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Screenshots από games και επιδόσεις
Με OC από 3,5 σε 4,81, το δικό μου σύστημα είναι απολύτως σταθερό. Σε idle έχω 27 βαθμούς (με το νέο κουτί, στο παλιό είχα γύρω στους 30-35 αν θυμάμαι καλά) και με intel burner test δεν ξεπερνούσα το όριο των 80-85 αν θυμάμαι καλά (πάλι στο παλιό κουτί).
Με τέτοιο OC θεωρώ ότι αυτές οι θερμοκρασίες είναι ικανοποιητικές και ο θόρυβος είναι σχεδόν αμελητέος σε idle. Χρησιμοποιώ speedfan για να ελέγχω τις ταχύτητες και των 4 ανεμιστήρων (εξού και τα 2 y-cables) και σε idle, όλα τρέχουν στο ελάχιστο δυνατό. Σε stressed καταστάσεις αυτό αλλάζει φυσικά, αλλά το βασικότερο πρόβλημα είναι οι κάρτες γραφικών, που στο άμεσο μέλλον θα πάρουν πόδι.
Εν πάση περιπτώσει, στο μέλλον (πολύ μέλλον) θα ήθελα να αλλάξω υδρόψυξη, είτε παίρνοντας την αντίστοιχη της corsair με το διπλό radiator, είτε επενδύοντας σε μία full-loop, αλλά δε βρίσκω λόγο για κάτι τέτοιο αυτή τη στιγμή.
Το συγκεκριμένο κουτί το πήρα πρώτα από όλα γιατί ήθελα να δοκιμάσω κάποια στιγμή πώς είναι να δουλεύεις πάνω σε κάτι τόσο ευρύχωρο, αλλά και για την πιθανότητα εγκατάστασης full-loop.
Όπως και να έχει, προς το παρόν φαίνεται να δουλεύει άψογα και να προσφέρει αυτό το κάτι παραπάνω για το οποίο το αγόρασα. Τώρα αν το μετανιώσω στο μέλλον που θα έχω 1 NVIDIA κι όχι 3 κάρτες, δεν το γνωρίζω .
το παιχνίδι το προχώρησα εως ένα σημείο, αλλά με κούρασε και το παράτησα.
υγ: έβανς τεράστιες εικόνες
Οχι και η καλύτερη μεταφορά/εκμετάλλευση πόρων στο pc αλλα γενικά τρέχει πολύ καλά και ομαλά και φυσικά καμία σχέση τα γραφικά με αυτά της αντίστοιχης έκδοσης για κονσόλες.
Nvidia's GeForce 337.50 Beta Driver - First Official Benchmarks Unveiled
The new Geforce 337.50 beta driver will significantly boost the performance, reduce game loading times, and decrease the CPU load of many games. As long as a there is DirectX 11 in the game, Nvidia graphics cards will get better performance.
New in GeForce 337.50 Beta drivers
- Performance - Introduces key DirectX optimizations which result in reduced game-loading times and significant performance increases across a wide variety of games. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration. Here are some examples of measured gains versus the previous 335.23 WHQL driver:
GeForce GTX 700 Series (Single GPU):
- Up to 64% in Total War: Rome II
- Up to 25% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Up to 23% in Sleeping Dogs
- Up to 21% in Star Swarm
- Up to 15% in Batman: Arkham Origins
- Up to 10% in Metro: Last Light
- Up to 8% in Hitman Absolution
- Up to 7% in Sniper Elite V2
- Up to 6% in Tomb Raider
- Up to 6% in F1 2013
GeForce GTX 700 Series (SLI):
- Up to 71% in Total War: Rome II
- Up to 53% in Sniper Elite V2
- Up to 45% in Aliens vs. Predator
- Up to 31% in Sleeping Dogs
- Up to 20% in CoD: Black Ops 2
- Up to 10% in Hitman Absolution
- Up to 9% in F1 2013
- Up to 7% in Far Cry 3
- Up to 6% in Metro: Last Light
- Up to 6% in Batman: Arkham Origins
απο watch dogs, πρεπει να εχω textures,reflections high και ολα τα αλλα ultra. High με ultra textures δεν εχουνε και καμια μεγάλη διαφορά και διάβασα κάτι κουφά πως μια GTX 770 4GB σε ultra textures το τρέχει καλυτερα απο μια GTX 780 3GB Μιλάμε μάλλον για unoptimise, αλλωστε αύριο θα κυκλοφορήσουνε και οι νεοι drivers για οptimise και καλυτερες επιδοσεις
Confirmed: New Drivers From AMD & Nvidia Coming Tomorrow, Optimized For Watch_Dogs
Well, it was only a matter of time. We knew that Nvidia will release a new set of drivers for Ubisoft’s open world title, though we didn’t know when. The owner of Guru3D, Hilbert Hagedoorn, has confirmed that both Nvidia and AMD will release new drivers tomorrow that will be optimized for Watch_Dogs. As Hilbert … Continue reading Confirmed: New Drivers From AMD & Nvidia Coming Tomorrow, Optimized For Watch_Dogs →
το παιχνιδι ειναι πολύ καλο και η οδηγηση εξαιρετικά διασκεδαστική.
Μαλιστα, οταν τα παιχνιδια δε μπορουν να γινουν optimized γινονται optimized οι drivers...
με τους νέους driver παιζει πολύ καλύτερα και το stuttering δεν ειναι πλέον ενοχλητικό, τώρα λέγεται κάτι για patch απο nubisot.
Nvidia announces GTX 980 and GTX 970 "Maxwell" graphics cards for $550 and $329: here are their new features
At Nvidia Editor's Day last week, Nvidia pulled the shroud off its fresh top-of-the-line graphics cards running on the new Maxwell architecture: the $550 GTX 980 and the $329 GTX 970. Nvidia called Maxwell "the most advanced GPU ever built," but you can say that about almost every new generation of graphics hardware. More importantly, Nvidia also called Maxwell the most power-efficient GPU ever built, and that is a big deal: it delivers twice the performance per watt as Kepler, the architecture used in the 600 and 700 series cards. I've been testing a reference GTX 980 Nvidia sent, and you can read about my thoughts on the card and see our benchmarks—including dual-980 SLI benchmarks—right here.
This article is about all the new technology Nvidia is rolling out with Maxwell: a new anti-aliasing algorithm called MFAA, new lighting called Voxel Global Illumination, native downsampling support called Dynamic Super Resolution, and reduced latency for VR.
Before we dive into the new graphics features Nvidia has developed for Maxwell GPUs, here's a quick look at the specs of their new cards. You can read much more about them in our 980 testing post.
During Editor's Day, Nvidia engineer Jonah Alben made a point of just how much more efficient Maxwell is than the previous generation Kepler. Each CUDA core is 40% more efficient, and Maxwell delivers double the performance per-watt than Kepler: 30 gigaflops per watt for the GTX 980 as opposed to 15 gigaflops per watt for the GTX 680 and 780.
Part of that efficiency comes from a new memory architecture, which includes better color compression algorithms and caching. The performance gains are especially noticeable at the high end, when running games at 4K—which makes sense, as efficient compression is more important the more pixels you have to render. 4K gaming is going to be a big push for Maxwell, which is why MFAA, Nvidia's new anti-aliasing tech, is all about improving AA efficiency.
You've probably heard of MSAA, or multisample anti-aliasing. It's one of the most common anti-aliasing techniques in games today. It's an alternative to more computationally expensive supersampling AA techniques, which sample multiple locations within a single pixel, then combine those samples into one condensed, sharper pixel. Doing that to the whole rendered image of a game every frame is expensive. MSAA is less computationally expensive, because, as Nvidia's own page on MSAA explains, "each sub-pixel inherits the color value from the sample pixel and only assigns unique depth values to the sub-pixels (whereas supersampling calculates individual color/depth values.)"
Nvidia's new twist on this technique is called Multi-frame sampled anti-aliasing, and it supposedly delivers the equivalent quality of 4x MSAA (where each pixel is sampled four times) at the performance cost of 2x MSAA. Nvidia claims it's 30% more efficient. 4x MFAA takes two coverage samples per pixel instead of 4x MSAA's four to determine what color the pixel should be, but it uses a different pattern per pixel and a filter to combine frames and average out the color of each sampled pixel. Essentially, 2+2 = 4.
Expect to start using it: sometime after launch. While I saw MFAA demoed at Editor's Day, it wasn't enabled in the drivers for the GTX 980 reference card, and Nvidia says it will be enabled in an upcoming driver.