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Gran Turismo 5

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  • Originally posted by Evans View Post
    Τελικά τα 800 αμάξια είναι upscaled μοντέλα PS2 ή όχι;
    Ειναι αλλα δεν ξερουμε τι ειδους upscale θα υπαρξει.


    • GT LIFE - A-spec / B-spec -
      Choose your "Life", as a Driver or Racing Team Director

      The "Gran Turismo Mode" that everyone enjoyed in previous versions of the series has undergone major renovations, and has now been reborn in "Gran Turismo 5" as "GT LIFE". In the new "GT LIFE", the basic flow of clearing license tests, participating in races, collecting rewards and purchasing more expensive, faster cars has not changed. But now, how you "live" is divided into two separate modes.

      Live as a Racing Driver in A spec

      In the A spec mode, you are a racing driver. Getting behind the wheel yourself, you will hone your driving skills, and challenge one race at a time. This is the facet of "Gran Turismo 5" we are all familiar with.

      Live as a Racing Team Director in B Spec

      In the B spec mode, you are the director of a racing team. You will not be driving yourself, but will be nurturing an AI (Artificial Intelligence) driver, with the aim of securing victory by giving directions to the driver during races.

      The B spec mode which first appeared in "Gran Turismo 4" has evolved to the next level, creating another facet of "Gran Turismo 5" that you could call a "Racing RPG".

      The AI driver who appears in the B spec mode will have an ability gauge, condition, and personality, which will change as they participate in numerous races. Depending on the condition of the driver, they may not always listen to your directions as the team director. You will need to have a very different temperament to when you are behind the wheel yourself.


      • The "Gran Turismo Mode" that everyone enjoyed in previous versions of the series has undergone major renovations, and has now been reborn in "Gran Turismo 5" as "GT LIFE".
        GET A LIFE!!!
        Originally posted by Squall Leonhart
        I used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chest
        Originally posted by 丹野
        Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...
        Originally posted by Ryu_gr
        υπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.


        • Στο 4 μπορουσες στον 24ωρο αγωνα να βγεις απο το αμαξι και να δινεις εντολες στον αλλο οδηγο, αλλα ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΟΥΣΕΣ ΝΑ ΣΩΣΕΙΣ ΤΟ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙ εν μεσω αγωνα (fail, το εχω τερματισει 100% το παιχνιδι και το ειχα αφησει ολη την νυχτα χαχαχαχα, ευτυχως ειχε νομιζω 4x αυξηση ταχυτητας).

          Ελπιζω αυτο το mode να ειναι καλυτερο απο το F1 Manager που ηταν καποτε παιχνιδι της ΕΑ. Αλλα μοιαζει επικινδυνα με το πιο βαρετο mode ολων των εποχων...
          :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


          • Gran Turismo 5 Update - Dynamic Weather, Rally Courses, and Playing On Your Computer
            GameSpot is the world's largest source for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS Vita, Wii PC, 3DS, PSP, DS, video game news, reviews, previews, trailers, walkthroughs, and more.


            • Gran Turismo 5 TGS 2010 Visual Effects Trailer (Weather, Night Racing)


              καλά δεν υπάρχει ανταγωνισμός για αυτό το game

              ps3 FTW
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              • Originally posted by hideo View Post

                OMG I f.... want that!
                Do a barrel roll!


                • Aλλα 2 gifακια.Το ενα με χιονι.


                  Αντε να βγει!!



                  • We can confirm that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available this November 2nd, but the game’s release will be coming this holiday season.

                    We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and we are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches.

                    We’ll have more information for you in the near future.

                    We can confirm that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available this November 2nd, but the game's release will be coming this holiday season. We sincerely apologize to GT fans for the delay, however, creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating the perfect racing experience, and [...]

                    Ποσο τη λατρευω αυτη την εταιρεια

                    Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


                    • Nαι, μολις το ειδα κι εγω αυτο.

                      Νταξ, πλεον εχει πολυ πλακα η ολη ιστορια. Και θελω να δω τελικα ΤΙ ΣΚΑΤΑ προϊον θα βγαλουν με τοσο development...
                      :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


                      • Originally posted by Azrael View Post

                        Ποσο τη λατρευω αυτη την εταιρεια

                        Uploaded with


                        • We just asked Kazunori Yamauchi, the father of Gran Turismo, in an interview here at SEMA, the question on everyone's minds — when will GT5 finally be released? His response: "The discs are being stamped as we speak."

                          Gaf always delivers:

                          random gaf post:

                          I think there's a mistranslation somewhere.
                          The above picture isn't confirming "It's gone gold" but rather "It's gone cold" and Kaz is rubbing his hands together for warmth..
                          Do a barrel roll!


                          • Επιτελους εχουμε release date
                            24 Nov Pal/US, 25 Nov JPN

                            Δε θυμαμαι ξανα αλλη φορα να ανακοινωνεται release date ουτε 2 βδομαδες πριν. Παλι καλα βεβαια γιατι ειχε φαει ποσα delays...
                            Do a barrel roll!


                            • Αυτος ειναι κο__ς
                              ΘΥΡΑ 7


                              • Originally posted by Ramparter View Post
                                Επιτελους εχουμε release date
                                24 Nov Pal/US, 25 Nov JPN
                                Kαλα ποτε δεν ξερεις με δαυτους.:xp:


                                Η επίσημη Track List.

                                World Circuits
                                Fuji Speedway
                                Fuji Speedway F
                                Fuji Speedway GT
                                Suzuka Circuit
                                Suzuka Circuit (Weather)
                                Suzuka Circuit East Course
                                Daytona International Speedway
                                Superspeedway – Daytona
                                Road Course – Daytona
                                Tsukuba Circuit
                                Tsukuba Circuit
                                Circuit de la Sarthe
                                Circuit de la Sarthe 2009 (Time / Weather)
                                Circuit de la Sarthe 2009 No Chicane
                                Circuit de la Sarthe 2005
                                Circuit de la Sarthe 2005 No Chicane
                                Nürburgring Nordschleife (Time)
                                Nürburgring GP/F
                                Nürburgring 24h (Time / Weather)
                                Nürburgring GP/D
                                Nürburgring typeV
                                Indianapolis Motorspeedway
                                Superspeedway – Indy
                                Road Course – Indy
                                Autodromo Nazionale Monza
                                Autodromo Nazionale Monza (Weather)
                                Autodromo Nazionale Monza No Chicane
                                The Top Gear Test Track
                                The Top Gear Test Track
                                Laguna Seca Raceway
                                Laguna Seca Raceway
                                High Speed Ring
                                High Speed Ring (Weather)
                                High Speed Ring Reverse
                                Cape Ring
                                Cape Ring
                                Cape Ring Inside
                                Cape Ring North
                                Cape Ring Outside
                                Cape Ring South
                                Autumn Ring
                                Autumn Ring
                                Autumn Ring / Reverse
                                Autumn Ring Mini
                                Autumn Ring Mini / Reverse
                                Deep Forest Raceway
                                Deep Forest Raceway
                                Deep Forest Raceway / Reverse
                                Grand Valley Speedway
                                Grand Valley Speedway
                                Grand Valley Speedway / Reverse
                                Grand Valley East Section
                                Grand Valley East Section / Reverse
                                Eiger Nordwand Track
                                Eiger Nordwand Track Short Track (Weather)
                                Eiger Nordwand Track Short Track / Reverse
                                Trial Mountain Circuit
                                Trial Mountain Circuit
                                Trial Mountain Circuit / Reverse
                                London / Reverse
                                Rome / Reverse
                                Circuito de Madrid
                                Circuito de Madrid
                                Circuito de Madrid / Reverse
                                Circuito de Madrid Mini
                                Circuito de Madrid Mini/ Reverse
                                Tokyo R246
                                Tokyo R246
                                Tokyo R246 / Reverse
                                Côte d’Azur
                                Côte d’Azur
                                Special Stage Route 5
                                Special Stage Route 5 / Night
                                Special Stage Route 5 / Reverse / Night
                                Clubman Stage Route 5 / Night
                                Clubman Stage Route 5 / Reverse/ Night
                                Special Stage Route 7
                                Special Stage Route 7 / Night (Weather)
                                Dirt and Snow
                                Eiger Nordwand Track
                                Eiger Nordwand Track K Trail
                                Eiger Nordwand Track K Trail / Reverse
                                Eiger Nordwand Track G Trail
                                Eiger Nordwand Track G Trail / Reverse
                                Eiger Nordwand Track W Trail
                                Eiger Nordwand Track W Trail / Reverse
                                Toscana (Time)
                                Toscana / Reverse (Time)
                                Chamonix Main (Weather)
                                Chamonix East (Weather)
                                Chamonix West (Weather)
                                Chamonix Mini (Weather)

                                Official Car List
                                As seen on Polyphony Digital's Japanese website, the complete and official car list for Gran Turismo 5 has finally been revealed!

