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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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  • Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Κοιταζα στο forum και παρατηρησα οτι δεν υπαρχει thread για το παρακατω θεικο game.

    Official site. Broadsword and Lucasfilm bring you the next evolution in MMO Gameplay: Story.

    Μια πρωτη γευση:

    Η ιστορια του παιχνιδιου ειναι στην ουσια μετα απο τα παλια Knights of the Old Republic, δηλαδη, 300 περιπου χρονια μετα την εξαφανιση του Darth Revan.

    Το παιχνιδι βγαινει Απριλιο 2011, ειναι ενα απο τα πολλα αξιολογα παιχνιδια της Bioware, και πιστευω πως αξιζει την δοκιμη του.
    Λογικα, σε κανα δυο μηνες θα βγει η Close BETA του παιχνιδιου και θα γινει παταγως, αλλα αποτι καταλαβα απο το official site του παιχνιδιου, η ιδια η Bioware θα διαλεξει τους BETA Testers, τωρα με τι προσοντα θα το κανει δεν ξερω.

    Παντως μαθαινω απο τα forums οτι, εχουν ειδη αρχησει να φτιαχνουν guilds και alliances οι players μεταξυ τους (Πιστευω πως ειναι αυτονοιτο το οτι οποιος θελει μου λεει να κανουμε ελληνικη guild).

    Αυτα προς το παρων απο αυτο το καταπληκτικο και πρωτοτυπο game.

    Και φυσικα και μια δευτερη γευση του παιχνιδιου:

    Ελπιζω να σας αρεσε το introduction και περιμενω εντυπωσεις!!!

  • #2
    kai gia esas pou anarwtieste ti diaforetiko tha prosferei to The Old Republic se sxesi me ta ekatontades mmo pou kikloforoun simera stin agora tha anaferw kapoia vasika stixia.

    1) story... ne kala akousate story se mmo.k oxi akiro klain story, edw milame gia mia epiki istoria ston kosmo tou star wars grameni apo tin lucas arts k tin bioware (se epipedo mass effect k kotor). ksexaste lipon ta akira quest, ta panta pleon tha ginonte me kapio skopo.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    2) full voice-over,oloi oi npc k o xaraktiras sas tha exei voice. oi dialogoi tha einai opos sto mass effect.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    3) 8 class. kathe class tha exei diko tis story,diaforetiko apo to story twn allwn. opote an peksete 2 diaforetikes class dn tha deite oute ena idio class-quest. milame gia ekatontades wres diaforetikou gameplay me kathe class.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    4) companions. ksexaste ta pets(skilia,gatia,kotopoula,arkoudia ktl..),sto TOR tha exete companion characters.o kathenas me diko tou xaraktira,story kai to kalitero apola...tha iparxei romance ;)

    5) crew skills. ena diaforetiko sistima crafting k gathering,epic crafting opws to onomazei i bioware. me to skeptiko lipon oti enas irwas dn mporei na trexei kai na mazevei petres k dermata gia na ftiaksei mpotes sto TOR tin doulia afti tha analamvanoun oi companion mas.episis tha iparxei i dinatotita na tous programatizoume wste na mazevoun materials i na kanoun craft akoma k otan imaste offline.

    6) space combat. pws tha mporouse aloste na lipei kati tetio apo ena star wars mmo. i kathe class tha exei to diko tis spaceship to opoio tha einai kati anamesa se house me command spaceship tha einai upgradeable k fully space combat omos tha einai proeretiko k an kapio dn thelei na asxolithei mazi tou dn tha xasei kati simantiko se allous tomeis tou pexnidiou.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    afta einai kapia apo ta vasikotera nea stixia tou pexnidiou,opos vlepoume i bioware prototipei se arketous tomeis alla dn prospathei na ksana efevrei ton tomea ton mmo.

    pantos to game to perimenw pws k pws,gia osous apo esas endiaferonte egw mazi me ton Lyrical_Gamer k kapoia filarakia tha kanoume mia elliniki guild...dexomaste applications opote


    • #3
      To paixnidi profanws einai ena apo ta poio yposxomena ston xwro kai efxomai kalh diaskedash se opoion to paiksei, distyxws egw proswpika den mporw na asxolhthw gia kapoious logous, omws pistevw pws to game tha ta paei poly kala.

      Perimenw na dw pws tha antapokrithei o kosmos kai an tha ta paei kalytera apo to Guild Wars 2 pou mallon tha einai kai o megalyteros tou antipalos.
      "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
      But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
      Kindred, this blade and I.

      "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
      Greek Gaming Videos
      Greek Final Fantasy Forum


      • #4
        Γιατί να θεωρηθεί το Guild Wars ο μεγαλύτερός του αντίπαλος; Νομίζω θα χτυπήσει γενικώς την αγορά, ίσως το μόνο που μπορεί να ταράξει το WoW(σε ό,τι αφορά τα νούμερα, το ποιος και τι είναι ποιοτικά καλύτερο από το WoW είναι υποκειμενικό)


        • #5
          Prwta prwta tipote den prokeitai na riksei pote to WoW, oute kan na ftasei konta den prokeitai.
          Afta ta peri WoW ta akouw me kathe kainourio MMO pou vgainei alla pote kanena den ftanei kan tous misous subscribers tou WoW.
          Den eimai fan tou WoW, to antitheto malista den mou aresei, omws h alhtheia einai mia:
          Poio JRPG tha synagwnistei to FF7, poio platform tha synagwnistei to Mario, poio puzzle tha synagwnistei to Tetris, poio MMO tha synagwnistei to WoW?

          Kanena kai afth einai h alhtheia, to paixnidi exei ksefygei pleon apo ta oria tou "aplou game" kai exei perasei sthn istoria, afto kai mono tha empodizei gia panta opoiodhpote allo paixnidi tou eidous na kanei kati paromoio sto mellon oso kalytero kai an einai sthn praksh, ektos kai an milame gia apokalypsh kai kati tetoio den einai to Star Wars.

          Egw sygrinw to Star Wars me to Guild Wars 2 giati kai ta 2 exoun na prosferoun kati kainourio ston xwro kai pistevw pws einai eksisou kala paixnidia.
          "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
          But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
          Kindred, this blade and I.

          "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
          Greek Gaming Videos
          Greek Final Fantasy Forum


          • #6
            Για αυτό είπα 'χτυπήσει' και όχι 'εκθρονίσει'. Κι εγώ όταν έβλεπα διάφορα wow-killers να ξεπετάγονται, γελούσα εκ των προτέρων. Νομίζω το Star Wars ξεχωρίζει όμως και θα κάνει το κάτι παραπάνω, με μερικά εκατομμύρια accounts και πολύχρονη παρουσία. Εχει το brand-name για κάτι τέτοιο, τη fanbase και κυρίως την ποιότητα, που μπορεί να τραβήξει όσους μύησε το WoW στα ΜΜΟ, αλλά που τους έχει κουράσει.


            • #7
              Ean kataferei kai riksei to WoW kata 1 ekatommyrio Users tote tha einai thavma kata thn gnwmh mou, milame gia teleiws allh kathgoria, h Blizzard oute kan tha niwsei.
              Ase pou twra teleftaia o Lucas exei arxisei na xanei fan base.

              Makari osa les na einai alhtheia mpas kai ksekwlhsei ligo o kosmos, alla pragmatika den to vlepw.
              "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
              But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
              Kindred, this blade and I.

              "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
              Greek Gaming Videos
              Greek Final Fantasy Forum


              • #8
                swsta afta pou lete alla pros ti i singrisi me to WoW? i sigrisi me to Guild Wars logiki mou fenete alla k pali milame gia 2 diaforetika games. an omos sigrinoume to TOR me to WoW me vasi ta megethi k tous arithmous i bioware einai antaksia tis blizzard(an k pali singrinoume anomoia pragmata),exei apo pisw tin EA na plirwnei (to TOR einai to pio akrivo-plirwmeno game ews twra) k ton giwrgaki luca me to apistefto (kata tin gnwmi mou) lore tou star wars. theoritika exei ta fonta na klepsei kapious players apo to WoW, ti ginete omos me tous ipolipous fan tou star wars? dn einai k ligoi... opos to WoW ekane prosita kai dimofili ta mmo etsi pistevw k to TOR tha exei kenourgious players,atoma pou isos na min exoun ksanapeksei mmo. giati lipon na sizitame gia to posous tha klepsei apo to wow efoson einai ena game pou mporei na ferei neo aima ston kosmo twn mmo

                episis Ground_zero mou arese afto pou ipes gia to ff7,mario ktl kai sinfonw mazi sou, exw mia mikri enstasti omos. opote vgenei ena kenourgio jrpg i akoma kalitera ena ff akous polous na to sigrinoun me to ff7? nomizw pos oxi. ston kosmo ton mmo omos gia enan periergo logo ola ta games theloun na ginoun WoW, aftos einai k o logos pou ta perisotera apotinxanoun. dn mporw na akouw allo gia wow-killers,ftanei pia


                • #9
                  opote vgenei ena kenourgio jrpg i akoma kalitera ena ff akous polous na to sigrinoun me to ff7?

                  ΕΝΝΟΕΙΤΑΙ ότι γίνεται αυτό και θα τολμούσα να πω ότι δε συγκρίνονται μόνο τα FF με το FF VII αλλά τα περισσότερα jRPGs . Αυτό μάλιστα είναι και το χειρότερο που συμβαίνει με αυτήν τη σειρά, η fanbase της έχει κολλήσει στο VII και αδυνατεί να ξεκολλήσει.


                  • #10
                    O Evans exei dikio, se kanenan mas den aresei h amesh sygrish me prwhgoumena games ths seiras, alla kalws h kakws afth h sygrish ginetai, an oxi apo emas, toulaxiston apo thn ploiopsfia.

                    Apo ekei kai ystera, poso kosmo na ferei to Star Wars sta MMO?
                    Ean kataferei kai mazepsei 6 ekatommyria atoma ta opoia einai ta misa apo afta tou WoW tote magia tou, alla distyxws ston kosmo twn MMO mono ena paixnidi kanei tetoia noumera...
                    "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                    But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                    Kindred, this blade and I.

                    "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                    Greek Gaming Videos
                    Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                    • #11
                      Συμφωνω Ground_Zero, αλλα πιστευω, λογο οτι το TOR ειναι ενα απο τα πιο alternative MMO, το οποιο gameplay του δεν εχει ξαναγινει ποτε, οποτε εχει μεγαλη πιθανοτητα να τραβιξει κοσμο καινουργιο και του WOW.

                      Απο εκει και περα, το λαθος, τουλαχιστον ετσι μου φαινεται εμενα, ειναι οτι δεν μπορεις να συγκρινεις TOR με κανενα αλλο MMO, λογο οτι ειναι τελειως διαφορετικο παιχνιδι και εχει χαρακτηρα Single Player...


                      • #12
                        Single player MMO? Thes na to ekshghseis afto?

                        Ean to enweis apo plevras oti exei poly story, to Final Fantasy 11 htan teleiws story driven paixnidi, me cutscenes se kathe quest (akomh kai sto poio mikro), alla afto den to edine katholou single player aisthish, epishs to idio MMO prosefere kai "NPC adventuring fellow" sthn thesh tou pet, opou mporouses na ton eksopliseis me oti htheles, dialeges to class tou, milouses mazi tou, tou ekanes leveling kai ta loipa (veveaia den ekane crafting kai gathering apo monos tou alla ok se afto prototypei to Star Wars).

                        Ti akrivws einai afto pou kanei to Star Wars single player empeiria kai giati kapoios pou thelei na paiksei ena MMORPG na thewrei thetiko kati tetoio?
                        "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                        But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                        Kindred, this blade and I.

                        "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                        Greek Gaming Videos
                        Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                        • #13
                          oi idioi oi developers tou game lene oti akoma k kapios pou thelei px na peksei to kotor 3 k dn goustarei katholou mmo tha mporei apo tin arxi mexri to telos na apolafsei to pexnidi xwris na kanei party me allous,pvp,raids ktl ... sigoura dn tha dei olo to game alla tha parei mia single player empiria, antaksia twn paixnidiwn pou vgazei i bioware.

                          to thema mas edw einai oti to game tha exei 3 diaforetika idi quest apoti exw katalavei,class,fanction k sidequest. ta class quest einai kathara single player k mporeis na ta apolafseis apo tin arxi mexri to telos k monos sou.

                          twra sto thema tou ff7, isos to ethesa kapos lathos. tin singrisi me to 7 tin dexome giati tin kanw k egw o idios (einai to agapimeno mou jrpg k isos to agapimeno mou rpg sinolika) alla i sigrisi afti dn me apotrepei na peksw k na xarw ena neo game.

                          sto kosmo twn mmo omos ta pragmata alazoun. oloi leme to WoW einai to kalitero mmo alla pios ekatse na peksei kati allo gia ena exei to dikaioma na sigrinei?

                          to WoW kata tin gnwmi mou meta apo tosa xronia einai ena koresmeno paixnidi. akoma k me to neo expansion pou vgenei twra sta konta arxizei siga siga na xanei to hype tou. k min ksexname oti ews twra dn ixe kapoion megalo antagonisti... dn kserw an to TOR,i to Guild Wars 2 ,i otidipote allo tha kataferei na to kseperasei (milame panta gia arithmous) alla nomizw pws siga siga ta dedomena ston xwro alazoun.


                          • #14
                            Φίλε μου αν δεν έχεις κάποιο σημαντικό πρόβλημα γράφε με ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες.
                            Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                            • #15
                              twra sto thema tou ff7, isos to ethesa kapos lathos. tin singrisi me to 7 tin dexome giati tin kanw k egw o idios (einai to agapimeno mou jrpg k isos to agapimeno mou rpg sinolika) alla i sigrisi afti dn me apotrepei na peksw k na xarw ena neo game.
                              Opws oloi mas, parola afta egw kserw oloklhra forum opou ta poio kainouria paixnidia paragonizontai teleiws logw afths ths sygrishs kai malista xwris na paixtoun kan.

                              sto kosmo twn mmo omos ta pragmata alazoun. oloi leme to WoW einai to kalitero mmo alla pios ekatse na peksei kati allo gia ena exei to dikaioma na sigrinei?
                              Para polys kosmos tou WoW exei katsei na paiksei para polla alla MMO, alla oloi ksanagyrizoun ekei, ta pragmata den einai tyxaia me afto to paixnidi, opws eipa kai prin exei kseperasei pleon thn idiothta tou aplou kalou paixnidiou.

                              to WoW kata tin gnwmi mou meta apo tosa xronia einai ena koresmeno paixnidi. akoma k me to neo expansion pou vgenei twra sta konta arxizei siga siga na xanei to hype tou. k min ksexname oti ews twra dn ixe kapoion megalo antagonisti... dn kserw an to TOR,i to Guild Wars 2 ,i otidipote allo tha kataferei na to kseperasei (milame panta gia arithmous) alla nomizw pws siga siga ta dedomena ston xwro alazoun.
                              12 ekatommyria xrhstes lene pws to WoW den exei xasei to hype tou sto elaxisto.
                              Yphrxe enas para poly megalos antagwnisths kai legotan Aion, pou einai omws to Aion twra?
                              Mono to Lineage 2 tha mporouse na ftasei to WoW (ean den htan tinga stous pseftoservers) kai afto epeidh einai to MMO tou ftwxou...

                              Kata thn gnwmh mou ta dedomena den allazoun, o monos tropos na allaksoun einai na stamathsei to WoW h Blizzard kai afto den vlepw na ginetai syntoma (oxi gia 3 akomh xronia toulaxiston).

                              Afth distyxws einai h pragmatikothta.
                              "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                              But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                              Kindred, this blade and I.

                              "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                              Greek Gaming Videos
                              Greek Final Fantasy Forum

