Apo plevras nostalgias sigoura to FF7 einai to agaphmeno mou, alla akomh kai logika na to deis, to paixnidi den exei adynamies pera apo ta grafika.
Exei plousio senario me para polla stoixeia na prwhgountai tou story pou parakoloutheis ekeinh thn stigmh, exei ena poly kalo growth system me ta materia kai tous sydiasmous, exei ena klassiko battle system, alla tote pou to paiksame to vlepame prwth fora, den to eixame synithisei kai htan oso nanai kati diaforetiko, wraious xarakthres pou o kathenas exei to diko tou xrono afierwmeno senariaka (kati pou stamathse sta FF apo to 8 kai epeita me eksairesh to 9) kai etsi mporouses na detheis perissotero mazi tous, polla mystika, extra challenges ti allo na theleis?
Gia na pw kai egw to diko mou story "Sinclair style" an kai mallon to exw ksanapei.
Tote epaiza dwrean se ena apo ta konsoladika ths polhs mou, eixa to pronomio epeidh eixa vohthisei thn idiokthtria na perasei ena challenge sto Soulblade, opote eixa thn adeia na kathomai oso thelw.
Perimename na erthoun ta kainouria games kai ena apogevma mpenontas sto magazi thn vlepw na paizei to FF7.
Eixa dei ton xarakthra se polles fwtografies sto gamepro, alla epeidh htan futuristiko kai skoteino ktl ktl den tou edina kai poly shmasia kai phgaina se poio endiaferonta games.
Phgainw loipon kai ths lew "to FF7 einai afto?" mou leei "nai einai wraio katse na to deis ligo".
Ekeinh thn stigmh vriskotan sthn arxh tou paixnidiou mou skotwneis tous stratiwtes kai tous perneis ta potions, malista epeidh hksera oti eliwne ta games, elega apo mesa mou pwwww poso poly tha to exei proxwrisei afth twra? Konta sto telos tha vrisketai![tongue](https://gamers-odyssey.net/core/images/smilies/RpS_tongue.gif)
Thymamai oti ths elega na pathsei ta koumpia gia na apofygei ta xtyphmata, alla den ginotan kai eixa menei teleiws malakas me afthn thn apokalypsh, den to xwrouse to myalo mou pws einai dynaton na mhn mporeis na apofygeis ta xtyphmata tou exthrou!
Lew asxeth tha einai, den ginetai na mhn mporeis na kaneis kati!
To pernw kai to ksekinaw kai egw loipon, proxwrousa to game, eperna levels, den eixa idea se ti xrhsimevane, emfanizontan epitheseis apo to pouthena sta menus, alla to concept twn potions kai tou phoenix down mou htan pantelws agnwsta.
Phga sto prwto Boss, to skorpio kai fysika exasa... entaksei moufa lew den mporeis na apofygeis tis epitheseis, den to ksekinaw apo thn arxh, katse na dw to allo kainourio game pou ferane (Castlevania SOTN what were the chances?).
Paixnidara to SOTN, etsi eprepe na einai ola ta games, xese to FF7!
Parola afta, to arxise o aderfos mou giati tote metrousame ta games pou mporousame na termatisoume kai den elege na mas nikhsei ena game toso efkola.
Perase ton skorpio, anakalypsane mazi me thn idiokthtria pws doulevoun ta potions kai ta phoenix downs kai kathe vrady otan phgainame spiti mou elege thn istora, wtf etrexe me afthn thn istoria?
Poia pexnidia exoun toso megalo senario kai den teleiwnoun meta apo 5 meres paiksimo?
Thymamai malista ton rwtousa synexeia ean eftase sto shmeio me ta "kala grafika" (ta edeixne sto pisw meros tou koutiou opote kapou tha yphrxan) alla mou elege synexeia oxi.
Teleiwnontas to Castlevania lew, tha to paiksoume mazi twra na to teleiwsoume!
Pernane 10 hmeres, kontevoume ston termatismo! Ti skata exoun ta alla 2 CD mesa?
Tha skotwsoume ton Shinra kaiii..... vgainoume apo thn Midgar... tote epatha thn pragmatikh plaka ths zwhs mou me to FF7, den eixa ksanadei kati tetoio, asyllhpta pragmata.
GIGANTIAIO game, den teleiwne pote, eprepe na mathw kalytera agglika gia na to paiksw![tongue](https://gamers-odyssey.net/core/images/smilies/RpS_tongue.gif)
The rest is history, meta to FF7 den yparxei paixnidi na me afisei toso ekplhkto me tipote, to FF7 mou emathe ta RPG kai fysika htan to kalytero game pou epaiksa pote mou gia polla xronia kai fysika akomh einai, mono pou twra h koryfh xwraei merikous titlous akomh![tongue](https://gamers-odyssey.net/core/images/smilies/RpS_tongue.gif)
O Xeno eipe gia FF Tactics, allo ena game pou den mou arese otan to eida prwth fora, thymamai eixa spastei pou oloi oi xarakthres pou epernes htan generic kai mporouses na exeis 2 idious mesa, alla me vohthise poly to Vandal Hearts sto na ekthmisw ton typo tou gameplay kai efoson tou edwsa defterh efkairia den to metaniwsa.
Mazi me to tactics Ogre LUCT, to War of lions einai apo ekeines tis periptwseis pou mporeis na milhseis gia apsegadiasta paixnidia, ean mporousa na ta valw sthn lista tha phgainan kai afta ekei panw sthn top tier list tou Vaynard.
Exei plousio senario me para polla stoixeia na prwhgountai tou story pou parakoloutheis ekeinh thn stigmh, exei ena poly kalo growth system me ta materia kai tous sydiasmous, exei ena klassiko battle system, alla tote pou to paiksame to vlepame prwth fora, den to eixame synithisei kai htan oso nanai kati diaforetiko, wraious xarakthres pou o kathenas exei to diko tou xrono afierwmeno senariaka (kati pou stamathse sta FF apo to 8 kai epeita me eksairesh to 9) kai etsi mporouses na detheis perissotero mazi tous, polla mystika, extra challenges ti allo na theleis?
Gia na pw kai egw to diko mou story "Sinclair style" an kai mallon to exw ksanapei.
Tote epaiza dwrean se ena apo ta konsoladika ths polhs mou, eixa to pronomio epeidh eixa vohthisei thn idiokthtria na perasei ena challenge sto Soulblade, opote eixa thn adeia na kathomai oso thelw.
Perimename na erthoun ta kainouria games kai ena apogevma mpenontas sto magazi thn vlepw na paizei to FF7.
Eixa dei ton xarakthra se polles fwtografies sto gamepro, alla epeidh htan futuristiko kai skoteino ktl ktl den tou edina kai poly shmasia kai phgaina se poio endiaferonta games.
Phgainw loipon kai ths lew "to FF7 einai afto?" mou leei "nai einai wraio katse na to deis ligo".
Ekeinh thn stigmh vriskotan sthn arxh tou paixnidiou mou skotwneis tous stratiwtes kai tous perneis ta potions, malista epeidh hksera oti eliwne ta games, elega apo mesa mou pwwww poso poly tha to exei proxwrisei afth twra? Konta sto telos tha vrisketai
Thymamai oti ths elega na pathsei ta koumpia gia na apofygei ta xtyphmata, alla den ginotan kai eixa menei teleiws malakas me afthn thn apokalypsh, den to xwrouse to myalo mou pws einai dynaton na mhn mporeis na apofygeis ta xtyphmata tou exthrou!
Lew asxeth tha einai, den ginetai na mhn mporeis na kaneis kati!
To pernw kai to ksekinaw kai egw loipon, proxwrousa to game, eperna levels, den eixa idea se ti xrhsimevane, emfanizontan epitheseis apo to pouthena sta menus, alla to concept twn potions kai tou phoenix down mou htan pantelws agnwsta.
Phga sto prwto Boss, to skorpio kai fysika exasa... entaksei moufa lew den mporeis na apofygeis tis epitheseis, den to ksekinaw apo thn arxh, katse na dw to allo kainourio game pou ferane (Castlevania SOTN what were the chances?).
Paixnidara to SOTN, etsi eprepe na einai ola ta games, xese to FF7!
Parola afta, to arxise o aderfos mou giati tote metrousame ta games pou mporousame na termatisoume kai den elege na mas nikhsei ena game toso efkola.
Perase ton skorpio, anakalypsane mazi me thn idiokthtria pws doulevoun ta potions kai ta phoenix downs kai kathe vrady otan phgainame spiti mou elege thn istora, wtf etrexe me afthn thn istoria?
Poia pexnidia exoun toso megalo senario kai den teleiwnoun meta apo 5 meres paiksimo?
Thymamai malista ton rwtousa synexeia ean eftase sto shmeio me ta "kala grafika" (ta edeixne sto pisw meros tou koutiou opote kapou tha yphrxan) alla mou elege synexeia oxi.
Teleiwnontas to Castlevania lew, tha to paiksoume mazi twra na to teleiwsoume!
Pernane 10 hmeres, kontevoume ston termatismo! Ti skata exoun ta alla 2 CD mesa?
Tha skotwsoume ton Shinra kaiii..... vgainoume apo thn Midgar... tote epatha thn pragmatikh plaka ths zwhs mou me to FF7, den eixa ksanadei kati tetoio, asyllhpta pragmata.
GIGANTIAIO game, den teleiwne pote, eprepe na mathw kalytera agglika gia na to paiksw
The rest is history, meta to FF7 den yparxei paixnidi na me afisei toso ekplhkto me tipote, to FF7 mou emathe ta RPG kai fysika htan to kalytero game pou epaiksa pote mou gia polla xronia kai fysika akomh einai, mono pou twra h koryfh xwraei merikous titlous akomh
O Xeno eipe gia FF Tactics, allo ena game pou den mou arese otan to eida prwth fora, thymamai eixa spastei pou oloi oi xarakthres pou epernes htan generic kai mporouses na exeis 2 idious mesa, alla me vohthise poly to Vandal Hearts sto na ekthmisw ton typo tou gameplay kai efoson tou edwsa defterh efkairia den to metaniwsa.
Mazi me to tactics Ogre LUCT, to War of lions einai apo ekeines tis periptwseis pou mporeis na milhseis gia apsegadiasta paixnidia, ean mporousa na ta valw sthn lista tha phgainan kai afta ekei panw sthn top tier list tou Vaynard.