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Νέα και ειδήσεις για Xbox 360, One, Series S/X
This is a sticky topic.
'Beautiful Katamari' For Xbox 360 Rolling Into Europe
Fable 2
Hobbes Images-renders
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
Bill Gates: το Xbox 360 θα είναι η πιο αξιόπιστη κονσόλα? κάποια στιγμή
Τέλος για την backwards compatibility του Xbox 360
Πολύ μεγάλη βλακεία κατ εμέ η διακοπή υποστήριξης της backwards compatibility...$$$ για XBL downloads
To FM2008 μεταφέρεται στο Xbox 360
[b]<span style="color:#3333FF">Triggerheart Exelica
Σιωπή ιχθύος από τη Microsoft σχετικά με την κατάσταση του Xbox Live;-Xbox-Live.htm
Rumor: Duke Nukem 3D for Xbox Live
Sources say 3D Realms is prepping DN3D for Live complete with a four-player cooperative mode.[/b]
Mα πόσο μπροστα είσαι ρε itagaki!!
Πάντως έχουν προτείνει ορισμένα ενδιαφέροντα εδώ
-Don't Fear The Reaper - Behead 50 enemies with the Scythe
-Brutal(50)- cover half the field of view with blood (παναγία μου!!)
-Back to the Dojo (-5 GS): Die at the hands of the first enemy you encounter on Level 1. (κορυφαίο)
- Give 'em a hand. Slice off 1,000 enemy limbs.[/b]
Τέσπα ας βάλω και εγώ το δικό μου
Μaster pilgrim achievement (600!!) Finish the game without losing a bit of health!!!!![/b];)
Y.Γ Το Ninja Gaiden 2 θα σπέρνει (hype victim)I attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.
Virtual Fighter 5 (Xbox 360 version) gets a patch
SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced it has released a new downloadable patch for Virtua Fighter? 5, the critically acclaimed arcade fighting game now available for the Xbox 360? video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. The patch will include a number of gameplay additions and enhancements including:
--Some characters will now be able to select costume-specific pants in alternate costumes, for example equipping Costume A pants in Costume B.
--Replays of online battles can now be saved.
--One additional item per character (appear as "Downloaded item" in Costume settings/Item edit dialog).
--Gamer pictures will now be shown in online battles.
--After winning the World Tournament Final, it's now more likely that rivals you have not defeated will be playing in arcades.
--When someone joins an online match, you can now see their connection quality.
--Various fixes for minor bugs, including a texture bug.
--Easier sorting of rankings.
--Rematches in Online VS. Player Matches now possible even when the players haven't added their opponent to their friend list
The Xbox 360? version of Virtua Fighter? 5 is based on the latest arcade version update and features both analog stick and D-pad control, as well as vibration support. The game also includes an improved Quest mode featuring more CPU rivals, items, and emblems for character customisation. The DOJO mode has added features including leaderboards, training move settings, improved throw escape training, and the option to change your opponent's position and recovery type. These all work to create a more refined DOJO mode where players can improve their fighting strategy. [/b]
Σκεφτηκα κι εγω να ποσταρω τα παραπανω αλλα μετα σκεφτηκα πως δε θα ενδιαφερθει κανεις.
Δε περιμενε κανεις να βγει αυτο το update, ηταν πραγματικη εκπληξη απ τη SEGA η οποια εδωσε 2 πραγματα που ηθελα εξαρχης και παραπονιομουν πως δεν υπηρχαν:
- replay saving σε versus online play
- rematch σε versus με random play
Οι υπολοιπες προσθηκες δεν εχουν κατι το ιδιαιτερο αλλα ειναι more than welcome.
Eδω φαινεται πως καποιος νοιαζεται για τους οπαδους.. επισης το PS3 εμεινε για αλλη μια φορα τελειως στην απ εξω λες και η MS εχει την SEGA σε στενο μαρκαρισμα.
Οπως και να χει το κατ εμε καλυτερο 3d fighting στην καλυτερη του εκδοση, βελτιωθηκε ακομα περισσοτερο.
Ηδη εκανα save 3-4 replays σημερα παιζοντας μ εναν φιλο και πολυ θα θελα να βρω καποιον τροπο να τα κανω καπως capture για να τα εχω στο pc.
Φήμη περι ανακοίνωσης του Gow2 στην GDC
Surfer Girl strikes again with yet another rumor. Here is a comment a user made on one of Surfer Girls blog posts.
?ok so theres this little thing called the GDC coming up. What can we expect from the Microsoft Camp??
Surfer girl replys:
?Something called Gears of War 2, the pack of previously-announced 08 releases and a couple of surprises.? [/b]I attack sharks
when i smell them bleed
I dont go swimming
water just wants to be around me.