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  • Valkyrie of the Battlefield
    Japanese Character Profile: Rosie


    • NiGHTS into Dreams
      Nights Intro Scene

      NiGHTS into Dreams
      Sega Saturn Mode Gameplay


      • ΦΗΜH:To Zοne Of the Enders 3 έρχεται στο Ps3
        NDS themes


        • White and green horses, πιο μικρο θα το κανουν καθολου το μπλοκι;

          ΖOE 3 yipeeee!!!!

          H μονη αποδειξη οτι το Βελγιο υπαρχει...


          • ΦΗΜH:To Zοne Of the Enders 3 έρχεται στο Ps3

            Όμορφο το λευκό ps3

            ΖΟΕ 3 ΤΩΡΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ!!!!! !!!!!!!! Kojima make it happen...ONEGAI SENSEI!!!!
            (αν και δε το βλέπω πουθενά στη σελίδα που μαας έδωσες boy :S )


            • εδώ βρε συν-οτινανιστή:

              όσο για το χρώμα...

              Sony: PS3 in-game communication Coming This Summer
              NDS themes


              • εδώ βρε συν-οτινανιστή:
                Thx Boy ;)


                • Πλησιάζει η αποκάλυψη του God Of War 3

                  Απ' ότι βλέπω τα γραφικά του SOCOM 3 τα βελτιώσαν αρκετά.


                  Λέω να πάρω και τα δύο πρώτα GoOW, τα βρήκα 38 ευρώ (συνολικό κόστος και των δύο).
                  Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                  • NiGHTS into Dreams
                    Elliot Dream Scene

                    Yakuza 3
                    Japanese TV Spot 2

                    God of War (PSP)


                    • Πλησιάζει η αποκάλυψη του God Of War 3

                      Απ' ότι βλέπω τα γραφικά του SOCOM 3 τα βελτιώσαν αρκετά.


                      Λέω να πάρω και τα δύο πρώτα GoOW, τα βρήκα 38 ευρώ (συνολικό κόστος και των δύο).

                      καλά ρε noob δεν έχεις παίξει τα god of war;σε βλέπω να αλλάζεις nick από BigBoss σε Kratos.
                      Carpe diem


                      • Lol, t3h vanity continues (τόσο για το μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς όσο και για το παιχνίδι το ίδιο ).


                        • Heavenly Sword 2 info?
                          Yes, we're sure there will be a Heavenly Sword 2. It's already written! Heck, developer Ninja Theory would like to make it into a trilogy. But first, it needs the opinions of regular folks. According to one Kotaku tipster, that's exactly what Ninja Theory is doing. Last night, a focus group was apparently held by these people in Chicago. Writes the tipster:

                          They initially asked for video game background, then they had a follow-up phone call asking which games I had played or owned, focusing heavily on Heavenly Sword. There were 3 surveys done on Monday, groups of 6 for the first 2, 4 for the last group (my group). Predominantly males, asking about our impressions on Prince of Persia, God of War, Ninja Gaiden and, of course, Heavenly Sword. Some questions were asked about why Heavenly Sword didn't sell so well, what our impressions were on the gameplay, how the cutscenes were done, combat mechanics.

                          That's sorta interesting. The really interesting part is what was hinted at regarding Heavenly Sword 2. That, after the jump:

                          At the end of the night they gave us a few pieces of paper and asked our takes on the ideas (probably already set in stone). The following are the sheets that they asked our opinions on:
                          1. Heavenly sword 2 will take place 10 years after the events in heavenly sword 1

                          2. The main character will be a male with martial arts background

                          3. The main character will be Kai, but she will be a more mature woman.

                          4. The game will require you to master different martial arts styles before retrieving the heavenly sword

                          5. The game will, instead of button mashing, have controls that utilize an analog stick to go through weapons.

                          6. The game will have downloadable weapons, characters, and enemies to customize your experience.

                          7. The game will be more interactive with the environment

                          8. The game will have you on a storyline with replayable missions, as opposed to an open world

                          Not sure if that means Ninja Theory is thinking about a new main character or making Kai the main character or both. (We'd prefer Kai, thankyouverymuch.) The tipster said the focus group didn't get a chance to see screenshots or box art. Take this info. for what it's worth![/b]
                          NDS themes


                          • Πρέπει να πάρω και το πρώτο κάποια στιγμή <_< . DMC4, NG Sigma έχω ξεσκιστεί στα action/hack&slash τελευταία .
                            Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                            • flOw PSP
                              We applaud Sony for bringing this title to PSP. We really hope it&#39;s the beginning of a long line of downloadable titles for the system. It may not be a perfect port of the PS3 title, but it still does a great job of offering a unique, soothing experience on the go. If you missed the PS3 version, and feel like trying something different from the norm, give flOw a shot. For only &#036;8, it&#39;s worth taking a chance.

                              score: 7.0[/b]

                              και για όσους δεν μπορούν να περιμένουν το DualShock3...
                              The Zero Wireless Controller is the ultimate solution for PS3 gaming, making it the top choice in high-end wireless controllers. Continuing the popularity of Nyko&#39;s Zero controller line, the new Zero for PS3 features include:

                              - Dual vibration motors for full rumble feedback in supported games*
                              - Up to 25 hours of continuous play with removable, rechargeable, NiMH battery, complete with USB charge cable and optional battery compartment
                              - Reliable 2.4 GHz wireless technology for reliable and responsive range of up to 30 feet
                              - Equipped with a precise accelerometer that detects six different directions of motion
                              - Standard backlit LED buttons, precision analog sticks, durable buttons, and curved triggers
                              - Unique metal polymer hybrid design with heat-dissipating aluminum panels, available in three distinct colors to match the tastes of every gamer: Black, Silver and White[/b]
                              NDS themes


                              • God of War PSP Unlockables
                                NDS themes

