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Demon's Souls

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  • Demon's Souls

    To παιχνιδι εχει ηδη κυκλοφορησει στην Ιαπωνια και δειχνει πολυ ενδιαφερον.

    Ενα review απο eurogamer.

    Editor's note: Demon's Souls is finally released in Europe this week. Here we present our original import review of the…

    Καποια πραγματα μου ακουγονται κουλα ομως:

    When you die in Demon's Souls - and you will die, a lot - you lose your physical body, becoming a soul with half a health bar (although in practice it's more like a three quarters, as there's a ring in the very first world that lets you cling a little closer to life). The only way to get it back is to kill a boss monster.
    When you die again you lose all of the demon souls you've collected from your hard graft, and have to fight your way back through the level to your own bloodstain to regain them - at which point you either have to sprint for dear life away from whatever killed you the last time, or face getting unceremoniously dispatched by it once more. Die a third time before you make it back to your bloodstain and those souls are gone forever, which is truly heartbreaking when you have to work so hard for them.

    To summarise, you end up playing the vast majority of Demon's Souls as either a dead person or a dead person with no money. Every time you die, you start again at the beginning, with all the enemies you just struggled to overcome back where they were. There is no compromise. There's not even a pause button. You get better, or you get nowhere.

    (Oh, and also - after a certain point, other players can invade your game at any point and attempt to assassinate you, just to make life even easier. But more on Demon's Souls' online capabilities later.)

    If that sounds unbelievably frustrating, well, yes, it can be. It's harshly punishing. But it's not unfair. Demon's Souls puts you up against impossible odds, after all - you're the only living thing left in the world, apart from the stranded, struggling survivors that you occasionally come across exploring some dark tunnel in the Tower of Latria, or down a forgotten mineshaft in Stonefang Tunnel.

    The only thing to do is try again, and again and again, observing the demons' behaviour and the layout of the levels, learning the cruel tricks that the game plays on you to lure you towards death, until, finally, you're capable of winning.

    Demon's Souls is absolutely compelling; dark, detailed, unforgiving, creatively cruel. It gets under your skin and becomes a personal obsession, daring you to probe further into its worlds, fall for more of its traps and overcome more of its impossible challenges; it slaps you in the face with your own incompetence and dares you to overcome it.
    It's stoic, uncompromising, difficult to get to know, but also deep, intriguingly disturbed and perversely rewarding. You can learn to love Demon's Souls like few other games in the world. But only if you're prepared to give yourself over to it.
    9/10 του βαλανε.Απο Famitsu πηρε 7/9/6/7.

    Τα πρωτα 25 λεπτα του παιχνιδιου.ΣΒΗΣΤΕ ΤΟΝ ΗΧΟ.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Και ενα νεο γαματο trailer.


    Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).

  • #2
    Το περιμένω από videogamesplus (έπεσε Preorder) με τα άπειρα καλούδια του. Ελπίζω να το παίξει κόσμος από εδώ μέσα.


    • #3
      :jd:Άνετη αγορά . Σκεφτόμουν να αγόραζα το Dragon Age Origin τώρα όμως που είδα αυτό σίγουρα θα το προτιμίσω από τον τίτλο της BioWare.


      • #4
        PS3 only??? :kill:
        Do a barrel roll!


        • #5
          Καλα αυτο το περιμενουμε τοσους μηνες
          τωρα βρηκε να βγει
          να δω τι θα πρωτοπαρω


          • #6
            Kαινουριο review που λεει πολλα θετικα πραγματα.

            Demon’s Souls seeks to put an end to the “15-20″ hour lifetime that’s so commonplace in today’s action titles. Be prepared to become a shut in for a few weeks; the re-playability is astounding. After the success of my second character, I’m already planning magic, power, and mix builds for my next playthroughs. Given the size of the game, and the insanely detailed character creator function, I have no doubt that it will feel like a completely different experience. Not to mention, the maximum level is 712.
            Demon’s Souls has completely revolutionized the action genre as we know it. While it remains a single player affair at its core, great strides were made to get other players involved in an action adventure experience, something Fable II tried and failed in the past. While casual gamers should be wary of the game’s extreme difficulty, if you have any sort of strategic acumen, you will easily be able to figure a solution to any problem, and that’s a truly gifted design choice.
            9.5 Overall
            Demon's Souls is one for the history books. It simply improves the recently stale action genre, and is way ahead of its time with its vision of online play.
            Find all gambling games sites reviews, how to play guides covering poker, casino, sports, betting, mobile gaming and more.

            Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


            • #7
              Με τη european να παραμένει (και θα παραμένει;) uncomfirmed η επιλογή είναι η US. Το κακό με τα extras σε limited quantities είναι ότι τα sites εξακολουθούν να τα διαφημίζουν ακόμη και αν έχουν ήδη καλυφθεί. Οπότε σου μένει η εκπληξη όταν ανοίγεις το πακέτο...


              • #8
                Εγώ το παρήγγειλα από νωρίς, οπότε σίγουρα θα μου έρθει. Πάντως είδα ένα unboxing και γούσταρα άπειρα :xp: .


                • #9
                  Θυμήσου να ποστάρεις μέσα Οκτώβρη που θα έρθει. Θα πω κι εγώ.

                  Προς το παρόν πάμε για καφέ στην παραλία; Ή όποιος άλλος από Θεσσ ακούειειειειειειει!


                  • #10
                    Xαχαχα όντως κι εσύ από Θεσσαλονίκη είσαι. Για αρχή ρίξε μία ματιά σε αυτό το topic:

                    Θα είναι πολύς κόσμος εκεί.


                    • #11
                      psh8hka kai egw (kai apo evans) kai ekana preorder xtes thn premium tou demon's souls apo vgp...ante na doume :p
                      Deus Misereatur...
                      Gloria filiorum patres i.e.m.e
                      Viva los Vatos Locos

                      UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL...


                      • #12
                        Καλά εσύ psn id δεν έχεις;


                        • #13
                          psn id den exw dhmiourghsei fantasteis kan den exw sundesei to ps3 me internet..
                          Deus Misereatur...
                          Gloria filiorum patres i.e.m.e
                          Viva los Vatos Locos

                          UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL...


                          • #14
                            Ε για να μπεις στο PSN θέλει να κάνεις PSN ID πρώτα. Με το Demon's Souls λογικά θα μπεις στον κόπο να το κάνεις ;) .


                            • #15
                              etsi pisteuw kai egw , opws me pshnei poly kai o va8mos dyskolias tou paixnidiou pou ap'oti diavazw apo diafora 3ena fora einai megalos...
                              Deus Misereatur...
                              Gloria filiorum patres i.e.m.e
                              Viva los Vatos Locos

                              UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL...

