα βασικά αλλά δεν ξέρω που να ψάξω) αλλά όπως χάζευα σήμερα έπεσα πάνω εδώ:
Έριξα μια ματιά και ανατρίχιασα ολόκληρος, και αυτό γιατί πολλά πράγματα όπως τα περιγράφει στέκουν πολύ καλά.
Το παιχνίδι το είχα φτάσει στον τρίτο δίσκο όπου έχασα το save και μετά δεν το ξαναάρχησα. Παρόλα αυτά σκέφτομαι να αγοράσω το digital copy στο psn μόνο και μόνο για να δω τα πράγματα με τα μάτια μου.
O ground Zerο εχει ανοίξει θέμα για αυτήν την θεωρία αλλα δεν πειράζει καλα εκανες και εκανες ποστ,να γίνεται και συζήτηση.Οντως πολυ ωραία θεωρία αλλα δυστυχώς δεν θυμάμαι λεπτομέρειες απο την ιστορια του παιχνιδιού για να την καταλάβω.Ισως ήρθε ώρα να το ξανά παίξω,το έχω ξεχάσει εντελώς το παιχνίδι.
Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
In Matsuno we trust.
Nai eixa anoiksei to thema sto palio Final Fantasy forum prin kapoia xronakia.
H thewria afth einai kalh, alla efkola de isxyei gia polous logous akrivws opws kai den isxyei to Rinoa=Ultimecia.
To FF8 distyxws exei tosa plotholes kai einai toso kaka eipwmenh h istoria pou o kathenas mporei na ypothesei oti thelei gia oti thelei...
Einai to FF pou exw paiksei perissoteres fores meta to 7 alla distyxws pasxei apo tromera provlhmata kai se gameplay kai se story kai se xarakthres IMO.
Einai hdh poly asxhmo otan oi Fans vgazoun efkola thewries gia kalytera senaria apo afto pou prosferei to idio to game."Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
Kindred, this blade and I."
"ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
Greek Gaming Videos
Greek Final Fantasy Forum
Einai hdh poly asxhmo otan oi Fans vgazoun efkola thewries gia kalytera senaria apo afto pou prosferei to idio to game.Originally posted by Squall LeonhartI used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chestOriginally posted by 丹野Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...Originally posted by Ryu_grυπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.
To kingdom hearts exei kanoniko senario pou synexizei akomh, otan tha teliwsei kai doume kaliteres fan thewries apo to senario pou dinei to idio to game tha ta poume tote."Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
Kindred, this blade and I."
"ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
Greek Gaming Videos
Greek Final Fantasy Forum