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Νέα και ειδήσεις για Nintendo Switch, 2DS

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  • Tom Clancy’s EndWar heading to DS

    Battle of the Bands

    Assassin’s Creed: Altair’s Chronicles


    • General GDC:

      -under $100
      -probably going to be just under, though, it's not like it matters
      -Matt, Mark, Craig Laugh at "WiiFit is killing gaming!"
      -10 other balance board games in development
      -ONE MILLION units at launch
      -they're flooding the market
      -Nintendo is definitely NOT happy with the shortages
      -if Reggie can say they're going to be #1 IN AMERICA! by June, then they definitely have to have the units
      -Definitely have the games
      -British version being shown off at GDC
      -rediculously accurate
      -a REAL workout
      -a lot of little things, like you can switch the output so you're watching TV and the Wiimote speaker will time you, or you can add that say you just went on a 1 mile run to your profile
      -would be great with Nike Plus
      -why not get a pedometer for WiiFit?

      -really nice guy
      -unfortunate they had to grill him
      -questions and answers are lost in translation sometimes
      -Roster: what you see is what you get
      -no DLC planned period, just stage editor stuff
      -Sakurai perfectly content with the game.
      -no one approached them with 3rd party characters. Sakurai laughs at Matt's innsolence
      -only thing Sakurai didn't get was headset/keyboard support. Sakurai says "Use Skype Mortals"

      Boom Blox Headtracking:
      -bullet time mode that lets you move stuff around
      -just an easter egg, not really a bullet point

      Wii copycats - Zcamera:
      -special camera, almost infared
      -can lock onto your various body parts
      -works flawlessly
      -Matt thinks that this will be the basis for next gen
      -NOT eye-toy
      -3D, NOT 2D overlay
      -great tech
      -Boxing demo destroys Wii Sports Boxing

      -looks better than most Wii games
      -lot of cool puzzles
      -Reggie excited about this
      -Craig is worried about shovelware on WiiWare
      -shouldn't be too much of a problem with how Nintendo are limiting releases. more than VC.
      -COMMODORE SIXY-FOUR!!!!!!!!!& #33;!!

      -voice chat is coming, but if P2P isn't awesome, they ain't paying
      -Roy and Mew aren't in there. Lucario = Mew anyway
      -MKWii Wiimote+nunchuck: analog-steer, A/B-accellerate/brake, Z-slide, +-item (^ to shoot forward, V to shoot back.)
      -FFCC:CB: NOT CANCELED. probably diverted a few resources, but it's coming, though a long wait is likely.
      -Wii Headtracking: probably not. too much work. WiiWare may have something...
      -MKWii: later than anything else. Reggie sayz
      -Nintendo sayz: Punks don't know 'bout mai MKWii grfx! (they don't care)
      -Storage is probably coming
      -no Cryptic hints about upcoming games they can't talk about from Matt & Mark (not)
      -Craig however has something neat for DS soon
      -well, actually there is WiiWare
      -no idea about Hockey Wii games, hopefully soon
      -games CAN tap into stuff like the news and the weather channels
      -Red Steel 2: DID go to a new team, Ubisoft values the franchise
      -IGN: apparently has an outdated copy of Okami Wii, they'll believe it when they see it
      -DLC may mean a new storage solution, but no clear idea
      -someone know a solution that can connect Craig and LA, they promise Cake[/b][/quote]
      NDS themes


      • Αυτό για το snaking με λυπεί αφάνταστα ως snaking maniac.Aλλάξανε το boost λέει για να καταστρέφεται το snaking.Κρίμα και πίστευα ότι θα μπορούσε να γίνει κάτι σε θέμα πρωταθλημάτων αλλά με βάση την τύχη που θα παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στο game το βλέπω ανούσιο να υπάρχουν.
        Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
        3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


        • Ναι ενω με το snaking εχει πολυ ουσια το παιχνιδι...
          Do a barrel roll!


          • Kατεμέ έχει τεράστιο βάθος αν και χάνει στη διασκέδαση αλλά για πρωταθλήματα το snaking ήταν ότι έπρεπε.
            Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
            3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


            • New Blast Works trailer

              Yoshinori Ono: more characters for console Street Fighter IV, Wii version a possibility

              Mario Kart Wii will support text chat.


              • Ναι... το χειρότερο κατεμέ είναι ότι δεν μπορείς να κάνεις chat παρά μόνο με friends.Eπίσης δεν μπορείς να δεις άλλους αγώνες παρά μόνο των friends σου αν και ευτυχώς μπορείς να κατεβάσεις οποιοδήποτε ghost data μέσω του channel.Oυφ ευτυχώς κάτι πολύ ενδιαφέρον.
                Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
                3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


                • To κακο δεν ειναι οτι μιλας μονο σε φιλους.. Δηλαδη δεν ειναι μονο αυτο.
                  Το οτι εχεις text αντι voice δε θα επρεπε να ειναι το κυριο προβλημα;


                  • Ειναι αλυτο προβλημα το δευτερο
                    Do a barrel roll!


                    • Δεν με νοιάζει και πολύ το voice καθώς δεν υπήρχε περίπτωση να εφαρμοστεί κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα(α ρε nintendo πότε θα το κάνεις αυτό; )πριν τον αγώνα δεν έχει και ιδιαίτερη σημασία αν είναι text ή voice κατεμέ.
                      Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
                      3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


                      • Aυτο ειναι το προβλημα. Δεχεσαι μια παραλειψη γιατι εχουν φροντισει απο πριν να σε κανουν να τη θεωρησεις δεδομενη.
                        Nintendo is always one step ahead.


                        • Μέτρον άριστον...Σε κάποια είναι πίσω, σε άλλα μπροστά...
                          Πάντως, το voice chat, αν και μη ανακοινωμένο ακόμη, θεωρείται σίγουρο από την ign wii team...
                          Nintendo must have created a virtual Eternal Darkness game that has engorged reality. The sanity meter right now is maxed out x 10000 so we're experiencing some weird stuff.

                          Let's just all say the magic words and go back to reality.

                          THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!


                          • Σιγουρο σε μελλοντικα games εννοεις; Ε και εγω θελω να πιστευω οτι θα το δουμε καποια στιγμη αλλα την αρχη θα τη κανουν 3rd party τιτλοι εφ'οσον τους δοσει η N το πρασινο σημα.
                            Do a barrel roll!


                            • Ναι για μελλοντικά εννοώ..Απότι κατάλαβα θα γίνει το εξής...
                              Η N θα δώσει μια λύση στο θέμα με έναν χαρακτηριστικό family friendly τρόπο, και την επόμενη μέρα, 3rd party κατασκευαστές θα φτιάξουν κλασσικά headsets για το wii....
                              Nintendo must have created a virtual Eternal Darkness game that has engorged reality. The sanity meter right now is maxed out x 10000 so we're experiencing some weird stuff.

                              Let's just all say the magic words and go back to reality.

                              THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!


                              • N-Gamer review scores
                                Bully - Scholarship Edition - Wii - 90%
                                Sonic Riders Zero Gravity - Wii - 49%
                                Super Smash Bros Brawl - Wii - 93%
                                Nitrobike - Wii - 40%
                                PDC World Championship Darts - Wii - 28%
                                Rune Factory 2 - DS - 78%
                                Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Games - DS - 68%
                                No More Heroes - Wii - 94%
                                CSI: Hard Evidence - Wii - 40%
                                Agatha Christie - And Then There Were None - Wii - 60%
                                Godzilla Unleashed - Wii - 45%
                                Chocobo?s Dungeon Toki-Wasure No Meikyuu - Wii - 48%
                                Exit DS - DS - 81%
                                Sekai No Shougi - DS - 70%
                                From The Abyss - DS - 35%
                                Fukoumori: Moririi No Unhappy Project - DS - 40%
                                Tanoshii Youchien: Kotoba To Asobo - DS - 65%
                                Winx Club: Mission enchantrix - DS - 50%
                                Paint By DS - DS - 30%
                                Korurin Doughnuts - DS - 65%
                                My little flufties - DS - 10%
                                Asterix At The Olympic Games - DS - 60%[/b]
                                NDS themes

