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  • #76
    Stranger: m or f?
    You: hi, i am a priest i am here to help.
    Stranger: ok
    You: tell me your name
    Stranger: sunny
    You: are you a female
    You: ?
    Stranger: m
    You: jesus you have a females name althoough
    You: are you gay
    You: ?
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: straight
    You: so a str8 with a female name, god doesn tlike that things
    You: are you a catholic?
    Stranger: no
    You: but what?
    Stranger: hindu
    You: this krishna thing?
    You: who is blue?
    Stranger: yeah
    You: sonic the hedhehog is blue but is not a god you know...
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    • #77
      Μια που το βαλε ο lms στο chat και το θυμηθηκα ειπα να κανω καμια καταγραφη...

      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
      Stranger: hi
      You: hi, do you like skyrim?
      Stranger: m or f?
      You: m
      Stranger: yup
      Your conversational partner has disconnected.
      Stranger: m 18 gay
      You: hi, do you like skyrim?
      You: gay or not, do you like skyrim?
      You: ...
      You: are you googling for skyrim???
      Your conversational partner has disconnected.
      You: hi, do you like skyrim?
      Stranger: hey
      Stranger: whats this
      You: wtf?
      Stranger: hauhauhahuh
      Stranger: skyrim??
      Your conversational partner has disconnected.
      You: hi, do you like skyrim?
      Stranger: hi
      Stranger: wats that
      You: best game evah!!
      Stranger: its cool
      Stranger: my friend love it
      You: female friend?
      Stranger: yes
      You: nice!
      You: asl of your friend?
      Stranger: 16, Irineja, serbia
      Stranger: u
      You: 25 m greece
      Stranger: GREECE!
      You: YAY!
      Stranger: balkan!
      You: wait, why the enthousiasm?
      You: aaaa that's why...
      Stranger: i love greece
      You: that's a first
      You: age?
      Stranger: 16
      You: hm you are not supposed to enter such chats
      Stranger: why?
      You: not adult yet
      You: be careful of the pedobears
      Stranger: this isnt porn site
      Stranger: i know
      You: anyway gotta go search for other dragonborns, see ya
      Stranger: bye
      You have disconnected.
      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
      You: hi, do you like skyrim?
      Stranger: fuccckkk
      Stranger: hey lesbien here looking to trade pics ;)
      You: pics of your skyrim character?
      Your conversational partner has disconnected.
      Do a barrel roll!


      • #78
        haha teleios
        Originally posted by Raf
        Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


        • #79
          Βρηκα καλυτερη ερωτηση να κανω οταν μπαινω..
          You: hi, any chance you are a hot chick who likes Skyrim?
          Stranger: Yup!
          You: wait what?
          Stranger: I love Skyrim and I am hot!
          You: you should come in my house and play skyrim naked
          You: seriously, what character do you have?
          Stranger: I only play my brothers...
          You: which is...
          Your conversational partner has disconnected.
          You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
          You: hi, any chance you are a hot chick who likes Skyrim?
          Stranger: do u wanna buy shit from my anus hole?
          You: yes, do you sell glass armor?
          Stranger: yes
          Stranger: if u order poo
          You: actually i'm only wearing robes for magicka regeneration...
          You: level 22 btw, you?
          Your conversational partner has disconnected.
          You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
          You: hi, any chance you are a hot chick who likes Skyrim?
          Stranger: yaa
          Stranger: i =v got amazing tits
          You: nice!
          You: have you finished the main quest?
          Stranger: wanna webcam i can strip for u
          You: ok, you can show me your inventory too
          Your conversational partner has disconnected.
          You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
          You: hi, any chance you are a hot chick who likes Skyrim?
          Stranger: depends what skyrim is
          You: FUS RO DAH
          Stranger: just tell me what it is I can't be arsed
          You: it's the best rpg ever
          Stranger: how the fuck is a girl meant to know what an rpg is
          You: there are mayn girls who play rpgs
          You: have you not watch the big bang theory?
          Stranger: no I'm still confused what an rpg is
          Stranger: what is it?
          You: a role playing game
          You: like farmville but not really
          Stranger: oh right
          Stranger: like the sims?
          You: YES! it's exactly like the Sims
          Stranger: I LOVE THE SIMS
          You: (you really are a chick, arent you)
          Stranger: i could marry that game
          Stranger: lol yes I am a chick.
          You: I AM THAT GAME, MARRY ME!!!
          You: I mean, I should see some pics of you first
          Stranger: hahaha your not that game plus I havnt played it (or you) for ages
          You: yeah it's pretty old, anything you played more recently?
          Stranger: well my brother is always on cod now so I give it a go
          You: btw you should watch that youtube link i gave to you
          You: oh cod, right
          You: i once liked cod
          Stranger: I really CBA to watch it cus I'm on my phone
          You: you chan omegle on your phone? you must be really bored right now..
          You: where do you live?
          Stranger: I just watched an hour or jersey shore I'm scarred for life
          Stranger: I live in England
          You: is it scary?
          Stranger: no its fucking the most disgusting stupidest thing ever
          Stranger: have you never heard of it?
          You: no, i am googling it right now
          Stranger: oh my god you live under a rock
          Stranger: lol
          You: lol i live in greece
          You: i started watching american horror story lately, give it a go
          Stranger: no thanks I don't watch horror movies infant sleep for weeks
          Stranger: * I cant
          You: at least this one isn't disgusting...
          Your conversational partner has disconnected.
          Do a barrel roll!


          • #80
            You: ok, you can show me your inventory too
            I see what you did there...
            Άθελά σου βρήκες και την κατάλληλη ερώτηση για να καταλάβεις αν είναι άντρας ή γυναίκα.
            Do you like Sims and Farmville?
            Originally posted by Squall Leonhart
            I used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chest
            Originally posted by 丹野
            Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...
            Originally posted by Ryu_gr
            υπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.


            • #81
              Stranger: like the sims?
              You: YES! it's exactly like the Sims
              Stranger: I LOVE THE SIMS
              You: (you really are a chick, arent you)

              Originally posted by Raf
              Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


              • #82
                Eγω ερωτευτηκα στο omegle εκανα μιας ωρας σχεση μαλλιστα


                • #83
                  Dokimase kaneis na anaparasthsei pote tou ta chats tou blood ninja tou theou?

                  bloodninja: Baby, I been havin a tough night so treat me nice aight?
                  BritneySpears14: Aight.
                  bloodninja: Slip out of those pants baby, yeah.
                  BritneySpears14: I slip out of my pants, just for you, bloodninja.
                  bloodninja: Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat.
                  BritneySpears14: Oh, I like to play dress up.
                  bloodninja: Me too baby.
                  BritneySpears14: I kiss you softly on your chest.
                  bloodninja: I cast Lvl. 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
                  BritneySpears14: Hey…
                  bloodninja: I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 Cock of the Infinite.
                  BritneySpears14: Funny I still don’t see it.
                  bloodninja: I spend my mana reserves to cast Mighty F*ck of the Beyondness.
                  BritneySpears14: You are the worst cyber partner ever. This is ridiculous.
                  bloodninja: Don’t f*ck with me bitch, I’m the mightiest sorcerer of the lands.
                  bloodninja: I steal yo soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000 Your body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because you are only a Lvl. 2 Druid.
                  BritneySpears14: Don’t ever message me again you piece of ****.
                  bloodninja: Robots are trying to drill my brain but my lightning shield inflicts DOA attack, leaving the robots as flaming piles of metal.
                  bloodninja: King Arthur congratulates me for destroying Dr. Robotnik’s evil army of Robot Socialist Republics. The cold war ends. Reagan steals my accomplishments and makes like it was cause of him.
                  bloodninja: You still there baby? I think it’s getting hard now.
                  bloodninja: Baby?
                  "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                  But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                  Kindred, this blade and I.

                  "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                  Greek Gaming Videos
                  Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                  • #84
                    Ό,τι να 'ναι.

                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                    Stranger: 19 f us

                    You: 25, άρρεν, Ελλάς

                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                    Stranger: hi

                    You: Hello

                    Stranger: m or f

                    You: m

                    You: now my turn

                    You: age ?

                    Stranger: 15

                    Stranger: um are you bi or gay?

                    You: Isn't there a middle category ?

                    Stranger: straight lol

                    You: Right, that's what I am

                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
                    You: 25, male, Greece, in case the first thing you will write will be "asl"
                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                    Stranger: hi! asl?

                    Stranger: 28 f UK

                    Stranger: gtg. wanna talk later?

                    You: no, I want now

                    Stranger: you can get my contact info on search for Monihorny

                    You: ox, pesame se bot

                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

                    PK World - Τα πάντα για Disney comics!


                    • #85
                      Tα αγγλικα μου ειναι τραγικα αλλα καπως το παλευω

                      Stranger: hi

                      Stranger: im 14 m uk here

                      You: hi

                      Stranger: lookin for a horny girl no older thn 16

                      You: i am a center back and i am tiing my laces at the kick off

                      Stranger: im a centre mid!

                      Stranger: lol

                      Stranger: m/f

                      You: 15 bi tanzania

                      Stranger: male bi or female bi

                      You: something between that

                      Stranger: are you a man or a woman i no ur bi

                      You: i am a woman

                      You: but i also have a penis

                      Stranger: finally hehe

                      Stranger: woah what?!

                      Stranger: do u have msn?

                      You: yes

                      You: you can add me

                      Stranger: wats ur addy ill add u


                      Stranger: sent the invite mine is psycoevans so if u get request from tht its me

                      Stranger: are you online?/

                      You: i am not online

                      You: i am horny

                      Stranger: can u go online thn illl make u squirt and or cum

                      You: me ti prosonta?

                      Stranger: i dont understand..

                      Stranger: im horny too

                      You: are you really horny?

                      Stranger: yes

                      Stranger: are u

                      You: if you are horny go jerk off to relax

                      Stranger: no i want to get horny with u on webcam on msn
                      You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                      You: do you remember me you gay?

                      Stranger: was there supposed to be a comma in there somewhere? No I'm not gay, and maybe I remember you...

                      Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                      You: asl?

                      Stranger: male 18 Br

                      You: glory glory leeds united

                      Stranger: and you asl

                      You: 15 bi tanzanian

                      Stranger: aha,good

                      Stranger: My name is Robert, what is your name?

                      You: nikos korobos

                      Stranger: nice nikos ))

                      Stranger: How well do you speak English?

                      You: i speaks the english veri goot

                      Stranger: haha, okay

                      Stranger: Nikos, I am here to make friends and study English and French.

                      Stranger: what language speak in your country?

                      You: i dont give a fuck what you want to study or what you want to do

                      You: its your problem

                      You: do you know why i dont give a fuck?

                      You: BEACAUSE I CAN

                      Stranger: what do you do now ?

                      You: i am a center back and i am tiing my laces at the kick off

                      Stranger: ok

                      Your conversational partner has disconnected.


                      • #86
                        απο που είναι αυτά τα chats με strangers;;
                        Star Citizen videos Star Citizen gallery


                        • #87
                          Stranger: im 14 m uk here
                          Stranger: sent the invite mine is psycoevans so if u get request from tht its me
                          Τέτοια κάνει ο Έβανς στις Αγγλίες που τον στείλαμε; Αίσχος!
                          Originally posted by Squall Leonhart
                          I used to be a SeeD like you, then I took an icicle in the chest
                          Originally posted by 丹野
                          Ο sub_zero είναι αυτός ο ψηλός με τα γυαλιά, ενώ ο Παίχτης είναι ο κούκλος αθλητικός τυπάς. Ο LMS δεν ξέρω ποιος είναι, αλλά who cares...
                          Originally posted by Ryu_gr
                          υπάρχουν τα games που τα "γεμίζουν" με επαναλαμβανόμενα tasks για να δείξουν απλώς ότι έχεις πράγματα να κάνεις (και όταν πας να ασχοληθείς απλά βαριέσαι) και υπάρχει και το Mario Galaxy.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by BigBOSS View Post
                            απο που είναι αυτά τα chats με strangers;;
                            τι λέει ο τίτλος;

                            You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                            You: do you remember me you gay?

                            Stranger: was there supposed to be a comma in there somewhere? No I'm not gay, and maybe I remember you...

                            Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                            ΜΠΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ... International trolling με ελληνικά μεμέ! Εύγε νέε μου!
                            Originally posted by Raf
                            Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Somari View Post
                              τι λέει ο τίτλος;

                              ΜΠΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ... International trolling με ελληνικά μεμέ! Εύγε νέε μου!
                              Εγω απο τον ryu περιμενω σχολιο


                              • #90
                                You are you who came here, with us to be funny?
                                GO BREAK, YOU ASSHOLE...
                                Originally posted by Raf
                                Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.

