Πραγματι ενα wavebird για το Wii δε μπορουν να βγαλουν; Ή εστω να εκδοσουν ξανα τα προηγουμενα.
No announcement yet.
Νέα και ειδήσεις για Nintendo Switch, 2DS
This is a sticky topic.
Disasteray of Crisis
Nintendo must have created a virtual Eternal Darkness game that has engorged reality. The sanity meter right now is maxed out x 10000 so we're experiencing some weird stuff.
Let's just all say the magic words and go back to reality.
Εχει βρει καποιος wavebirds (λογικα μεσω νετ) σε λογικες τιμες; Γιατι τωρα πανε 666?? το ενα...Ned Stark
A man draws his sword in order to protect the small wound deep in his heart.
It was inflicted in the days long past,at the farthest reach of his memories.
A man wields his sword in order to depart life with a smile.
In the days far ahead,beyond the reach of his memory.
Ειναι ανθρωπος, κι ομως δεν εχει αδυναμιες.
Εχει υλικη υποσταση, κι ομως δεν υπαρχει.
Ειναι ο Getta Robo.
Μια φήμη που μου είχε αναφέρει πριν λίγο καιρο ο Boy
F-Zero Wii to be unveiled at E3?
A new F-Zero game for Wii will be unveiled by Nintendo at E3, currently named as F-Zero Z.
According to German website Nintendo-Planet.de, the new title will feature all the tracks of F-Zero GX and include an online mode. [/b]
Elebits 2 coming to Wii
Δεν έχω παίξει το πρώτο αν και φαινόταν ενδιαφέρον το concept του.
Square Enix Brings Soul Eater to Wii
Και εικόνες εδώ
Mario Super Sluggers Emerges
Σε έχουν λιώσει καημένε mario!!
Kαι πάλι απο ign Hands On Star Wars: Force Unleashed
For a first look at the Wii version, Star Wars: Force Unleashed is showing some serious potential. We're anxious to see more of the game in action, and find out just how accurate and entertaining the duel mode will be with all characters and options unlocked, but thus far it seems to be a great offering on Wii, especially considering that Nintendo's console is short on pure action brawlers. The force powers are fun to use (even if they area a bit simple for our liking), the combat is fast and reliable with the Wii-mote, and the Wii version is pretty pleasing to the eye, pulling off some better visual effects than the PS2 version, and running in 16:9 and 480p. It may not be the 1:1 "virtual lightsaber" that Star Wars fans have been dreaming about for decades on end, but it's a fun beat-em-up, the control works and is very dependable, and the first mature Star Wars experience on Wii. This one is definitely worth keeping an eye on.[/b]I attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.
Ξέχασες αυτό..
Treasure developing two 3d titles for Wii
CNET Japan got the answer in a recent interview with Treasure president Masato Maegawa. In the interview, Maegawa revealed that the studio is working on two titles for the Wii.
While he wouldn't get too specific, he did reveal that the two games are 3D titles, rather than the 2D for which the company is known. He also hinted that his team is putting the special features of the Wiimote to use.[/b]Nintendo must have created a virtual Eternal Darkness game that has engorged reality. The sanity meter right now is maxed out x 10000 so we're experiencing some weird stuff.
Let's just all say the magic words and go back to reality.
In Treasure wii trust.
Πολύ καλά νέα αυτά, μακάρι ένα από τα δυο projects να είναι ένα remake ή sequel του Sin & Punishment να το παίξει και ο έξω κόσμος το παιχνίδι, ειδικά με Wii controls θα ήταν καταπληκτικό.
Όσο για τη φήμη για το F-Zero μακάρι να ισχύει, κι αν ισχύει όχι άλλο Wii Wheel please.
There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.
Άλλη μία εταιρία δεν βρήκε εκδότη και δίνει τζαμπέ το παιχνίδι της ένα φοβερό GBA shoot-em-up:
I am an iteration closer to my desired solution!
The World Ends With You
I will wipe out the Belmonts from the face of earth!
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
I am Wowser, King of the Woopa Twoopa and ruler of the Shroom Kingdom
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Ωραία νέα για την Treasure, λαλ για το SMSluggers (από το ακυρωμένο GC game SM Stadium Baseball) και φακή (fake) το F Zero Z.
Boom Blox
- 400 levels
- may 6th, NA/May 9th Euro (dates reconfirmed)
- Spielberg wanted to created a game experience that he could share with his children
- three modes ? single multi (competitive and coop) and create
- single player ? explorer and adventure modes
- rated on how many throws it takes to complete task
- realistic physics for throwing. harder the throw, further your ball will travel
- 70 levels in explore mode
- adventure mode- themed worlds and characters
- mid evil, tiki island, frontier, haunted
- story introduces each theme
- comic book style storyboarding
- differ block types
- green blocks are chemical blocks, large explosions
- purple blocks can be popped
- unlock levels characters and more by getting silver and gold medals
- tiki them ? reunite baby gorillas with parents. They have been kidnapped by tiki beavers
- grab tool to grab things in the environment
- explorer and adventure challenge add difficulty
- single player has 200 levels
- multiplayer has 200 levels
- multiplayer has 11 unique game modes
- there are 4 player games
- trade off wiimote between players for some games
- create mode also allows you edit any of the 400 puzzles
- tools can be unlocked, such as super bomb and bowling ball
- stretching and rotation of blocks for advanced editors
- wc24 ? send any level you have made to your friends
- 30 characters
- characters all react differently
- characters can interact with each other as well[/b]
Moon (το πρώην project M, από τους δημιουργούς του Dementium)
Πρός WML (Με κάθε επιφύλαξη)
Emergent brings Sadness to Gamebryo
The polish studio is bringing its first Wii title, Sadness, to the world of black and white, utilising Emergent's Gamebryo engine to create an experience with small time and budget.
According to the press release, Sadness is due to take place before the events of World War I with players finding themselves taking control of the lead character's hands using the Wii remote and nunchuck. Not much is known on the storyline itself, but Nibris have revealed that there will be 8 different endings based on choices made previously.[/b]I attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.
ZOMG! με εφτιαξες για τα καλα! περιμενω με αγωνια να ειδω επιτελους καποιο trailer η οτιδηποτε.
εντομεταξυ εχω δει την pic που ειναι και καλα ingame capture απο το sadness και μπορω να πω οτι απο γραφικα δεν με εντυπωσιαζει και πολυ. αυτο που εχει σημασια ειναι το gameplay και αυτα που εχουν υποσχεθειi believe to the hype B)
Ιδού και η screenshot
Aν τελικά βγει,που έχω κάθε δικαίωμα να αμφιβάλλω μετά από όσα έχουν συμβεί,μακάρι να βγει κάτι καλό.Αν και μάλλον νιώθει την απειλητική ανάσα του Fatal Frame Wii.
Επίσης παίρνοντας την ευκαιρία από το post του belmont να προτείνω το Sigma Star Saga σε κατόχους GBA και fans των πιο old jrpgs και 2d shooters.