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  • Xμμμ...Ναι.

    Από την μια χαίρομαι πάρα πολύ που θα βγει συνέχεια για ένα από τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια των τελευταίων ετών και από την άλλη λυπάμαι που θα βγει σε ένα πολύ υποδεέστερο μηχάνημα από το ps3,κάτι το οποίο σημείνει ότι το sequel θα περιοριστεί πολύ.εντάξει,μπορεί στο gameplay να γίνουν μεγάλες βελτιώσεις,αλλά και πάλι δεν θα είναι το ίδιο με το να το παίζεις στην hd τηλεόρασή σου...


    Do not blame me.Blame yourself or God.
    In Matsuno we trust.


    • Είπαμε αν τοσ τηρίξει το psp η Sony αλλά αυτό μου φαίνεται κάπως άκυρο.Αν ήταν κάνα prequel/spin off κλπ να το καταλάβω.Εκτός κι αν βγει και σε ps3 και είναι απλά port η έκδοση του psp.
      Carpe diem


      • Lol τι άκυρα είναι αυτά; Εντάξει σίγουρα το PSP μπορεί να φτιάξει κάτι τέλειο, αλλά με την καμία δε μιλάμε για το ίδιο πράγμα. Τέλος πάντων, το πρώτο από ότι ακούω είναι κορυφαίο (θα το παίξω σύντομα), οπότε σίγουρα και το δεύτερο θα είναι καλό. Μακάρι μόνο να εκμεταλλευτούν ανάλογα τις δυνάμεις του PSP και να φτιάξουν κάτι για τα μέτρα του και όχι ένα downgraded Valkyria Chronicles 1.


        • Trine GT video review

          μετράει άσχημα.
          Carpe diem


          • Castle Crashers Coming To PS3

            Castle Crashers is just about the best thing to happen to Xbox Live Arcade. And soon, it'll be just about the best thing to happen to the PlayStation Network as well. While there are no details on when the game is coming, how much it'll cost or whether the Sony version will include any exclusive content, we do know the game is real, and that it will be out sometime in the future. In the meantime, check out the below vid to see the PS3 port in action.

            Θα προτιμήσω το Fat Princess, αλλά και πάλι είναι καλό το ότι βγαίνει και στο PS3. Άντε και το Braid σιγά σιγά...


            • Originally posted by Evans View Post
              Άντε και το Braid σιγά σιγά...
              Αφορμή ψάχνεις μου φαίνεται για να το ξαναξαναπαίξεις.
              Carpe diem


              • Αν βγει στο PSN σίγουρα θα το αγοράσω και πάλι. Αλλά εντάξει, περισσότερο για να το έχω και σε μία ακόμα πλατφόρμα (να μπορώ να το παίζω όποτε θέλω, σε όποιο μηχάνημα έχω μπροστά μου ).


                • LittleBigPlanet PSP to 'Cross-Talk' with PS3, unlock bonus content

                  When LittleBigPlanet PSP was first announced, we instinctively guessed there would be connectivity with the PS3 game. Looks like we were right. Players that own the original game will be able to unlock bonus content through a feature Sony is calling "Cross-Talk." No details on what the bonuses will entail, but we wouldn't be surprised if owners of both are treated to some exclusive costumes.

                  In addition to confirming PS3 connectivity, a leaked retail sellsheet notes that Sony will be planning a "multi-million dollar marketing push" for the game -- makes sense, when you consider the PSP Go is launching this year. Finally, Sony also confirmed plans for a PlayStation Network demo of the game. For the millions of PSP owners that don't have a PS3, this will undoubtedly the very first taste they get of LBP's "Play, Create, Share" motto.
                  Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.


                  • Yakuza 3 American Release Still "Unconfirmed"

                    Keep hope alive! It seems SEGA America's Ray Almeda misspoke and gave his own personal opinion to The Examiner that Yakuza 3 will not be released in the States because of subpar Yakuza 2 sales.

                    The Examiner has since run an update, explaining those remarks were not "official SEGA statements." The Examiner adds, "SEGA still hasn't made any mention of an upcoming release or revealed plans to release it stateside."

                    PS3 exclusive Yakuza 3 (AKA Ryu Ga Gotoku 3) was released in Japan last February, selling over 200,000 copies in its first day.
                    Keep hope alive! It seems SEGA America's Ray Almeda misspoke and gave his own personal opinion to The Examiner that Yakuza 3 will not be released in the States because of subpar Yakuza 2 sales.

                    Mακάρι να γίνει κάτι και να κυκλοφορήσει στην Αμερική αυτό το παιχνίδι. Δεν έχω παίξει τα άλλα δύο, αλλά από αυτά που έχω δει μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ η αισθητική τους και σίγουρα κάποια στιγμή θα τα βάλω στο πρόγραμμα.


                    • German Amazon Lists PS3 Slim

                      Εarlier this May, supposed "leaked" photos from a Chinese plant showed what's reported to be the PS3 Slim. The German Amazon site now has a listing for "PlayStation 3 Konsole slim".

                      Googling the product code number does not show anything else but this listing on

                      Retailer listings of unannounced products are always fishy. Ditto for this.
                      Earlier this May, supposed "leaked" photos from a Chinese plant showed what's reported to be the PS3 Slim. The German Amazon site now has a listing for "PlayStation 3 Konsole slim".



                      • Impact International to put Sackboy on everything

                        Well, that took long enough! Toy News Online is reporting that Impact International has secured the rights to produce plush Sackboy figures -- and a whole mess of other goodies -- for Sony. The UK, Ireland and the Middle East will be getting "plush items, bean toys, mugs, bobbleheads and bags" based on the iconic figure from LittleBigPlanet.

                        Additionally, Brazier and Co. are on board to make "PVC figurines," and even a "limited edition-themed version of Sackboy" -- whatever that could mean (other than a higher price tag). The various Sackboy-themed items will be hitting stores this October. Various other Sony IP (God of War, InFamous, MotorStorm, WipeOut, Killzone and Resistance) will be getting the poster treatment by way of GB Eye Limited, though no date has been set for the release of those. We'd get upset that this stuff wasn't announced for the US but, ya know, we work on the Internet. It's a global community, folks!
                        Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.

                        Λογικά κάτι θα αγοράσω πάντως. Ένα λούτρινο sackboy πάντα ήθελα ^^ .

                        Titan Studios says Fat Princess fixes are on the way

                        Fat Princess players rejoice! Titan Studios announced this weekend that it's hard at work on a patch that will fix the multitude of online multiplayer issues that folks have been dealing with. Notably, FPers have been encountering unsightly lag, causing many a broken heart (and more importantly, lost matches).

                        Titan says that it's well aware of the problems -- thanks in no small part to an active, vocal community -- and that it's "working with Sony now to get the patch into the Sony testing process as soon as possible." The company hasn't released a more specific window for the patch's arrival on PlayStation Network, but we've asked Sony for comment and will update this post when we hear back.
                        Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.

                        Ανεξάρτητα από το patch, θα ήθελα να το δοκιμάσω αυτό το παιχνίδι. Βέβαια είναι κυρίως multi player, οπότε δε λέει να το αγοράσω μόνος μου (15€ κάνει btw). Αν ψηθεί λαός από το forum μπορούμε να το πάρουμε και να κανονίζουμε παιχνίδια μεταξύ μας. Ευτυχώς που θα επιστρέψει hideo και bigboss από στρατό, οπότε θα αυξηθούν τα ενεργά μέλη που έχουν ps3. Άντε να υπάρξει κίνηση γιατί φαίνεται κορυφαίο .


                        • Sony Trademarks P.S. Thanks, Which Is Interesting

                          A new trademark filed by Sony Computer Entertainment America may point to a new "incentive rewards program" dubbed "P.S. Thanks," something that could be a positive benefit for serious PlayStation fans.

                          The trademark specifically protects P.S. Thanks—presumably short for PlayStation Thanks—against "entertainment services" for an "incentive rewards program geared toward quantifying, identifying and motivating top consumer base with the goal of promotion and sale of video game hardware and software." That could mean a replacement for the phased out PlayStation Underground program or something as potentially rewarding on par with Nintendo's Club Nintendo.

                          Since the trademark points out a focus on the "top consumer base," a P.S. Thanks program may go after the most serious PlayStation fan, the type willing to pursue Platinum Trophies and take up arms in the Sony Defense Force, possibly. We just hope it means some sort of yearly novelty hat giveaway.
                          A new trademark filed by Sony Computer Entertainment America may point to a new "incentive rewards program" dubbed "P.S. Thanks," something that could be a positive benefit for serious PlayStation fans.


                          • Originally posted by Evans View Post
                            Αν βγει στο PSN σίγουρα θα το αγοράσω και πάλι. Αλλά εντάξει, περισσότερο για να το έχω και σε μία ακόμα πλατφόρμα (να μπορώ να το παίζω όποτε θέλω, σε όποιο μηχάνημα έχω μπροστά μου ).



                            Kathomoun san hsyxo provato kai etrwga to sano mou edw kai posa xronia kai ksafnika emfanizontai atoma kai lene pws opoios trwei xortari tha souvlizetai apo edw kai pera epeidh to swsto einai na trws grasidi giati den ponaei sta matia otan to koitas (ontas prasino).


                            • A Glimpse Of Valkyria Chronicles 2’s Branching Class System

                              Valkyria Chronicles 2 has more classes than Valkyria Chronicles.Way more classes. There are 35 types of military units you can control in the sequel.


                              • @Azrael: Με έφτιαξες τώρα .

                                @Βart: Θετικό είναι το ότι βάζουν νέα πράγματα σε ένα τόσο καλό παιχνίδι. Αυτό που θα ήθελα όμως από το νέο Valkyria Chronicles είναι να διατηρεί το απλό και πλήρες leveling system του πρώτου. Συνολικά έχεις στα χέρια σου δεκάδες units, δε θα ήθελα να μπορείς (ή να πρέπει) να παραμετροποιείς το καθένα ξεχωριστά σε τόσο μεγάλο βαθμό. Τέλος πάντων, περιμένουμε και βλέπουμε, το παιχνίδι όπως και να το κάνουν είναι day one αγορά.

