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Νέα και ειδήσεις για Nintendo Switch, 2DS
This is a sticky topic.
ΙGN Wii-K in Review Jan 18th 08</span>[/b]</span>
Σύνοψη απομαγνητοφώνησης από neοgaf:
<div class=\'quotetop\'>QUOTE</div><div class=\'quotemain\'>
NPD Talk:
-They do not know the Pink to Red Breakdown of DS sales. Bozon prefers the pink.
-PS3 sold very well, "Its all those games they had"..... Crickets
-CoD4 is blowing away Halo 3. And Wii Play is pretty close.
-Peer thinks a nintendo track version of guitar hero.
-First has to be guitar hero aerosmith then guitar hero winger?
-Wii games is ten games to every system sold (σ.σ. tie ratio Δεκεμβρίου)
-Wii software outsold 360 software sales
-No More Heroes- Bozon 75,000. Matt- 60,000+
-Bid farewell to Retro's man
-No Online Mode
-3 Months ago a vast online mode was planned
-They would like voice chat
-6 Players Online
-Was 8 players, originally planned 10, but framerate issues forced the reduction
-Again they want voice chat.
Nintendo's Stance on Voice Chat:
-Nintendo wants parents to listen in on voice chat.
-May not be attached to a persons ear, may be something else.
-Matt; "Aboslutely going to give you a good Workout"
-They think its going to be huge here
-Don't import, a lot of japanese text to get around the game
-May not have a push up counter on the board, that pushup was a part of a compound exercise
Endless Ocean:
-Co-Op online.
-Like a free roaming Pokemon Snap
-You can join a friend's game in progress, they are notified and must surface before you both can dive in.
-You can't swim the vast ocean, you move your boat to a dive spot and go from there. Invisible wall lets keeps you bound in the dive area.
-Cool, Very relaxing, Chill game
Matt and Boz Wii Project:
-Blackout isn't a WiiWare game, its boxed retail.
-A major publisher rep, "dear god Matt, your a father now, we can't have the child's mother dieing in the first minute of the game"
-No company has been as agressive with a wii game since Red Steel.
-Ign to third party publishers "put some damn money and effort into wii games, they'll sell" Big emphasis on that the publishers need to market.
Bully Wii
-some love it, some hate it
-pretty basic Wii-make
-a few improvements, (graphics, content, etc., etc.)
-more or less the same game, but thats not a bad thing
-kinda screwed about sales though... (σ.σ. πέφτει επάνω στο SSBB)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
-1:1 controls
-Top 5 Best looking game on the Wii
-May not make it in 2008
-Lots of suprises from Square, we'll be suprised
-What Third-Party games do we Know about? Response: Well theres quite a few.
-DQ:Swords on rails hack and slash not a full DQ game
-Nintendo will eventually announce something, guarantee that it will make you happy, its the light at the end of the tunnel.
-They also expect Pikmin and AC. AC much more than Pikmin.
-Mario Kart Q3 even Q4. Not going to be Q2, but hopefully it is that means they'll have something nice coming this christmas.
-Some developers are looking at JonnyLee ( the wii head and figure tracker guy ), he may not even know it.Can't do much about Johnny Lee getting recognized.Will do a article on him in the near future
-Disaster Day of Crisis: looking cool, don't know when it's coming.
-don't think Bionic Commando will make it's way to Wii
-not terribly keen on the Wii Wheel. may not be that hardcore.
-Metroid Prime 3 got rejected for best artistic design
<span style="color:#3333FF">-Nintendo is holding back a some news on the Wii. wait for GDC/E3
-Retro, Capcom, Wii stuff. Can't talk about it yet
-replacement disks coming febuary
Mε εξαίρεση την απαράδεκτη είδηση για το κόψιμο του Worms online mode, πολύ καλά νέα, ειδικά τα πέρι tie ratio και επερχόμενων εκπλήξεων.
E λοιπόν αυτο με το tie ratio δεν το περίμενα, τουλάχιστον όχι ακόμα!
Απο κει και πέρα
No company has been as agressive with a wii game since Red Steel[/b]
Lots of suprises from Square, we'll be suprised [/b]
-don't think Bionic Commando will make it's way to Wii[/b]
Τέλος όσον αφορά το worms θεωρώ απαράδεκτη την έλλειψη on-line στο συγκεκριμένο παιχνίδι. Θα χάσει και σε πόντους και σε πωλήσεις!
Σχετικα με GDC τώρα που θα γίνει 18-22 στο San Francisco
-Η Nintendo θα εκπροσωπηθεί από τρεις ομιλητές
-Δεδομένης της, όπως φαίνεται, επιτυχημένης κυκλοφορίας του Wii Fit στην Ιαπωνία, ο υπεύθυνος του εν λόγω hardware Takao Sawano θα μιλήσει στο συνέδριο με τίτλο θέματος "Wii Fit: Δημιουργώντας ένα νέο interface για το οικιακό σύστημα" και θα αναφέρεται στις φιλοσοφικές, πρακτικές και κοινωνικές προκλήσεις που έπρεπε να αντιμετωπιστούν κατά την ανάπτυξη ενός παιχνιδιού για το Wii Fit.
-Η ομιλία του Takashi Aoyama (Network Group Team Leader) θα έχει τον τίτλο "Σχεδιάζοντας το μενού του Wii: Από τα πρώτα του βήματα μέχρι το WiiWare" και θα αφορά κυρίως τις προσπάθειες της Mario Factory για την διάθεση ολοκληρωμένων και καινούριων παιχνιδιών εξολοκλήρου δια μέσου της online υπηρεσίας του Wii.
-Τέλος, την ομιλία με τίτλο "Δημιουργώντας χαρακτήρες: Η αποτίμηση του Super Smash Bros. Brawl" θα εκφέρει ο Masahiro Sakurai (Creative Developer). [/b]I attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.
Team17 talks lack of online in Worms: A Space Oddity
Επικαλλούνται ότι δεν προλαβαίνουν λόγω χρόνου να συμπεριλάβουν οnline mode όπως στις εκδόσεις των φορητών...όμως έτσι θα χάσουν πολύ μεγάλο μέρος των πωλήσεων ΙΜΗΟ,θα τους γυρίσει boomerang...
IGN Wii's Preview 2008
Aν και έχει ποστάρει κάτι παρόμοιο ο μάταλλος αποπάνω για το τι να περιμένουμε το 08, ρίχτε μια ματιά περιέχει τα καλύτερα games για κάθε κατήγορια και προβλέψεις!
-Wii Best-Selling Console of 2008
-Nintendo Releases Unconventional Voice Chat Solution for Wii
-E3 2008: Nintendo Announces New Wii Take on Major Classic Franchise
-Nintendo Releases New Wii Colors and Wireless Nunchuk with Wii Play-style Mini-Games
Επίσης συνέντευξη iwata
Since Nintendo is now officially richer than the US government, we're going to refer to Iwata as "President Iwata" for the rest of this story.[/b]I attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.
Η Φήμη της ημέρας!!
Factor 5 working on Kid Icarus for Wii
Kombo has learned from a credible source that said Wii game is in fact a new installment in Nintendo's cherished Kid Icarus franchise. According to sources, Factor 5's Kid Icarus title is being developed ground-up for Wii. It will not use one of the developer's previous GameCube graphics engines. Unfortunately, at this time, no other details have been provided to us for publish. [/b]
Πάντως αμα συμβεί αυτό έχουμε πέσει όλη μέσα στις προβλέψεις που κάναμε οταν ανακοινώθηκε οτι η F5 φτιάχνει παιχνίδι για το wiiI attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.
Super Dodgeball Brawlers
IGN Winning Eleven Wii preview
House of the Dead 2, 3 Return
site update
RUMOR - N64 Goldeneye vs. XBLA remake
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games
DS screens
ΙGN review
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games is a really good competitive game that's a better multiplayer outing than a solo one. Even though it looks and sounds great, the DS version of the title loses a bit of its impact due to its "me too" design against a slightly superior one that launched almost three months prior. Cheers to the designers to keep the game interesting with tons of modes and events, but jeers in their sloppy implementation of Worldwide features and repeating some events (like Fencing) that didn't really work on the Wii edition.
7.0 Presentation
Lots of events and mini-games, but it's paced a little sluggish and its interface slightly awkward.
8.5 Graphics
Really excellent 3D engine that displays on both screens. It's not going to look quite as nice as the Wii version, but for Nintendo DS standards this 3D is top-notch.
8.0 Sound
A good amount of Mario and Sonic-esque music and voice samples from each of the 16 characters. The announcer is kept to a minimum,
7.5 Gameplay
Single player isn't entirely tough, and the world records are pretty easy to beat. The real challenge and fun comes from multiplayer.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Lots of different challenge structures to play, and tons of missions to complete. Multiplayer is through single and multicart, so you're all good to go.
OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)
7.8 Good [/b]
Δεν ξέρω αν το νέο ποσταρίστηκε, αλλά επίσημα η Nintendo μιλάει για 20 εκ πωλήσεις για το wii...
Aριθμός που προσεγγίζει τα συνολικά νούμερα ζωής του Gamecube..
edit:Beaten by boy...sorry! B)Nintendo must have created a virtual Eternal Darkness game that has engorged reality. The sanity meter right now is maxed out x 10000 so we're experiencing some weird stuff.
Let's just all say the magic words and go back to reality.
yup στο τόπικ των charts
το πιο εντυπωσιακό είναι πως του χρόνου λογικά το wii θα είναι σε κοντινή απόσταση κι από το SNES, ενώ το DS θα κοντεύει τα 100Μ...
Fad και άλλα <<ωραία>>...karma is a bitch
Τέσπα,περί games ο λόγος:
<span style="color:#3333FF">Nyko Perfect Shot, Wii Gun Peripheral Review
One Chanbara R
trailer 2
Jackass: the Game DS
screens, art
Naruto: Ninja Destiny
Japan to NA changes
?The gameplay experience is markedly different is what you would be used to if you played the Japanese version in terms of the button responses, attacks and the speed of the combat. It?s a lot more frantic, it?s a lot faster.? - Nobby Matsuo, the Associate Producer from Tomy
- improved framerate
- completely different story
- Story takes into account episodes 100 to 140, and is based on that story arc
L the proLogue to Death Note
- Play as L
- Takes place before the anime series
- adventure game
- scan rooms for key items, pick apart bombs (with a time limit)
- ?reasoning battles? fighting with keywords and bluffs[/b]
Activision - Euro release dates
Wii :
LEGO: Indiana Jones - June 6th
Kung Fu Panda - June 2008
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 2008
Nintendo DS :
LEGO: Indiana Jones - June 6th
Kung Fu Panda - June 2008
Guitar Hero : on Tour ;; :blink: - June 2008
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - 2008
RUMOR - Okami hitting Europe this Summer
Και άλλη φήμη πως το Mario Kart Wii τον Απρίλιο