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Το ίδιο είναι...
Δεν έπιασες το χιούμορ.
Τον άδειασε τον τυπά..!
Δικό μου:
You: come on now, how can you remember all that stuff?
Stranger: i dont konw what's your meaning
You: you know
You: the chinese language
You: like this
You: there are many of them symbols
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Μάλλον δε θέλουν να μιλάνε γι'αυτό το θέμα.
You: in a low lighted room
You: candles beside the bed
You: the curtains are dancing to the fierce wind outside
You: you go and close them
You: i'm in a period so we can do very know
You: can't do*
Stranger: haha sexy..
You: yeah, unless you want blood and stuff
Αρχισα κι εγω 2 conversations.
Stranger: Male/[δε θυμαμαι]/[δε θυμαμαι]
You (εγω): Male? Sorry dude, laterz.
Stranger: Hi I m 18 USA.
You: Male or Female?
Stranger: m, u?
You: m too
You: bye bye
ΥΓ: Γαματη εικονα cursed.
Originally posted by Ramparter View Post1η:
Stranger: Male/[δε θυμαμαι]/[δε θυμαμαι]
You (εγω): Male? Sorry dude, laterz.
Stranger: Hi I m 18 USA.
You: Male or Female?
Stranger: m, u?
You: m too
You: bye bye
"Can't talk shit with a tongue full of rug burn!"
Εχεις δικιο αλλα τι θα μπορουσα να συζητησω με ενα 18χρονο αμερικανο; Ασε που θα με ρωταγε που βρηκα internet στην Ευρωπη
Originally posted by Ramparter View PostΕχεις δικιο αλλα τι θα μπορουσα να συζητησω με ενα 18χρονο αμερικανο; Ασε που θα με ρωταγε που βρηκα internet στην Ευρωπη
Φαντασία και καλή διάθεση και από τις δυο μεριές χρειάζεται. Το οποίο δεν θα το πετύχεις και τόσο συχνά βέβαια με όλους τους στερημένους εκεί μέσα, αλλά λέμε τώρα.Το περίεργο, πάντως, ήταν ότι δεν πέτυχα κάποιον που να αποπειράθηκε να προσβάλλει, είτε με μπινελίκι, είτε έμμεσα (όχι ότι θα πετύχαινε, καθότι ήμουν προετοιμασμένος για όλα).
"Can't talk shit with a tongue full of rug burn!"
You: hey]\
Stranger: u horny girl ?
You: oh yes.
Stranger: cam ?
You: i do not have..
You: but i have my w*t p***y ready to welcome your si***e p***s
Stranger: where you from ?
You: aithiopia
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: if you are a girl then make out with your mother
You: wut
Stranger: make out with ur mom
You: i do not have a mom anymore
You: she's deceased
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: heeey
Stranger: search girl for webcamchatt???
You: YES
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hooy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hmmm....
Stranger: vagina or penis?
You: vagina
You: is what I want
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: tha miliseis re pousti?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Eκανα και γω
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: m or f?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: male female?
Stranger: m or f?
You: male
Stranger: male here
You: shit
Stranger: fuck
You: haha
Stranger: lol
You: where from
Stranger: india\
You: greece
You: do u like heavy metal?
Stranger: anyway bye dude
Stranger: i want a gal
Stranger: wat h eavy metal/
You: me 2
You: lol bbGround_Zero:
Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).