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Euro version of No More Heroes - runs faster, smoother?
Χμ...δεν ξέρω αν λένε αλήθεια οι κύριοι της Rising Star Games,αλλά αν όντως ισχύει κάτι τέτοιο είναι θετική είδηση
2 ακόμα reviews:
Περισσότερα videos εδώ (προσοχή spoilers!):
Euro version of No More Heroes - runs faster, smoother?
Χμ...δεν ξέρω αν λένε αλήθεια οι κύριοι της Rising Star Games,αλλά αν όντως ισχύει κάτι τέτοιο είναι θετική είδηση
2 ακόμα reviews:
No More Heroes is one of the best experiences currently out on the Wii that isn?t published by Nintendo. Suda 51 has created a cast of colorfully offensive characters and set them all up for the gamer to knock down. Like Assassin?s Creed, the structure of the game is repetitive but unlike the Creed No More Heroes is engrossed in gameplay and not just the story. Let?s just hope this will set the stage for more mature titles Nintendo?s little white moneymaker.
Final Score: 8 out of 10[/b]
Final Score: 8 out of 10[/b]
This is by far one of the best games I?ve played on the Wii or any console for that matter. It pains me that it underperformed in Japan and if us Americans pass it over for games like M&M?s Kart Racing we will be losing out on truly original I.P.?s in favor of games based on popular snacks. If you like blood, guts, laughs, blood, boobies, lawns, blood, turds, foul language, kittens, motorcycles, blood, baseball, swords, guns, blood, blood, pecker lasers, and blood than this game is for you. If you don?t you can look forward to such future releases as Cheez-It Wrestling or Little Debbie?s RPG.
Crave Rating: 10 out of 10[/b]
Crave Rating: 10 out of 10[/b]