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Gears of War 3
Πλησιάζει η μέρα του. Θα το έπαιρνα πρώτη μέρα, όμως τώρα είμαι σκεπτικός, καθώς τα άτομα που θα το έπαιζα coop μαζί τους μου έπαιξαν πουστιά και προστοπαρον δεν βρήκα άλλους 3. Έτσι σκέφτομαι αν θα το πάρω μόλις κυκλοφορήσει.
Ενδιαφέρεται κανεις για τετραπλό coop?
GT Video Review
Eurogamer Review
Gears of War 3, then. In its multiplayer, all you could have reasonably asked for; in its visuals, new heights reached, while cracks of old age are papered over; in its story, a fitting conclusion; and in its campaign, though short of the consistent brilliance of its predecessor, a mostly rousing and memorable spectacle.
So where do you go after "bigger, better and more badass?" You go to your fans and give them that which they crave. But now Epic has surely exhausted the formula in its current form - and, probably, on current-gen - the really exciting question is: where next?
Ign Review
Gears of War 3 represents state-of-the-art design and gameplay where you become the king badass among a gory world of bad-asses. Every third-person, cover-based shooter from here on out will likely be compared to Gears 3, and it provides a fitting and poignant-- if sometimes cheesy -- closing chapter to the trilogy. The noted hitches, design decisions and ‘been-there, done-that’ feel of much of the content colors the overall experience, but it certainly didn’t keep me from having one hell of a good time. I imagine you’ll feel the same.
So Far
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Δεν ηξερα οτι σημερα σπαει το εμπαργκο, χωρις εκπληξεις τα reviews, πανω κατω οτι περιμενα. Αντε να δουμε περιμενω σχολια!!!
Εγω παιδια ακομα δεν ξερω τι θα κανω, βασικα το zavvi εχει 47 ευρω την απλη και 74 την limited... Γενικα ακριβη η limited (σχεδον 30 ευρω παραπανω), δεν εχω κοιταξει τι παραπανω εχει αλλα αν θυμαμαι καλα στο gears 2 δεν υπηρχε τοσο μεγαλη διαφορα αναμεσα στις εκδοσεις.
Anyway θα δουμε!