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Νέα και ειδήσεις για Xbox 360, One, Series S/X

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  • H τιμη ειναι οντως τραγικη, δλδ οκ, play and charge who gives a fuck. Επισης σοβαρα, υπαρχει εστω κι ενα 10% των ανρθωπων που παιζουν με τον controller και να θεωρουν οτι ο σταυρος τους βολευει;

    Επισης οντως, bundle ηλιθιοι!!!! Ειναι δυνατον να ανακοινωνεις redisign κονσολας και ενα μηνα μετα redisign controller ΚΑΙ ΝΑ ΜΗΝ ΤΑ ΔΙΝΕΙΣ ΜΑΖΙ;;;;

    Αληθεια, καποιος θα πρεπει να μας δωσει το spreadsheet του τμηματος marketing της MS για το Gaming Department. Εχω την εντυπωση οτι το marketing plan το εχει αναλαβει 12χρονος ανηψιος του Gates...
    :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


    • Δεν ειναι θεμα marketing η τιμολογια, η microsoft συνεχιζει να πιστευει οτι θα βγαλει χρηματα απο τα αξεσουαρ. Οχι οτι δε βγαζει αλλα βλεπει το δεντρο κι οχι το δασος.
      Do a barrel roll!


      • Δεν εχω λογια....
        Do a barrel roll!


        • Originally posted by Raf
          Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


          • FF XIII Ultimate Hits International Edition στην αγορά της Ιαπωνίας για το Χ360

            This new version of FFXIII will have an Easy Mode, come with a book, and most importantly feature content that was cut from the original version of FFXIII. It's known as Episode I and will be a post-game quest.
            It also has the English voice-acting and Leona Lewis' theme-tune warbling from the Western version of the game.
            Since this was a Microsoft event, there was no discussion of a PS3 version of Ultimate Hits International Edition, but we wouldn't be surprised if Square Enix had plans for one.
            We've asked Square Enix if there are any plans to bring the Episode I content to the West, either as DLC or with a Western release of the Ultimate Hits version of FFXIII. We'll let you know as and when we hear anything.

            Η κυκλοφορια αυτη καθ'αυτη δεν εχει ενδιαφερον αλλα απ'οτι φαινεται θα υπαρχει νεο υλικο στο πακετο.


            • Δεν εχω λογια....
              Στο αριστερό μέρος της οθόνης τι ακριβώς κάνει;
              Originally posted by Squall Leonhart
              I used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chest
              Originally posted by 丹野
              Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...
              Originally posted by Ryu_gr
              υπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.


              • Originally posted by Ramparter View Post
                Δεν εχω λογια....

                Πάρτε μαλάκισμένα fanboys που λέτε ότι το Κinect υστερεί σε κλασσικό στυλ.


                • Some Xbox 360s Won't Do Halo: Reach Online Co-Op

                  While the $199 price tag on Microsoft's 4GB Xbox 360 slim model might seem attractive, Halo: Reach owners eager for a little online co-operative multiplayer campaign play are finding out the hard way that you get what you pay for.

                  Kotakuite Captain Fuzzy brought the issue to our attention yesterday. After picking up his copy of Halo: Reach, he decided to spend a little time online going through the campaign with friends, only to find that his 4GB console wasn't capable of doing so.

                  "When I tried to join them, we got a message saying "One or more players do not have a hard drive which is required for this playlist". Apparently, the 4gb Xbox 360 slim will not allow online co-op because it has a "Memory Unit" and not an HDD. Adding my 16gb flash drives didn't help the case either, I still got the "hard drive is required" message. I can still play online Vs. games, but any co-op like campaign or firefight are locked out to me."'

                  The support section on has updated with information on Captain Fuzzy's problem as well, giving the following answer to the issue:
                  One or more players do not have a certified Xbox 360 hard drive attached to their Xbox 360 console. Some multiplayer aspects of Halo: Reach require an Xbox 360 certified hard drive.
                  While my copy of Halo: Reach doesn't list the hard drive as a requirement, it does contain the line "features and requirements may change without notice," which effectively covers Microsoft's ass in this situation.

                  The only real recourse Halo: Reach players have now is to pick up an Xbox 360 slim hard disk, which retails for $129.99 at GameStop. That brings the grand total for their Xbox 360 to $329.98, roughly $30 more than just purchasing the 250GB Xbox 360 slim in the first place. So much for getting a bargain.

                  And while were on the subject of depressing Halo: Reach news, we're currently looking into issues with bad game discs that are currently the subject of a very long forum topic on Thanks to Jackson, Bill, and everyone else who brought this other issue to our attention.



                  • Πάω να το φέρω το θέμα στο XBOX forums.


                    • τα λογια ειναι περιττα

                      πρεπει να παιχτει

                      ευτυχως που εχω και ntsc-j xbox


                      • Πατάει και σε παλαιό hardcore arcade gameplay Time Crisis και έτσι,διαμαντάκι μου μυρίζει...


                        • Καθυστερεί το Gears of War 3
                          Οι Microsoft και Epic Games ανακοίνωσαν πως το πολυαναμενόμενο Gears of War 3 για το Xbox 360, δεν θα κυκλοφορήσει στις 8 Απριλίου -όπως αρχικά σχεδιαζόταν- αλλά το φθινόπωρο του 2011.


                          • Originally posted by Vaynard View Post
                            ευτυχως που εχω και ntsc-j xbox
                            Θα πάρω κι εγώ ntsc-j xbox 360 για να καλύψω τις ανάγκες μου για την gaming αναζήτηση. ;)


                            • Entire Kinect manual photographed – play distances, power details, more

                              Did you know two people playing Kinect need to stand 8 feet from the camera? Did you know Kinect needs to be placed 2-6…

                              Did you know two people playing Kinect need to stand 8 feet from the camera? Did you know Kinect needs to be placed 2-6 feet high to work? Did you know that you don’t need a Kinect power pack if you own a 360 Slim?

                              You do now.

                              VG247 has received photographs of the entire Kinect manual, revealing final, consumer-facing information on setting up and using the motion camera.

                              The required play distances are confirmed in the document: “The sensor can see you when you are approximately 6 feet (2 meters) from the sensor. For two people, you should play approximately 8 feet (2.5 meters) from the sensor.”

                              The manual also provides height information for placing: “For the best play space and sensor performance, place your sensor between 2 and 6 feet (0.6 and 2 meters) high, the closer to the low or high limit the better.”

                              You’re also warned that you should “not put the sensor on your console.”

                              The peripheral’s manual confirms that an external power pack needs to be used unless you own a Slim.

                              “For Xbox 360 S consoles, power is supplied by the console. For original Xbox 360 consoles, you’ll need to connect the sensor to a standard wall outlet.”

                              If you own a Slim, the camera’s simply plugged into the AUX input.

                              Kinect comes with a software disc which needs to be installed for it to work. We’re going to assume this is included in the upcoming 360 dashboard update.


                              There’s a troubleshooting section at the back of the manual, which tells you how to fix stuff if it all goes wrong.

                              If the camera can’t see you, you should “turn on lights to brighten the play space,” “try wearing different colored clothing that contrasts with the background of your play space,” and “prevent lights, including sunlight, from shining directly on the sensor.”

                              You’re also warned to make sure the system is “well-ventilated.”


                              Kinect demo by Best buy employee

                              Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

                              LOL sto telos .

                              Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


                              • Καλα το kinect πηγαινει χαλαρα για την πιο epic κυκλοφορια ολων των εποχων . Full ομως.

