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Νέα και ειδήσεις για Xbox 360, One, Series S/X

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  • Πρώτη στην αγορά θέλει να βγει η MS με το "Xbox 3"

    Παραποίηση FTW αυτό το gameover.

    Αυτός είπε:

    "Ο κύκλος ζωής του αρχικού Xbox ήταν πιο σύντομος από ό,τι έχουμε συνηθίσει. Αλλά τότε αρχίσαμε αργά. Αν με ρωτήσετε αν πράξαμε σωστά με το Xbox 360, η απάντηση είναι σαφώς ναι. Αυτή η τακτική μάς έδωσε το πλεονέκτημα σε έναν αριθμό τομέων και αυτό είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό. Μας έδωσε το πλεονέκτημα σε ό,τι αφορά τους developers. Μας έδωσε πλεονέκτημα από οικονομικής άποψης. Μας βοήθησε να αναπτύξουμε το Xbox Live γρήγορα. Από στρατηγικής άποψης, αν με ρωτήσετε αν θα ήθελα να κυκλοφορήσω πάλι πρώτος, θα έλεγα ναι".

    Αυτοί κατάλαβαν:

    "Πρώτη στην αγορά θέλει να βγει η MS με το "Xbox 3"

    Originally posted by Raf
    Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


    • καλά ναι.ώρες ώρες οι δημοσιογράφοι γράφουν ότι να'ναι και παραποιούν τα πραγματικά λεγόμενα των υπευθύνων.
      Carpe diem


      • Otomedius Gorgeous
        Konami shooter


        • PURE


          τέλος, ιδού η Catwoman του MK vs. DCU

          NDS themes


          • Πάρα πολύ καλό φαίνεται το Quantum of Solace. Λέτε να γίνει το νέο Goldeneye; Πλάκα θα χε.


            • Καλα γραφικα εχει αλλα μεχρι εκει.
              Do a barrel roll!


              • Καλα γραφικα εχει αλλα μεχρι εκει.
                Χρησιμοποιεί την μηχανή του Cod4 με έναν παραπάνω χρόνο δουλειάς πάνω σε αυτήν. Νομίζω πως αν το προσέξουν και δεν βγάλουν ακόμα ένα άθλιο movie-tie-in, μπορεί να βγει κάτι πολύ καλό.


                • Bungie had sixty second teaser planned for E3

                  Bungie's Halo Game Announcement Held Back For A "Dedicated Event"


                  • φήμη το παρακάτω:
                    Leading horror/supernatural movie directors working on Xbox Live comedies [/b]
                    Safran Digital Group and Microsoft have announced that leading directors in horror/supernatural filmmaking will try taking on the comedy genre with original movies for Xbox Live." The directors involved include James Wan ("Saw"), David Slade ("30 Days of Night"), James Gunn ("Slither"), Lucky McKee ("May"), Andrew Douglas ("The Amityville Horror") and Marcus Nispel ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"). They'll provide films running less than 10 minutes that will debut this fall worldwide in HD with the launch of the new Xbox Live Experience user interface.[/b]
                    NDS themes


                    • <div class='quotetop'>(boy_without_a_fairy &#064; Jul 28 2008, 07&#58;43 PM) [snapback]34136[/snapback]</div>
                      φήμη το παρακάτω:
                      Tekken 6 may well be heading to Xbox 360, PS3 exclusivity unconfimed
                      το Mgs4 έμεινε ακόμα από 3rd party και είμαστε κομπλέ.άντε να δούμε.
                      Carpe diem


                      • Λολ αν χάσει και το Tekken. Για το MGS4 είμαι σχεδόν σίγουρος ότι θα βγει και στο Xbox 360. Περιμένετε λίγο ακόμα και δε θα χάσετε.


                        • Τα παιχνιδια που θα βγουνε το μεχρι το τελος του καλοκαιριου στο xbla(ενα και ενα ειναι παντως)

                          * July 30: ?Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2? ? The latest version of the wildly popular retro shooter offers screen-melting intensity and insane new features, including six action-packed gameplay modes, new enemies, scoring strategies and a diverse list of exciting Achievements. ?Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2? is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB and will be available at 800 Microsoft Points.

                          * August 6: ?Braid? ? From acclaimed developer Jonathan Blow, ?Braid? is a mind-bending and artistic puzzle-platformer where the player manipulates the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. ?Braid?is rated E10+ for Everyone 10+ by the ESRB.

                          * August 13: ?Bionic Commando: Rearmed? ? The classic 8-bit side-scroller reports back for duty in a stunning remake, complete with all-new HD graphics and features that put 2D gaming back on the map&#33; ?Bionic Commando: Rearmed? is rated M for Mature by the ESRB

                          * August 20: ?Galaga Legions? ? The legend lives on with ?Galaga Legions,? a reimagining of the classic arcade shooter. Featuring table-turning game dynamics and updated graphics, the game was created by the team behind the bestselling ?PAC-MAN Championship Edition? from Namco Bandai Games. ?Galaga Legions? is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

                          * August 27: ?Castle Crashers? ? Award-winning studio The Behemoth brings red hot arcade adventure to Xbox LIVE Arcade with ?Castle Crashers,? featuring hand-drawn characters and an array of weapons to choose from as you defend your kingdom and save the princess. ?Castle Crashers? is rated T for Teen by the ESRB.


                          • 60GB Xbox 360 pops up in Target

                            Δωρεάν online play με ΧBL Silver λογαριασμό για ορισμένους τίτλους


                              Microsoft: We Want More Exclusives

                              Microsoft, which has been able to capture some important (timed) third-party exclusives such as Rock Band 2 and BioShock, continues to chase more exclusive deals to differentiate Xbox 360 from competitors.


                              • Braid earning a total 10/10 (Eurogamer)

                                You could argue that by using the doomed romanticism of an introspective male as its core that the game is treading clich?d creative soil but in a medium as emotionally stunted as videogames it still represents an enormous leap towards realising the potential of the form.

                                I almost never give out full marks, generally reserving that honour for retro games that have proven their worth many times over, but Braid has me in its spell. Judged purely as a game, it&#39;s cunning, ingenious and endlessly surprising.

                                Braid is beautiful, entertaining and inspiring. It stretches both intellect and emotion, and these elements dovetail beautifully rather than chaffing against each other. Still wondering if games can be art? Here&#39;s your answer.


                                Infinite Undiscovery - 30 new screenshots

                                MS&#39;s last presentation slide says "We WILL outsell the PS3"

                                Κλασσική τακτική αν και το θέμα με την Ευρώπη την ευνοεί και αυτή και μας.
                                We?re investing to win in Europe.We can do better and we?re incredibly well-placed to drive success in the region. We?ve got to make sure we tailor our resource needs to the games we are making.

                                Microsoft has appointed new account managers specifically for third party developers in Europe to liaise with ? a first for the company which previously favoured US ?ambassador? account managers visiting Europe.

                                Bungie: Halo series could learn from Call of Duty 4

                                Rare dev: &#39;I don&#39;t think 360 has reached its limit[/b]
                                Graphics programmers are doing things now they didn&#39;t feel were possible at the start of this generation.

                                Speaking to at the Develop conference in Brighton last week, Nick Burton, a senior software engineer at Rare, has assured Xbox 360 gamers that there&#39;s plenty more to come from the console.

                                "You never can push them as far as they can go. The reality of the peak performance of the console is yes, you could look to a generation beyond where we are now and think, yeah, I could use that power. But the reality is in 360 and the PS3 and the latest generation PC graphics, the amount of power in the GPUs is such that you&#39;re more bound by your creativity and the aesthetic you&#39;re going for than you&#39;re really bound by polygon pushing power," said Burton. "You&#39;re probably actually more bound maybe by art authoring and the amount of data throughput that, just the amount of memory you&#39;d need, but I don&#39;t think 360 has reached its limit."

                                Regarding the capabilities of the Xbox 360, Burton noted that he&#39;s able to do things now that he thought impossible at the start of the generation.

                                "If you see some of the stuff we&#39;ve done, in fact some of the stuff our guys have done, the GPU particle systems and things like, some of our guys have been working on the geometric style real time radiosity," explained Burton. "Even at the start of this generation, if you&#39;d said to me, without actually me just looking at it and you were asking me off the cuff as a graphics programmer, could that happen, I&#39;d have said no. And then you think, well, what&#39;s going to come next? You can still keep pushing it and pushing it and pushing it."[/b]

