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Omegle Logz

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  • #16
    Stranger: Hi, are you gay? im horny, and i have a webcam? (msn or yahoo)

    You: hi

    You: wtf!!!

    Ωχ!!!!Ρε Zero μηπως εισαι εσυ ρε

    Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


    • #17
      You: manowar rules

      Stranger: I like my women like I like my wine...

      Stranger: 12 years old and locked in the cellar

      You: wat

      Stranger: you heard me

      Stranger: i like mashing them and then grinding them up with my you know what

      You: i'm a police officer you are screwed

      Stranger: oh really

      Stranger: i might just grind your child up

      Stranger: I ALSO KILLED LIKE 50 people


      Stranger: haha YOU CANT TOUCH ME

      You: of course not

      Stranger: I HAVE YOUR IP NOW

      Stranger: soo yeh i am going to come to your house and rape you

      You: i don't touch shit

      Stranger: and your 4 hermaphrodites

      Stranger: you touch my shit

      Stranger: sometimes i pick up my shit from the toilet and eat it

      Stranger: i like to talk to my shit

      Stranger: because its my friend


      Stranger: then i wrap it up

      Stranger: in a blanket and sleep with it

      Stranger: then i kiss it goodnight

      Stranger: do you do the same thing?

      You: sort of

      Stranger: Were both the same

      Stranger: ...

      Stranger: Do you know what a furry is?

      You: yes

      Stranger: i have 3 animals....all which i fuck

      Stranger: a dog.... cat... and my son

      Stranger: I dress up in a mickey mouse costume and cut a hole so i can whip out my dick

      Stranger: and then I FUCK other people wearing mickey mouse costumes

      Stranger: We have conventions and shit

      You: lol go playning world of warcraft man

      Stranger: Ever heard of FURRYCON?

      OMG LOL.

      Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


      • #18
        Γαμάτο αυτό!!

        Stranger: Hi

        You: osu

        Stranger: No osso

        Stranger: Ronaldo shines very in...?
        a)Sao Paulo

        You: huh?

        Stranger: Hlk?

        Stranger: Hulk?

        You: Batman!!

        Stranger: The warrior hulk

        Stranger: hahaha

        Stranger: Spider man

        You: ITS MORPHING TIME!!! xD

        Stranger: hsaushausha

        Stranger: shaushaushuashuashausha

        Stranger: hsuahsuashasaushausa

        Stranger: Power Ranger

        You: BOOOOOM!

        Stranger: hahahahahahaha I laugh very


        • #19
          You: hi male here big cock

          Stranger: Hi male here, bigger cock

          Your conversational partner has disconnected.


          Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


          • #20
            Omegle Logz

            Εδώ μπορούμε να βάλουμε τα ep1c l0gZ μας απο το Omegle. Μπορούμε κιόλας να φτιάξουμε ένα διαγωνισμό κιόλας ή κάτι τέτοιο στο τέλος.

            You: hey

            Stranger: hi

            You: m/f ?

            Stranger: m

            You: then stick your dick up your arse cause i don't screw men

            Stranger: ok i will try

            Stranger: thanks a lot for your education

            You: ur welcome

            You have disconnected.


            You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

            Stranger: male here wanna cyber sex?

            You: yes

            You: yes..!!!

            You: except that i'm a male too

            Your conversational partner has disconnected.


            You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

            You: .

            Stranger: hi

            You: m/f?

            Stranger: m

            You: nice

            Stranger: you?

            You: m

            Your conversational partner has disconnected.


            Stranger: Merry Christmas

            You: alhthws anesti

            Your conversational partner has disconnected.


            You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

            Stranger: You play wow?

            You: just guild wars

            Your conversational partner has disconnected.


            Μετά έπεσα σε σοβαρές συζητήσεις.

            (αν κάποιος mod θεωρήσει πως δε χρειάζεται το θέμα ας το σβήσει ή ας μετακινήσει το κείμενο στο topic που ξεκίνησε, απλά αισθάνομαι πως έχουν να δημοσιευτούν πολλά logz ακόμη)


            • #21
              Μα τι επος ρε Raphael, Που το ανακαλυψες?

              Connecting to server...
              You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
              Stranger: hi
              You: hi hi
              Stranger: asl?
              You: that means?
              Stranger: how old r u? male or female? from?
              You: i see, 23 female atlantis
              Stranger: cool
              Stranger: 18 m norway here
              You: so..are u married?
              Stranger: nope
              Stranger: r u?
              You: nope! so we should make cyber sex, shouldnt we?
              Stranger: yea, on msn?
              You: here. its more kinky
              Stranger: ok xD
              Stranger: u start
              You: ok, first of all im a man
              Your conversational partner has disconnected.
              " You 're saying that you 're just here to add a bit of colour?

              Authenticity sir, authenticity. "

              Discworld (1995, PC/Playstation/Sega Saturn)


              • #22
                Το είχαν δημοσιεύσει στο "γέλιο κάνει καλό"!

                Είναι φοβερό ψυχολογικό εργαλείο αυτό το site. Αν ζούσε ο Φρόυντ...


                • #23
                  Κι εγω πριν λιγο καιρο εμαθα τι σημαινει οταν το δα σε ενα motivator και το ψαξα για να καταλαβω το αστειο.

                  Stranger: warning i am a 16 yr male

                  You: 23 m

                  Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                  You: hi

                  Stranger: IMMA NINJA

                  You: have you played banjo kazooie?

                  Stranger: YA

                  Stranger: NINJA

                  Stranger: WOOT

                  Stranger: NINJA

                  Stranger: OMG A NINJA

                  Stranger: LOOK AT ME IMMA NINJA

                  You: yes but im bear and bird, i win

                  Stranger: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT THE NINJA

                  You have disconnected.
                  You: hey

                  Stranger: hey

                  You: have you played banjo kazooie?

                  Stranger: nah

                  You: that's sad

                  Stranger: m/f
                  You: !

                  Stranger: you have one wish for free now ! (excepts other wishes)

                  You: I wish rare releases banjo threeie

                  Stranger: wtf is that?

                  You: it's the best video game ever

                  You: bear and bird win combo

                  Stranger: is it like crash bandicoot?

                  You: yes but better

                  You: you can play it on xbox live

                  Stranger: in my eyes is that a very bad wish

                  You: can you grant it or not?

                  Stranger: i would wish freedom, peace, happyness and healthy for all people !

                  Stranger: and you want a fucking x box game?

                  You: lolz that would be the lamest video game

                  You: and i dont really care if its for xbox, just gimme the fuckin bear n bird

                  Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                  Stranger: runkkaaks mulle?

                  You: wat

                  Stranger: will you mmh fuck to ur self?

                  You: no, only sex with bear and bird

                  Stranger: oookay, well its nice

                  You: so what about you?

                  You: like bears?

                  Stranger: yeah (:

                  You: yeah you should play banjo kazooie

                  Stranger: mmh, noo, i don't like banjo

                  You: you know it?

                  You: its teh fucking best game

                  Stranger: ookay

                  You: asl?

                  Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                  Do a barrel roll!


                  • #24
                    Όταν ανακάλυψα την υπηρεσία:

                    You: is this service new?

                    Stranger: wat

                    You: i just discovered it

                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

                    The illusion of free will is an illusion.


                    • #25
                      Εγώ πάντως έπιασα συζήτηση με αυτή. Ώρες μιλούσαμε. Πριν μου πείτε 'σε δούλευαν ρε ψιλο γαζι ρεεε' να απαντήσω πως i'm smarter than that.

                      Επίσης μίλησα με μία Ισραηλινή που στην αρχή νόμιζα πως είναι άνδρας (έπιασα σοβαρή συζήτηση επειδή είδα ένα θεατρικό έργο γι'αυτό το θέμα σήμερα).

                      Το απόγευμα μπήκα και το βράδυ. Το βράδυ μου έτυχαν σχεδόν όλες γυναίκες.. <_<

                      Stranger: hi

                      You: hey

                      Stranger: from?

                      You: please wait so i can roll a cigar

                      Your conversational partner has disconnected.


                      Stranger: hi

                      You: hey

                      You: just one minute so i can roll a cigarette

                      Stranger: ok

                      Stranger: sorry bye

                      Your conversational partner has disconnected.


                      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                      You: geia

                      Stranger: gaia?

                      You: yes

                      You: the earth

                      You: the power of the soil

                      You: BEHOLD

                      Stranger: Wild DUGTRIO uses EARTHQUAKE.

                      Stranger: EARTH fainted.

                      You: got it.

                      You have disconnected.


                      • #26
                        Stranger: hi

                        You: low

                        Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                        :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


                        • #27
                          You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                          Stranger: Horny female?

                          You: you are?

                          Stranger: No

                          You: me neither

                          Your conversational partner has disconnected.


                          • #28
                            μονο εγω επεσα σε 23αρα ρωσσιδα και πιασαμε κουβεντα?


                            • #29
                              You: tsa
                              Stranger: bonne nuit!!
                              Stranger: good night!!
                              Stranger: selamat malam!!
                              You: france?
                              Stranger: dad is
                              Stranger: :-]
                              You: you are?
                              Stranger: u?
                              You: daughter?
                              Stranger: yep
                              You: niceeeeeeeeee...
                              You: i like to take care on other guys daughters...

                              στην ιδια κουβεντα...

                              Stranger: how old r u?
                              You: 24
                              You: u?
                              Stranger: im 17
                              Stranger: lol
                              You: nice
                              You: oh its ok
                              You: my ex girlfriend was 16
                              You: you are older
                              You: hahahahah
                              Stranger: whoowww
                              You: i am a cute guy
                              Stranger: thats when u were 16 or something right
                              Stranger: lol
                              You: that was last year

                              στην ιδια κουβεντα...

                              Stranger: no not now pls, my sister is still accompany me
                              You: is with you
                              You: ?
                              Stranger: yes
                              Stranger: now
                              You: you can stll share me
                              You: so i will be 12 yo for each one
                              Stranger: um
                              Stranger: okay if u dont mind, give me ur msn first, let me think, and ill add soon, we could talk later
                              Stranger: deal
                              Stranger: lol
                              Stranger: i like older guys
                              You: deal

                              οχι παιζουμε...νουμππαδες...thnx για τη σελιδα.

                              You: hi
                              Stranger: hi
                              You: hi
                              Stranger: where are you from ?
                              You: greece
                              You: u
                              You: ?
                              Stranger: Taiwan ?
                              Stranger: excuse me where is Greece
                              You: female from taiwan?
                              Stranger: yeah
                              You: age?
                              Stranger: 16
                              You: can i buy you from your father?


                              Stranger: are you a horny girl who has msn / cam?
                              You: are you a mantis?
                              Stranger: are you a horny girl who has msn / cam?
                              You: are you a mantis?
                              Stranger: ya
                              You: i am not
                              Stranger: are you a horny girl who has msn / cam?
                              You: are you a mantis?
                              Stranger: no
                              You: i know


                              You: email
                              You: ?
                              You: to find you
                              You: ?
                              Stranger: umm..
                              Stranger: my mom say i cannot give my e-mail to someone i didn't know...
                              Stranger: sorry..
                              You: ok
                              You: i have the solution
                              You: i will give you my email
                              You: lol
                              Stranger: ok


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Raphael View Post
                                Εγώ πάντως έπιασα συζήτηση με αυτή.


