/bow down to da greatness!
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Songs of the 90s
"Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
Kindred, this blade and I."
"ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
Greek Gaming Videos
Greek Final Fantasy Forum
Έλα πείτε την αλήθεια, το έχετε ακούσει άπειρες φορές αλλά απλά δεν μπορείτε να αντισταθείτε στο να το ξανακούσετε!! Και αυτό γιατί είναι παλιό αγαπημένο σας! Κάποιοι από 'σας επίσης, θα ακούσουν το κομμάτι 2 και 3 φορές συνεχόμενες!!!
Did you know?:
Το original τραγούδι ακούγεται στο Lazy Jones του Commodore 64 (1984) !!!!
The illusion of free will is an illusion.
Dancing like it's '99.
The music video was released on 15 October 2010 in the United Kingdom.
It received a fair amount of video play and as such charted on the UK Dance chart on 17 October 2010 at 4.
It is computer generated, and follows the story of two love hearts that love each other. When one gets taken away, the other goes after it. The video features nods to various classic video games, including Pong, Frogger, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, Breakout/Arkanoid, Pac-Man, Tetris, Super Mario Bros. and Gyruss. Further, it makes references to a citation from a dialogue in the video game Zero Wing.