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  • OMG What has been seen cannot be unseen.
    Η δυναμη του πειθαναγκασμου με εκανε κι εμενα να δω τον Snake του MGS4 καπου προς τα δεξια .


    • Λολ.Κι εγώ τον είδα τον σαπιόγερα.:xp:
      Τα υπόλοιπα βέβαια με καμία δύναμη.
      Άντε να δούμε τι θα είναι τελικά.
      Άσχετη υπενθύμιση προς τον εαυτό μου:Να παίξω τα 2 ΖΟΕ.:phil:
      Carpe diem


      • Όνειρο θερινής νυκτός, αλλά πόσο θα ήθελα remake από το 0, των Policenauts και Snatcher... Αυτό, και Port του Track & Field του PS1 στο Wii, με ανελέητο waggle τώρα.
        There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
        Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


        • Πωπω κι εγώ από όταν μου πρωτοέδειξαν το 360 controller δεν μπορώ το ξε-δω! Άντε να ρθει αυτή η Ε3


          • H fantasia twn anthrwpwn den exei oria O kojima tha trivei ta xeria tou twra...
            H plaka einai pws akoma den eida kapoia thewria synomwsias apo tous PS3 fans.... tosa pads exei o ouranos, kana sixaxis den vlepei kaneis?

            "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
            But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
            Kindred, this blade and I.

            "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
            Greek Gaming Videos
            Greek Final Fantasy Forum


            • Καλα γι αυτες τις εικονες κανουν θεμα. That's BULL-SHOTS.
              Do a barrel roll!


              • Believe.


                • Πόσο τέλεια όλα και πόσο πλάκα θα έχει να είναι καμία τελείως ξενέρωτη είδηση (βλέπε MGS4 στο iPhone ).

                  Beyond Good & Evil 2 A No Show At E3?

                  Ubisoft may be keeping Beyond Good & Evil 2 more under wraps at this year's E3 than we were expecting. The recently leaked trailer for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game may be it. According to Ubisoft reps, by way of UGO, Beyond Good & Evil 2 won't be making a playable appearance at E3 2009. It may simply be relegated to press conference "sizzle" footage, with expanded details hopefully offered by the publisher. Just don't count on reading any hands-on impressions in June.
                  Of the Ubisoft games we've recently played, Beyond Good & Evil 2 was certainly not among them. Perhaps Ubi will give the game more personal attention at this year's Gamescom in Cologne...

                  Sega Announces Resonance of Fate
                  Sega has announced that tri-Ace's recently announced RPG End of Eternity will reach North American shores in the Spring of 2010 as Resonance of Fate. Owners of both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be able to get their hands on the title when it launches next year.

                  GameTap: Emulation 'complexity' holding back Panzer Dragoon Saga

                  As to why GameTap has yet to release the game, Marchini -- himself a "self-confessed Sega fanboy" -- told Joystiq, "The main factor keeping GameTap from releasing PDS complexity of Saturn emulation." (We believe him, the Saturn was notoriously difficult to program for.) He notes that it can take months to properly prepare a single title for release "or worse, to discover that after months of development the game will not be releasable." He adds that it's a matter of the amount of resources needed to release a game versus its worth to GameTap. Naturally, the larger a game's potential audience, the more beneficial it is to GameTap.

                  Bioshock 2 - Hunting the Big Sister Demo



                  • Bioshock 2:μια λέξη μόνο.

                    Κ Α Υ Λ Α

                    πρέπει να ξαναπαίξω asap το πρώτο.
                    Carpe diem


                    • Οριστε τα reviews του τελευταιου game informer.
                      SO=Second opinion btw.

                      X-Men Origins: Wolverine 8 / SO 9
                      Bionic Commando 6.25 / SO 5
                      UFC 2009 Undisputed 8 / 8.25
                      Ninja Blade 7.5 / 8.25
                      Sacred 2: Fallen Angel 7.75 / 7
                      Game Of The Month inFAMOUS 9 / SO 8.5
                      Punch-Out!! 9 / SO 8.25
                      Boom Blox Bash Party 8.75 / SO 8.75
                      Excitebots: Trick Racing 8.5 / SO 8.25
                      Broken Sword (Wii) 7
                      Klonoa 7
                      PC Game Of The Month* DemiGod 8 / SO 8
                      Patapon 2 7 / SO 8.25
                      Knights in the Nightmare 7 / SO 6


                      • Για 0.5 έχασε τον τίτλο game of the month το Wolverine;Πολύ επιεικές μου φαίνεται.Όχι μόνο σε αυτό γενικά.Το άκρως αντίθετο από το Edge σα να λέμε.
                        Carpe diem


                        • Punch-Out!! 9 / SO 8.25


                          Πολύ καλό score .. Είναι ένα ακόμα παιγνίδι που πρέπει να αγοράσω ... Αυτό φυσικά θα είναι το εύκολο μέρος .. Το δύσκολο μέρος πλέον, θα είναι να βρώ και χρόνο να το παίξω .. Ευτυχώς που η NOE έκανε delay το Excitebots, γιατί εκεί θα είχα καταστραφεί ..


                          • Bionic Commando 6.25 / SO 5
                            Τελικά δεν τα κατάφερε η Grin... Είχα βέβαια αρκετές αμφιβολίες από το πόσο θα δούλευε το concept σε 3D από το trailer.
                            «Should Shinobi fail before completing the mission, he will disappear before the dawn and vanish forever.»


                            • Valve Release Left 4 Dead Mod Tools

                              Those wanting to build their own take on the zombie apocalypse are being well looked after today, with Valve announcing an open beta for Left 4 Dead's software development kit. If you jump to the "tools" tab in Steam, you'll see it available for download. Contained within are "modified versions of the same tools" used by Valve to make the proper game, so you'll be coming up with more than skins and sound effects.
                              Industrious fans will be able to build levels, create props, import props, edit lighting, etc etc etc. And if you're worried how this will affect your multiplayer sessions, don't, because Valve are updating the game's matchmaking system "in a few weeks" to accomodate all the new, user-created stuff.

                              Shocker: Team Ninja to work on more Ninja Gaiden games

                              For those of you curious whether a game development studio named Team Ninja would continue to create exclusively ninja-based games, you can now rest easy. In a recent interview with Kikizo, Team Ninja's (relatively) new Commander-in-Chief, Yosuke Hayashi, confirmed that Team Ninja would continue to work towards "the future of an outstanding series." Said series being, of course, Monster Rancher. Or, wait, no -- Ninja Gaiden. Yeah, that one.

                              Hayashi explained the demand for a Ninja Gaiden III had reached a fever pitch, claiming, "what the consumers, the gamers are looking for is going to be the next chapter," and, "that we're in a position of being able to make that call, and to provide pure entertainment that's going to be enjoyed by action gamers and our fans." Hopefully we'll find out more about the series' future when we sit down with Hayashi at E3 in two weeks (and some change).


                              • The Secret Of Monkey Island - SPECIAL EDITION to Xbox 360

                                Yes, it's been an awfully long time, but it appears that The Secret Of Monkey Island is coming back, and to the Xbox 360.

                                The German USK rating board has revealed that The Secret Of Monkey Island - Special Edition is on its way. This was the very original Monkey Island game, from all the way back in 1990. As for what makes it a Special Edition is currently unknown -- could they be re-doing the graphics? Could the game possibly have a voice cast?

                                The rating suggests that Activision might have some involvement in the project, but most likely this is simply Activision Europe rating the title for LucasArts, as they are the European publishing arm that LucasArts use. We can only assume this is an Xbox Live Arcade title, but there is a slim chance that this is a retail retelling of the original too.

                                Source: German USK Rating Board.

                                Και έτσι βρήκα το GOTG μου Μετά από τόσα χρόνια, επιτέλους θα ξαναπαίξουμε Monkey Island ! Ελπίζω αυτό το special edition, να έχει καινούριο υλικό και να μην είναι απλά ένα remake ... Όπως και να έχει όμως, θα το αγοράσω με την ελπίδα ενός Monkey Island 5

                                Υ.Γ. Γιατί όχι Wii ?? Πολλοί στο GAF λένε ότι αυτή η είδηση δένει με τις φήμες για νέο χειριστήριο "a-la Wii" από την Microsoft .. Για να δούμε ..

