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  • Gran Turismo To Get Car Damage, Yes, "Soon"
    Hilarious. Gran Turismo series creator (and professional procrastinator) Kaz Yamauchi has said that car damage - whose absence has long been the achilles heel of the venerable racing series - will be introduced "soon".

    Critter Crunch Announced for Playstation Network


    • Are These The First Pics Of The PS3 Slim?

      While rumors have been swirling that Sony will be announcing a PS3 Slim, the company has stated earlier that it "currently has no plans" for a redesign. That was then, this is now.

      Dissidia Final Fantasy Gets Its Own PSP Bundle

      Square Enix's Dissidia Final Fantasy is also getting the Entertainment Pack treatment, bundling the Final Fantasy-themed fighting game with a new "Mystic Silver" PSP, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children on UMD and a 2 gigabyte Memory Stick Pro Duo.
      Interestingly, this package is a GameStop exclusive. It will set future PSP-3000 owners back $199.99 USD when it ships on August 25th.

      Analyst: $100 PS3 Price Cut By Summer's End
      Sebastian says Sony could reduce the console's $399 price "likely at some point between the E3 industry conference in June and the end of the summer, as Sony is able to reduce PS3 production costs."

      The amount by which Sony would price down the console is still in debate, but Sebastian joins other analysts, retailers like GameStop and publishers in suggesting that it must be a $100 reduction to "provide the PS3 with a needed shot in the arm." The analyst also says the "sweet spot" for console sales is below $300, so any less than a $100 price cut "would likely be perceived negatively by the market."

      "In addition to a $100 price reduction, which would put the PS3 in easier reach of a mass market audience, we note that Sony has a healthy lineup of upcoming first-party video games planned over the next year, including inFAMOUS, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2 and Gran Turismo 5," says Sebastian.

      PlayStation Store Update

      This week's PlayStation Store puts more smiles on more faces than ever before. New "PSone Classics," new downloadable games, price breaks and even a free copy of Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic.


      • Δωρεάν το Rag Doll Kung Fu
        Από το αμερικάνικο PSN, για μια βδομάδα θα διαρκέσει η προσφορά.

        btw εκτος απο τα ωραια γραφικα,δεν μου αρεσε ιδιαιτερα.
        Αλλα ειναι τζαμπα αρα ειναι καλο:resp:


        • PAL PlayStation Store Update: Nobody Rides For Free

          The North American store got a free, subsidised copy of Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic yesterday. Are Europeans and Australians so lucky? Short answer: no.
          Bejeweled 2 SOE All Territories £6.29/€7.99
          Texas Cheat'em D3Pulisher of Europe LTD All Territories except Belgium, Netherlands, Russia £9.99/€12.99
          Zen Pinball Zen Studios All Territories except New Zealand £6.29/€7.99
          Buzz! Junior: RoboJam SCEE All Territories except Finland, Greece, Poland £3.99/€4.99
          Buzz! Junior: Ροpοtάκιa eν dράseι SCEE Greece only £3.99/€4.99
          Buzz! Junior: RoboRieha SCEE Finland only £3.99/€4.95
          Buzz! Junior: Zabawa Robotów SCEE Poland only £3.99/€4.99

          Zen Pinball Demo Zen Studios All Territories except New Zealand Free

          Street Fighter 4 - Complete Alternate Costume Pack Capcom All Territories £9.99/€12.99
          Sonic Unleashed - Holoska Adventure Pack SEGA All Territories except Portugal, Russia £2.39/€2.99
          MotorStorm Pacific Rift - Lunar Tec Signature Livery Pack SCEE FREE

          Sore Spots Pack SCEE £3.99/€4.99
          Daxter Pack SCEE FREE

          Guitar Hero World Tour
          'So What' By Pink £1.59/€1.99
          'Stop And Stare' By One Republic £1.59/€1.99
          Pop Rock Track Pack £4.39/€5.49
          'Everything's Magic' By Angels & Airwaves £1.59/€1.99
          All Territories except Czech Rep, Greece, Luxembourg
          Rock Band Electronic Arts Ltd Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, UAE
          Bad Luck £0.99/€1.49
          Black Friday £0.99/€1.49
          My Old School £0.99/€1.49
          Radio Radio £0.99/€1.49
          Ring Of Fire £0.99/€1.49
          Story Of My Life £0.99/€1.49
          Stricken £0.99/€1.49
          Stupify £0.99/€1.49
          Social Distortion Pack 01 £2.49/€3.99

          Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
          Additional Mission 1 FREE
          Additional Mission 2 FREE
          Additional Mission 3 FREE

          Killzone 2 SCEE All Territories except Germany FREE
          Killzone 2 Making of Trailers
          Killzone 2 Making of Trailers Conclusion

          MotorStorm Pacific Rift - Signature Livery Trailer SCEE All Territories FREE
          Pain - Sore Spots Trailer SCEE All Territories FREE

          MotorStorm Pacific Rift Signature Livery Theme SCEE All Territories FREE
          Bejeweled 2 Theme #2 SOE All Territories FREE

          PS3 In-Game
          Sore Spots Pack SCEE All Territories £3.99/€4.99
          Daxter Pack SCEE FREE


          • Επίσης, εκτός του PS3 Slim (λίγο άστοχη κίνηση), υπάρχει φήμη ότι υπάρχει και νέο iteration στο PSP (το τέταρτο!).
            I am an iteration closer to my desired solution!
            The World Ends With You

            I will wipe out the Belmonts from the face of earth!
            Castlevania Lords of Shadow

            I am Wowser, King of the Woopa Twoopa and ruler of the Shroom Kingdom
            Hyperdimension Neptunia


            • Δείτε εδώ. PSP Go!

              Απ'ότι έχω ακούσει είναι ακριβώς ίδιο με αυτό που ήδη υπάρχει απλά δεν έχει umd και τα πάντα είναι downloadable στην flash memory και στικάκια.


              • Αυτό νομίζω πως είναι ένα νέο pack του PSP-3000.
                I am an iteration closer to my desired solution!
                The World Ends With You

                I will wipe out the Belmonts from the face of earth!
                Castlevania Lords of Shadow

                I am Wowser, King of the Woopa Twoopa and ruler of the Shroom Kingdom
                Hyperdimension Neptunia


                • Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil PSone Classics Incoming

                  Looks like Sony is serious about adding new "PSone Classics" to the PlayStation Store, as a few original PlayStation heavy hitters appear to be en route. The ESRB has rated five new PSone Classics candidates.

                  That includes PlayStation system sellers Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil: Director's Cut, both newly rated for release on the PSP and PlayStation 3. Those two blockbusters look to be joined by Spec Ops: Covert Assault, Spec Ops: Ranger Elite and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, all seemingly destined for PSone Classics status.

                  Sony has promised that more titles would be added to the library of downloadable PlayStation games "shortly." The company was recently rumored to be planning an onslaught of downloadable classic software titles in tandem with the release of a new PSP model, allegedly dubbed the PSP Go!


                  • European PSN update; May 21, 2009

                    PS3 Content


                    * inFamous demo (free)
                    * Killzone 2 'Behind The Bullet' experience (free)
                    * Marvel Vs Capcom 2 demo (free)
                    * Red Faction: Guerrilla multiplayer demo (free)
                    * Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 demo (free)

                    PSone Classics

                    * Creatures 3: Raised in Space (£3.99)

                    Add-on Game Content

                    * Chronicles of Riddick Premium Multiplayer pack (£7.99)
                    * F.E.A.R. 2 Armored Front map pack (£3.99)
                    * H.A.W.X. Russian Falcons pack (£3.99)
                    * MotorStorm Pacific Rift Patriot Signature Livery pack (free)
                    * PAIN The Ded Baron character (£0.79)

                    LittleBigPlanet Content

                    * Monsters Level Kit (£3.19)
                    * Monsters Costume Kit (£2.39)
                    * Bride of Sackula costume (£0.79)
                    * Sackula costume (£0.79)
                    * Werewolf costume (£0.79)
                    * Zombie costume (£0.79)

                    Rock Band Content

                    Alice Cooper six-pack (£4.99)

                    * "Billion Dollar Babies (Live)" (£0.99)
                    * "I'm Eighteen (Live)" (£0.99)
                    * "School's Out (Live)" (£0.99)
                    * "Under My Wheels (Live)" (£0.99)
                    * "Poison" (£0.99)
                    * "Vengeance Is Mine" (£0.99)

                    Taking Back Sunday track pack (£2.49)

                    * "Liar (It Takes One To Know One)" (£0.99)
                    * "MakeDamnSure" (£0.99)
                    * "What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost?" (£0.99)

                    Guitar Hero World Tour Content

                    European track pack 5 (£4.39)

                    * "Disconnected" -- In Flames (£1.59)
                    * "Look Good In Leather" -- Cody Chesnutt (£1.59)
                    * "Oh Yeah!" -- Housse de Rocket (£1.59)


                    * Fat Princess Drop Of A Hat trailer
                    * inFamous Open World Power Trip trailer
                    * Resistance Retribution The Dream Team behind-the-scenes
                    * Resistance Retribution Mode Makers behind-the-scenes
                    * Resistance Retribution From Vision To Reality behind-the-scenes
                    * Uncharted 2 Multiplayer trailer

                    PSP Content


                    * Fading Shadows (£11.99)
                    Κατέβασα inFamous και τώρα κατεβάζω MvC 2 demo.
                    «Should Shinobi fail before completing the mission, he will disappear before the dawn and vanish forever.»


                    • Sony Adds 80 GB Infamous PS3 Bundle In UK

                      In an indication of the game's importance, Sony is bundling PS3-exclusive action title Infamous with the 80 GB PlayStation 3 in a special hardware bundle, thus far confirmed for the United Kingdom.

                      The bundle has been confirmed via an listing, with the 80 GB hard drive-including PS3 and a copy of the Sucker Punch-developed title for an RRP of UKP299 ($476), with Amazon selling the package at a slight discount.

                      PixelJunk 1-4 Has A New, Proper Name

                      Despite the inherent goodness of their previous games, Q-Games' upcoming PixelJunk 1-4 was never going to sell with a name that sounded like a Mario Stage. So it's been changed to something more marketable. And that name is PixelJunk Shooter. The title was settled upon after users were allowed to nominate their own ideas for a name, and since the game involved shooting, Shooter was the winner (Actually, PixelJunk Elements was the winner, but it didn't work out, so Q-Games binned it).
                      Despite the inherent goodness of their previous games, Q-Games' upcoming PixelJunk 1-4 was never going to sell with a name that sounded like a Mario Stage. So it's been changed to something more marketable.


                      • Quantum Theory Scans



                        Trinity: Zill O’ll Zero Announced for PS3

                        KOEI is reviving the Zill O'll Zero series for PlayStation 3. The first one was released back on the PlayStation, being later remade on PS2 and then ported to PSP. However, it's back in an all new PlayStation 3 game titled Trinity: Zill O'll Zero. The game is a darker themed RPG than the rest, for a maturer audience. Jun Suemi keeps his position as the character designer, who's worked on designs for the previous games.
                        Three characters are allowed in your party, allowing you to switch between them freely during battle. The game is 30 percent complete and looking at a winter release in Japan.





                        • Ratchet & Clank Future
                          E3 09: Exclusive Gameplay Reveal


                          • Οτι θα εριχνα τετοια βομβα σε topic Sony δε το περιμενα.

                            Τρομερο ετσι; Αν και ειχαμε δει εικονες που φερνανε πολυ σε αυτο αλλα πλεον βλεπουμε το πραγματικο PSP Go
                            Μπορουσαν και καλυτερο ονομα αλλα τελος παντων μ'αρεσει παρα πολυ το design.

                            Do a barrel roll!


                            • Nice na doume kai poso vary tha einai.
                              "Time fades even legend and the origin of Soul Reaver has been lost long ago.
                              But its purpose remains; to feed on the souls of any creature it strikes.
                              Kindred, this blade and I.

                              "ΔΕΝ είναι θέμα Νιντέντο πλέον..."
                              Greek Gaming Videos
                              Greek Final Fantasy Forum


                              • Μόνο σε μένα φαίνεται μούφα και ψεύτικο;
                                Carpe diem

