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  • #91
    Κρίμα που έκανε disconnect, με αυτόν τα τα πηγαίνατε μια χαρά νομίζω.
    Τι βλέπεις όταν έχεις πράσινα μάτια?

    Στο Βιλαμπάχο ακόμα τρίβουν...

    Η μόνη διαφορά ανάμεσα σε μένα και σε ένα τρελό είναι πως εγώ δεν είμαι τρελός - Σαλβαδόρ Νταλί


    • #92
      Θα ήταν καλύτερο ως "Do you remember me, you faggot?"!
      "Can't talk shit with a tongue full of rug burn!"


      • #93
        You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

        You: ballsack

        Stranger: hi

        Stranger: ballsack

        Stranger: balzac

        Stranger: pene

        You: pini

        Stranger: pono

        You: pana

        Stranger: punu

        You: poopoo

        Stranger: pupu

        Stranger: pew pew

        You: wep wep

        Stranger: wop wop

        You: fap fap

        Stranger: fap fap fap

        You: so ure a guy?

        Stranger: yeah u?

        Stranger: im heneró de balzac

        You: im a shemale, 27, tzatzikistan

        Stranger: honoré

        Stranger: a ladyboy you mean

        You: im a shemale

        Stranger: where the hell is that?

        You: Asia

        Stranger: ok

        You: u want my hard buddy

        Stranger: what do you fap to?

        Stranger: no i dont

        You: the new zelda game

        Stranger: man or women?

        Stranger: there's a new one?

        You: ye skyward sword

        Stranger: is it cool?

        You: yes

        Stranger: ok

        You: it makes my "master sword" harden

        You: i like your tities

        You: so much fat

        Your conversational partner has disconnected.


        • #94
          Stranger: what do you fap to?



          • #95
            Originally posted by sub_zero View Post
            Εγω απο τον ryu περιμενω σχολιο
            The illusion of free will is an illusion.


            • #96
              Ρε τώρα είδα τον "γρίφο" της υπογραφής σου... WTF
              Originally posted by Raf
              Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


              • #97
                You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                You: hi

                Stranger: hey

                Stranger: asl

                You: male

                Stranger: female where r u from

                You: greece 16

                Stranger: I'm from Macedonia :$

                Your conversational partner has disconnected.


                • #98
                  Έι, πατριώτη, το έκτρωμα γράφεται με ω.
                  Originally posted by Raf
                  Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


                  • #99
                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                    Stranger: Hi

                    You: Hi

                    Stranger: horny

                    Stranger: Ggg

                    You: Gggg ?

                    Stranger: F orm

                    Stranger: F orm

                    Stranger: F or m

                    You: nice bot

                    Stranger: sorry lol

                    Stranger: are u female pr male

                    You: How are you bot ? I am a F

                    Stranger: Bot?

                    You: F for Female

                    Stranger: I know lolz

                    Stranger: Bot???

                    You: You know, you are kind of a failure for a bot

                    Stranger: Wtf? U do realise these r real ppl eho r hprny dont u??

                    You: And on top of that a spelling mistake bot

                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                    You: Hello, I am a bot

                    Stranger: 17/f/canada African American/Indo-Caribbean don't like? then disconnect NOW! kk?

                    You: Hello, I am a bot

                    You: Hello, I am a bot

                    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

                    Και ένα τελευταίο GODLIKE :xp:

                    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                    You: Hello, I am a bot

                    Stranger: bowowow yipee yo yippee yay pitbull in the motherfucking house

                    You: .YEEEA, dat mothefuching house

                    Stranger: HOLA ITS PITBULL MODAFUKA, SUP

                    You: DAT ASS ! ALoha pal

                    Stranger: u lyk ma ass?

                    You: sup bro ?

                    Stranger: i asked u a question nigga

                    You: yo ma nigga, I don't kno, what about u ?!

                    Stranger: i asked u first der fore u answer mine

                    You: Yo daug, I got a lick in your ass, so you can ass while you likc your ass !

                    Stranger: lol bitch i be white

                    You: Yo be white, I be white also

                    You: Dont bitch me

                    Stranger: i do what i want WIGGA

                    You: NIGGA, I yam what I yam thats all I yam

                    You: k ?

                    Stranger: no, l

                    You: Blow me down, well blow me down

                    Stranger: as in suck or as the wind does it...

                    You: Im in ur chatroom, stealing ur bandwidth

                    Stranger: oh rly

                    You: ya rly

                    Stranger: oh rly rly

                    You: Ya rly

                    You: and now what ?

                    You: You now what ?

                    You: Ninja > Pirates

                    Stranger: ok hold up hold up what does ... > ... even mean?

                    You: You know, Ninjas are better than pirates. Like 5 > 2

                    You: 5 is bigger than 2

                    Stranger: oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh

                    You: in internet we use it to show that something is better than the other

                    Stranger: i see i see, don't treat me like im some foreigner

                    You: I guess we are foreigners for each other

                    Stranger: well im from ireland so..

                    You: Nah, I am from Greece. We are foreigners after all

                    You: kk, bb then, you were a tough opponent, I will go to find others

                    Stranger: whay do you mean? lol

                    You: Anyway, goodnight from sunny Greece.

                    Stranger: goodnight lol

                    You have disconnected.

                    PK World - Τα πάντα για Disney comics!


                    • Originally posted by Somari View Post
                      Έι, πατριώτη, το έκτρωμα γράφεται με ω.
                      Στα ελληνικα μπορει, στα μακεδονικα δε ξερουμε...
                      Do a barrel roll!


                      • kamia idea gia to captcha?

                        ok reseted router


                        • You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

                          Stranger: yo

                          You: yo ma nigga

                          Stranger: ...

                          Stranger: yo my assumed nigga

                          You: just kidding i'm causasian

                          You: you?

                          Stranger: 1% american

                          You: the other 99%?

                          Stranger: can't tell

                          You: r u an alien sent here to destroy us?

                          Stranger: no

                          You: cool

                          Stranger: trade sth

                          You: for a moment htere I got scared

                          You: there*

                          You: male

                          Stranger: let's show some hot utube vids

                          Stranger: cuz conversation is 2 dry

                          You: nah

                          You: sorry man

                          You: am looking for hot women to talk with them

                          Stranger: i 4give u

                          You: thanks

                          Stranger: u won't find hot women

                          Stranger: on de internet

                          You: i know but i can give it a shot,no?

                          Stranger: and definitely not on omegle

                          You: hahaha right

                          Stranger: ya let's talk bout hot women

                          You: well,sayonara man.hope u find wut ur looking 4

                          Stranger: leaving?

                          You: yes

                          You: sorry

                          Stranger: kk

                          Stranger: by bye nice one

                          Your conversational partner has disconnected.
                          Carpe diem


                          • ..χλιαρό τρόλιν;
                            Originally posted by Raf
                            Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


                            • Originally posted by Somari View Post
                              ..χλιαρό τρόλιν;
                              Ναι, με την ησυχία του, καφεδάκι στο άλλο χέρι κ.λ.π....
                              "Can't talk shit with a tongue full of rug burn!"


                              • Αλλιώς το ξεκίνησα και αλλού κατέληξα.Μετά απλά βαρέθηκα και βγήκα.
                                Carpe diem

