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  • Originally posted by ChrisTop View Post

    Το μόνο που μένει είναι να βγεί και ένα HL3 να γίνει το ΚΑΜΟΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣΣ.

    Marek ".PhP" Kadek is one of the players in seattle. This is what he wrote on :
    - this game is not going to replace CS 1.6, or CS:S, it is primary made for consoles, PC version is just kind of a "bonus"
    - at the moment, the game looks more like HL2DM
    - There is no recoil and there will never be. (because of the consoles)
    - the game runs on L4D2 engine
    - SourceTV is NOT a priority
    - they are working on match making system
    - new money system
    - no kevlar (this should be fixed in the future)
    - maps are simplyfied for XBOX style, less ways, most fights are close range
    - Hidden Path (Valve only finances the game) is trying to make all weapons balanced.

    Valve is going to continue updating CS:S, and today they will also talk with the players about the future of CS:S...

    Ψησε καναν δικο σου για Tactical Intervention τζαμπα σου σηκωθηκε με την μουφα της valve,
    , επεσε και το CS θυμα της κονσολοποιησης, ακου εκει no recoil :S :S :S :S


    • Tι είναι το recoil;

      @Vaynard: Ποιος χέστηκε για το Aion τώρα βγάινει Lineage 2:Godess of Destruction!


      • Originally posted by crpl_shepherd View Post
        Marek ".PhP" Kadek is one of the players in seattle. This is what he wrote on :
        - this game is not going to replace CS 1.6, or CS:S, it is primary made for consoles, PC version is just kind of a "bonus"
        - at the moment, the game looks more like HL2DM
        - There is no recoil and there will never be. (because of the consoles)
        - the game runs on L4D2 engine
        - SourceTV is NOT a priority
        - they are working on match making system
        - new money system
        - no kevlar (this should be fixed in the future)
        - maps are simplyfied for XBOX style, less ways, most fights are close range
        - Hidden Path (Valve only finances the game) is trying to make all weapons balanced.

        Valve is going to continue updating CS:S, and today they will also talk with the players about the future of CS:S...

        Ψησε καναν δικο σου για Tactical Intervention τζαμπα σου σηκωθηκε με την μουφα της valve,
        , επεσε και το CS θυμα της κονσολοποιησης, ακου εκει no recoil :S :S :S :S
        Fake είναι αυτά ρε θύμα, διάβασε στο reddit και στο ESEA τις αληθινές πληροφορίες.


        • Comment

          • Δείτε του IGN το Video Preview καλύτερα. Αυτά που λέει είναι του κώλου και ανακριβή, αλλά το video δείχνει 3 λεπτά gameplay. Περιμένω πολλά πράγματα απ αυτό το Game...


            • [YOUTUBEHD]a71IBX3knGQ?hd=1[/YOUTUBEHD]
              High-definition remastered version for the PC, featuring new models, textures and music, is scheduled for release on October 12 2011

              Μακάρι να κυκλοφορήσει και σε XBLA - PSN. Με dual analog controls, 60fps και επιλογή δυσκολίας θα ήταν έπος.
              There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
              Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


              • θα το ψάξω στο isohunt.
                Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                • μολις το diablo 3 απεκτησε αντιπαλο δεος, lineage 3...eeer eternal


                  • Total War: Shogun 2 is PC Game of the Year

                    otal War: Shogun 2 has won's community vote for PC exclusive of the year.
                    The game came in first place with 43% of total votes, beating out Minecraft with 39%. Coming in third place was The Binding of Isaac with 6%.

                    1st Place - Total War: Shogun 2
                    It's not every day we are delivered an almost perfect game, but Total War: Shogun 2 is a shining example of its genre. The slick and stylish presentation backed up by accessible yet deep gameplay mechanics is what really drives the experience home. Not to mention some fantastic multiplayer options, this is definitely a game worthy of a purchase for fans of the genre.
                    Read the full review here

                    2nd Place - Minecraft
                    Minecraft came from absolutely no where, quickly becoming arguably one of the most played videogame betas of all time. It propelled its creator, 'Notch', to industry greatness, even before the game was released in November, 2011. This old-school looking, block-building open-world sandbox is one experience that truly needs to be seen to be believed, fueled by a superb community, accessible gameplay and a strong sense of addictiveness.

                    3rd Place - The Binding of Isaac
                    The Binding of Isaac has the same signature elements as Team Meat's indie hit, but provides a very different experience that is addictive, fun and just a little disturbing. The ability to play in short amounts of time, and to have a continually surprising experience thanks to the randomly generated dungeons will keep users playing for quite some time. If you want a challenging look at how games used to be, then you simply cannot beat The Binding of Isaac.
                    Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                    • [YOUTUBEHD]KGwOxXh_4l4&feature=player_embedded[/YOUTUBEHD]
                      Total War: Shogun 2 – Fall of the Samurai

                      The next Total War title in development
                      has just been announced: Total War: Shogun 2 – Fall of the Samurai. Fall of the Samurai is a standalone expansion pack for Total War: Shogun 2 set for release in March 2012. Promising to be a "a dramatic clash of traditional Samurai culture with the explosive power of modern weaponry." the game is set 400 years after Shogun 2 as East meets West and Old meets New.

                      • Set in the 1800s around the Bakumatsu (End of the Curtain) period and incorporating the Boshin War. Take up the fight of the Imperial throne, or support the Last Shogunate after the arrival of America, Britain and France ignites a bloody civil war.
                      • Improved siege battle mechanics - with upgradable defensive towers with their own specialities.
                      • New land and sea unit interactions - including coastal gun emplacements, offshore artillery support barrages, and campaign map bombardments.
                      • Three new agent types - the Foreign Veteran, the Ishin Shishi and the Shinsengumi.
                      • Railway networks for trade and steam propelled ironclad warships.
                      • Multiplayer 2.0 overhaul with a new conquest map and a new Fall of the Samurai avatar including 40 new retainers, 30 new armour pieces and a brand new 19th century avatar skill tree.
                      • Introduction of multiple avatars for Shogun 2 and Fall of the Samurai.
                      • 4 new historical battles.

                      Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                      • In 2012, PC players will finally get a chance to play Remedy's action-horror title.

                        ΟΛΕ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • μακάρι να μην ειναι πρόχειρη κονσολομεταφορά.
                          Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                          • Δεν θα είναι πρόχειρη. Το έχουν μάθει το μάθημα αυτό. Γνωρίζουν και την περίπτωση του τι έγινε στο Call of Cthulhu και την Bethesda. Οι ίδιοι είπαν ότι θα το ξαναπεράσουν τον κώδικα και θ' αναβαθμίσουν τα γραφικά του για να τα πάει τέλεια στο PC. Το μοναδικό πρόβλημα είναι αν θα είναι της M$(Games for Windows Live - GFWL) ή της SteamWorks.


                            • [YOUTUBEHD]AFmb_kc4sgE[/YOUTUBEHD]
                              Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                              • Originally posted by 丹野 View Post
                                Δεν θα είναι πρόχειρη. Το έχουν μάθει το μάθημα αυτό. Γνωρίζουν και την περίπτωση του τι έγινε στο Call of Cthulhu και την Bethesda. Οι ίδιοι είπαν ότι θα το ξαναπεράσουν τον κώδικα και θ' αναβαθμίσουν τα γραφικά του για να τα πάει τέλεια στο PC. Το μοναδικό πρόβλημα είναι αν θα είναι της M$(Games for Windows Live - GFWL) ή της SteamWorks.
                                Remedy-Published,Steamworks.Βαριέμαι να σου βρίσκω source αλλά είναι επίσημο.

                                Το καλό που σας θέλω οι Survival Horror fans να το παίξετε στο PC.Η αφήγηση και η ατμόσφαιρα είναι κορυφαία.

