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Νέα & Ειδήσεις της βιομηχανίας

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  • Ναι ρε φίλε ναί!!!! Μεγάλο νέο και ακόμα μεγαλύτερη πορωση!
    Επιτέλους τόσα χρόνια το σκεφτόμουνα οτι ένα M.I θα ήταν ότι πρέπει για το Wii!!!
    Το γεγονός οτι προτίμησαν να το βγάλουν στο 360 δείχνει οτι μάλλον θα είναι για XBLA και όχι retail version! Oπως και να χει θα το αποκτήσω.

    Μαγεία αδέρφια απλά μαγεία! Ηρθέ η ώρα να σιχαθούμε την πορσελάνη πάλι!
    I attack sharks
    when i smell them bleed
    I dont go swimming
    water just wants to be around me.


    • Kojima under "pressure" to make MGS News

      peaking to Develop, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has said that he's under pressure from Konami to continue the series - a series he's tried, publicly and several times, to draw a line under.

      "Yeah, there’s absolutely pressure there," he said. "Maybe if I quit Konami that pressure might be a bit better, but since Konami handles the business side of our operations, yeah, there’s definitely a demand continue a series as successful as Metal Gear."

      But he also admitted that he's not sure anyone outside his studio is capable of making a true Metal Gear game.

      "I think that what you might expect from a Metal Gear might only be possible from Kojima Productions, rather than leaving it to an outside studio to produce a satisfactory product," Kojima said. "But, then again, if I got an offer saying a company wanted to do it, maybe!"

      Braid Comes To The Mac

      The list of excuses for not having played Number None's Braid gets shorter today with the release of the Mac OS X version of the time-shifting puzzle platformer.

      The newest version of Braid is priced the same as its Xbox Live Arcade and PC counterparts ($14.95 USD) and is just as native to the Mac platform as previous releases. The port was handled by Hothead Games, the same folks responsible for Penny Arcade Adventures. For anyone who hasn't yet heard of the award-winning game, read our review of the XBLA version to see if it sounds like something you'd be into.

      Currently, Braid for Mac is available at Greenhouse, but will soon be showing up at "a lot of places." Keep an eye on those places!


      • Telika o Kojima sthn fash me thn antistrofh metrish ta ekane ola mpourdelo

        Prwta prwta h antistrofh metrhsh ksanarxise stis 100+ wres kai twra emfanizontai to "5" h "S" pou kserame syn ena "3", ena "E", kai ena "e" h anapodo "9" opws thelete to pernete...

        The official Metal Gear web portal, where you can find all the latest on the series.
        "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
        But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
        Kindred, this blade and I.

        "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
        Greek Gaming Videos
        Greek Final Fantasy Forum


        • Mην τρελαίνεσαι. Κάπου διάβασα πως το 5 σήμαινε πως μέναν 5 αντίστροφες μετρήσεις μέχρι την ανακοίνωση του τίτλου στην Ε3 λογικά. Πολλά λέγονται, imo πάντως μάλλον μιλάμε για ένα MG 5. Πολλοί βέβαια λένε πως ο κεραυνός δηλώνει πως ο τίτλος συνδέεται και καλά με τον Raiden. Άιντε να δούμε.
          «Should Shinobi fail before completing the mission, he will disappear before the dawn and vanish forever.»


          • Τις άκουσα και εγώ αυτές τις φήμες (ΟΚ διάβασα) αλλά με κουράζουν όλα αυτά τα σενάρια . Σύντομα θα ξέρουμε .


            • Μπα ισως να ειναι και κατι αλλο

              Lords of Shadow Teaser Trailer



              • Βλέπω την απαίσια γραμματοσειρά του Spiderman στην εικόνα που παρέθεσες οπότε υποθέτω ότι είναι κάτι Playstation-exclusive. Το μαχαίρι εμένα μου θυμίζει Vamp πάντως...!


                • Resonance of fate aka End of Eternity japanese gameplay trailer
                  Carpe diem


                  • Τέλεια ποζεριά!!!! Ελπίζω να βγει καλό.


                    • Community Games: Creation Myths:
                      And on the seventh day, the development of Remote Masseuse was completed. Cannily released just before Valentine’s Day, with a description that suggested it be used for long-distance erotic chats, it inspired many internet stories that helped it earn just under $7,000 in a month. It’s a cute tale. Some XNA developers would also have you believe it’s a tragedy for the Xbox Live Community Games (CG) service: that six months after launch, and following the release of its first sales figures, it runs the risk of becoming a paradise for the no-budget gimmick app and inferior versions of XBLA games.

                      The latest video game news, reviews and features from the team at Edge Magazine. Subscribe here today.
                      There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
                      Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


                      • Κατι πολυ σημαντικο που αναφερεται στο αρθρο επανω και μπορω να το επιβεβαιωσω:

                        Talk to developers and all you hear is praise. Chris Simpson, of Lemmy&Binky Indie House, says C# is a major factor for Community Games: “It’s so nice and fast to do anything with. We had a forum competition about making a game in a month, and the amount we could do in a month with C# was massive compared to what we could have done in C++.”
                        Πραγματικα οποιος κατεχει απο προγραμματισμο ας το δοκιμασει. Υπαρχουν παρα πολλα templates για να κανετε την αρχη αν σας φαινεται βουνο να ξεκινησετε απ'το 0.
                        Do a barrel roll!


                        • Billboard Confirms 2010 U.S. Debut For Final Fantasy XIII

                          The massive billboards, pasted on the side of a Los Angeles hotel close to the LA Convention Center, which is where next week's E3 Expo will take place, show three of the characters from FF XIII.

                          As the official Square Enix member blog notes, the words 'Coming 2010' appear above the central billboard, next to a portrait of in-game character Snow.


                          • Κατι το νεο Famitsu, κατι τα Teasers του Kojima που τωρα εσκασε μυτη και η φατσα του Bigboss... Παμε για MGS related ανακοινωση την ερχομενη βδομαδα στα σιγουρα.
                            Αντε να δουμε αν θα ειναι κατι νεο (MGS5), κατι παλιο σε αλλο format (X360) ή ακομα χειροτερα κατι ακυρο σε ακυρο format (mini games collection στο Wii) .


                            • BigBoss => Spin-Off => Wii On Rails Shooter (that really takes advantage of the Wii motion capabilities / we believe there's hardcore audience in Wii / we are trying something different than the other companies / imagine nintendo like quality)
                              Do a barrel roll!


                              • Δε θέλω Mgs5 ακόμα.Θέλω MGS4 στο Χ360 :fsss::wha:
                                Carpe diem

