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  • Nα βρεις και χρόνο και διάθεση γιατί θα είχε ενδιαφέρον κάτι τέτοιο.

    Το Bahamut Lagoon είναι όντως πολύ καλό και είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος που το έπαιξα. Κρίμα που δεν κυκλοφόρησε στα μέρη μας.

    Τέλος πάντων, έβαλα ξανά το Suikoden 2 στο PSP και παρατήρησα ότι δεν κολλούσε, όπως την προηγούμενη φορά. Σκέφτομαι πάρα πολύ σοβαρά να το ξεκινήσω και μάλιστα αμέσως, γιατί αν το αφήσω για αργότερα δε θα το παίξω ποτέ. Χρόνια τώρα θέλω να το παίξω, αλλά ποτέ δεν έβρισκα την ευκαιρία. Κάτι που δε γούσταρα emulator, κάτι που δε γουστάρω να παίζω αντιγραφές στο PS2, κάτι που κολλούσε στο Mist Dragon στο PSP... Τώρα, όμως, όλα δουλεύουν ρολόι (έτσι φαίνεται) επομένως λέω να το προσπαθήσω...


    • Infinite Undiscovery english trailer
      δεξί κλικ και <<αποθήκευση ως>>:

      και αποκλειστικό preview από το Official Xbox Magazine
      A beloved innovator, tri-Ace is known for refusing to settle for turn-based battles. With Infinite Undiscovery, the developer seeks to push the JRPG combat system even more out of its comfort zone by incorporating the studio?s take on real-time fights. You can encounter enemies at any time in the field ? even when you think you?re safely checking your inventory in the menu.

      And when you do, the scene doesn?t shift to a separate, enclosed environment (? la Lost Odyssey or the Final Fantasy series) ? instead, the whole thing happens seamlessly. You?ll instantly begin the fight with up to three other characters, where you can chain together different attacks, both light and heavy, or opt to execute moves that launch foes into the air so you can slam them down to the ground. Your attacks can be paired with those of your fellow party members, too. But the main thing to note is that you?re able to control only one party member at a time during a struggle, and tri-Ace isn?t ready to ante up details on exactly how or if you?ll be able to hot-swap between allies in the heat of battle.

      Night Moves
      Though fighting is a major part of Infinite?s gameplay, it?s really only one pie slice of your adventure. One feature that has our interest incredibly piqued is the concept of detection while you?re exploring the world. Think of it as tri-Ace placing a dose of light stealth chocolate in your traditional RPG peanut butter, and you?ll have an idea of what detection is all about.

      Environments throughout the game possess different conditions. If you?re tiptoeing through a particularly bright mid-day sunkissed landscape, sneaking isn?t very practical. You can see enemies a mile away and vice versa. The real tactics come into play during nighttime scenarios.

      With darkness as a blanket, nemeses will have a harder time seeing you, and an overhead mini-map in the upper corner of the screen indicates just how far their vision stretches.

      But creeping through the night has its drawbacks. For one, your vision ain?t that great either; you must use caution when traveling, and you won?t be able to lock onto targets from a distance with long-range weapon-wielding characters like Aya. Also, sight isn?t the only means by which your enemies can detect you. You?ll have to worry about sound and that aforementioned sense of smell as well.

      The Smells of Silence
      So, how does the game use sound and smell? tri-Ace game director Hiroshi Ogawa explains: ?As an example, when you?re running away from a hunting dog, you can distract him by dropping apples from the trees. However, the guards may catch you when they hear the thud of the apples. Doesn?t that sound exciting?? Erm, sounds kinda stressful, really ? but it also sounds supremely cool.

      Ogawa tells us that when you?re in a dark area, the overhead mini-map ceases showing the radar to indicate vision and instead relies on this sense of sound. So when you drop an apple to tempt those canine noses, you can also check to see how far the sound of falling fruit reaches on your radar. You?ll also be able to use this sound meter to more reliably sneak up on enemies from behind ? your footsteps can be heard, so tread lightly, Capel&#33;

      "Infinite is not a serious stealth game like Metal Gear Solid, but [you] still need to tactfully sneak-attack and make an escape,? advises Ogawa.

      Circumstantial Evidence
      And just when you think you know everything about the game?s combat, tri-Ace strikes back with something they?ve dubbed ?situational battles.?
      Think of these select gameplay segments as quasi?free-roaming adventure-style scenarios.

      The team gave us a few different examples, including one that was briefly shown at last year?s Tokyo Game Show, showcasing your party?s flight from an enemy-infested encampment of sorts. As you try to flee, you?ll have to fend off enemy soldiers and break down barricades ? but tri-Ace points out that this can be too time-consuming. One option you?ll have is to target and detonate explosive barrels with Aya?s bow to hasten your escape. But guess what? Now you?ve got a giant ogre on your trail. You can choose to stay and fight him, but that?s a losing option. Your best bet? As you?re running down a nearby staircase, push him off with a well-timed strike, allowing you to escape and score a ?Situation Bonus? reward for surviving.

      In another scenario, a dragon will attack a village while you?re there seeking a cure for an ill Aya. So, not only is a giant dragon hanging around, but your hands are full carrying your comrade. What can you do? Duck and cover&#33; Use stone structures to save your bacon ? but with environmental destruction afoot, you can?t cower behind a disintegrating pillar for long. To juke the reaper, you?ve gotta play it smart and direct the dragon?s fiery projectiles toward pursuing enemies and other obstacles blocking your escape.

      When we asked whether the situational battles have more than one way out, Ogawa replied, ?Some, though not all, have multiple options for resolution.? Intriguing to say the least, and we?re told that your actions will directly affect certain aspects of your overall adventure. [/b]
      NDS themes


      • FF Fables: Chocobos Dungeon
        ΝΡ preview

        Final Fantasy mascot, Chocobo, and his buddy Cid are explorers who just want to hunt for treasure, but thats all thrown out the window when the duo gets sucked into a mysterious city called Losttime. Though beautiful, Losttime holds a dark secret: the Bell of Oblivion, which rings at irregular intervals, wipes away the citizens precious memories. Through a series of strange events, Chocobo gains the ability to reassemble the lost memories by exploring a series of randomly generated labyrinths. As in similar dungeon crawlers, the top-down adventuring is fast paced but turn-based; every time you move, attack or perform an action, the enemies move as well. Unlike other games of the same ilk, this one is pretty user friendly. You get to retain your experience and level when you restart dungeons and you get to keep any equipped items if you fall in battle. The game has plenty of other nifty elements, including classic FF job classes, a forge for improving your equipment, a card-battling minigame and fantastic music that takes many cues from past FF titles.[/b]

        τέλος, το ΝΡ διεξήγαγε ψηφοφορία για τους αναγνώστες , για το ποια games επιθυμούν να δουν στην VC
        τα αποτελέσματα ήταν
        1. Earthbound
        2. Super Mario RPG
        3. Chrono Trigger
        4. Mother
        5. Majora?s Mask
        NDS themes


        • Πργματικά αμέτρητα RPGs. Σε προηγούμενο post έγραψα ποια με ενδιαφέρουν και σε αυτά πρέπει να προσθέσω άλλα τόσα. Το GBA για μένα ήταν η χρυσή κονσόλα των ports, μου έδωσε τη δυνατότητα και την ευκαιρία να παίξω τόσα JRPGs του SNES, και τώρα βλέπω ένα DS που έχει δεκάδες τίτλους, remakes και καινούριους, και όλοι είναι πάρα πολλοί αξιόλογοι. Τι να πω, όλα ευπρόσδεκτα&#33; Μακάρι να βγουν και αυτά τα 5 στην VC, όλα (εκτός του Chrono Trigger) είναι σίγουρες αγορές...


          • Το majora&#39;s mask δεν είναι rpg.Άλλο το να έχει στοιχεία ή το να μοιάζει σε rpg και αλλό να είναι καθαρόαιμο...
            Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
            3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


            • /define καθαροαιμο.


              • Δηλαδή τι θες να πεις???
                Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
                3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


                • Δεν υπαρχουν καθαροαιμα παιχνιδια ρολων σε υπολογιστες / κονσολες, για το λογο του οτι δεν μας το επιτρεπει η υπολογιστικη ισχυς τους.
                  Γιαυτο, αντι να προσπαθουν (ευτυχως για εμας) να μιμιθουν (φυσικα ανεπιτυχως ) τα κανονικα παιχνιδα ρολων (pen and paper role play games), δημιουργησαν υβριδικα ειδη, ωστε να ειναι ποιο λογικα κατα την μεταφορα τους.
                  Αναλογα κυριως με το στυλ, την υποθεση και το πνευμα του παιχνιδιου, παλαιοτερα διναν και το αντιστοιχο τροπο για να παιξεις το παιχνιδι.
                  Το Zelda ειναι rpg, στην παλια του μορφη οπως ξεκινησαν τα παιχνιδια, και ειναι της action / adventure σχολης.
                  Ηταν κοινοτατος αποδεκτο οτι το παιχνιδι ειναι rpg, ακομα και στο παλιο, καλο gamepro ειχε γινει καποια αναφορα.
                  Αυτο αλλαξε με την αηδιαστικη προπαγανδα που εφαγε απο γνωστο παιχνιδι περιπου στο 1996, η οποια προπαγανδα συνεχιζεται ως σημερα. O Miyamoto ωστοσο, εχει μιλησει οτι τα παιχνιδια του (Zelda) ειναι rpg με την κλασσικη συνταγη που εχουν εδω και χρονια.
                  Δυστηχως, πλεον ειμαστε στο βαθμο να μην θεωρουμε ενα rpg ως rpg, αν αυτο δεν ειναι turn based
                  Ned Stark

                  A man draws his sword in order to protect the small wound deep in his heart.
                  It was inflicted in the days long past,at the farthest reach of his memories.
                  A man wields his sword in order to depart life with a smile.
                  In the days far ahead,beyond the reach of his memory.
                  Ειναι ανθρωπος, κι ομως δεν εχει αδυναμιες.
                  Εχει υλικη υποσταση, κι ομως δεν υπαρχει.
                  Ειναι ο Getta Robo.


                  • New 3D Dungeon Crawler for DS from Success
                    NDS themes


                    • Wizard?s Harmony @ PS Store

                      Chaos Wars

                      Angel Love Online

                      Κατα τα αλλα..και περι PS...παιζω αραια και που Legend of Dragoon. Καμια σχεση με αυτο που θυμωμουν κ τερματισα καποτε..αλλα γενικα ειναι καλο παιχνιδι
                      " You 're saying that you 're just here to add a bit of colour?

                      Authenticity sir, authenticity. "

                      Discworld (1995, PC/Playstation/Sega Saturn)


                      • Namco X Capcom
                        fantranslation beta released:


                        • Υπευθυνος/leader της μεταφρασης του Namco X Capcom ειναι ενας παλιος γνωριμος μου, o Saito. Οταν μου ελεγε οτι θα καταφερει να το μεταφρασει δεν τον πιστευα... Επειδη αυτος και η team του κανουν σπουδαια δουλεια και σε αλλα projects, εαν θελετε μπορειτε να επισκευθειτε το site τους :

                          Οπως και να εχει, νεα επερχομενη "all star" κυκλοφορια :

                          Χ-Edge (PS3)
                          " You 're saying that you 're just here to add a bit of colour?

                          Authenticity sir, authenticity. "

                          Discworld (1995, PC/Playstation/Sega Saturn)


                          • ένα νέο rpg για DS:
                            Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates[/b]
                            rpgfan review
                            Ring of Fates gets rid of some of the biggest problems with the original game, but also manages to make more in the process. The controls are awkward and the framerate isn&#39;t as good as it needs to be, but you don&#39;t have to carry around that stupid chalice and spend lots of money to play the multi-player. It isn&#39;t remarkably better than the first game, but it is a slight improvement. What it all boils down to is whether or not you want a single or multi-player experience. If you want a single-player experience, Ring of Fates is too short and generic to recommend at its price tag, but if you want some fun dungeon crawling that you can do with a friend than Ring of Fates is worth a purchase. Let&#39;s all hope that Square Enix learned from their mistakes on the first two games and can make the definitive Crystal Chronicles experience with their upcoming Wii game.

                            Graphics: 90%
                            Sound: 82%
                            Gameplay: 79%
                            Control: 70%
                            Story: 60%
                            Overall: 80%
                            NDS themes


                            • Από ένα email που μου έστειλε η Atlus (αν γραφτείς στο site της σου στέλνει ενημερωτικά emails):

                              Atlus would like to present a world that ACTUALLY ends with you (coincidentally, it begins and continues with you also). The Storytellers of Lagaard contest offers Etrian Odyssey fans an opportunity to work together to weave a beautiful narrative tapestry. For example:

                              Poster A:
                              "You see a bubbling brook. Your parched lips tremble from the promise of sweet, refreshing rejuvenation. What do you do?"

                              Poster B:
                              "You drink from the brook. As you rise from the ground, an FOE leaps out from in front of you. The creature has ambushed you&#33;"

                              Why participate? Well, the best contributor (as judged by us) will win a free copy of the official 3-disc soundtrack to Etrian Odyssey II, featuring all of Yuzo Koshiro&#39;s score in both the in-game DS versions and his PC-8801 working versions&#33; [/b]
                              Φοβερές μπιχτές ρίχνει τώρα τελευταία στην S-E . Δε μου αρέσει και τόσο αυτή η (ΙΜΗΟ) υπεροψία της. Είναι λες και καβάλησε το καλάμι επειδή ακούει από παντού πόσο cult είναι . Τέλος πάντων, βρήκε και το κατάλληλο παιχνίδι για να κάνει κάτι τέτοιο .


                              • για την όλη υπόθεση με τις μπηχτές της Αtlus για την S-E, όλο αυτό μου φαίνεται άχαρο ΙΜΗΟ και δεν την τιμά ως εταιρία...απορώ και με τον λόγο δλδ...όσα δεν φτάνει η αλεπού ή απλό πείραγμα; Τέσπα...
                                Τώρα για το ΕΟ, βασικά το πρώτο τουλάχιστον θυμάμαι από εντυπώσεις των φίλων WML και Burai όσο και reviews ήταν καλός τίτλος, δεν ξέρω για το 2ο μέρος...

                                Για mother fans...
                                η κλειστομυαλία της Ν σε όλο της το μεγαλείο:
                                Dragon Quest Swords
                                euro site[/b]
                                NDS themes

