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  • Nah, the latest news is that Dust: An Elysian Tail won’t make it to the Greek Xbox Live.

    Just yesterday Microsoft Hellas stated that, even if they had to run naked in front of the PASOK offices with a souvlaki in one hand and a "Mitsotakis = epic lover for life" sign in the other, they still wouldn’t approve the release of a game like that on the Greek Xbox Live.

    Rumor has it that Greece is regarded way too civilized of a country for a game like that to be played by its citizens. On the other hand, less civilized, or even uncivilized, countries, like Turkey, Albania, Egypt ect, where women still wear winter caps and take bicycles for a ride, will see the release of the controversial game.

    Fuck those retarded malakes, you know what I say man? Let’s all run naked in front of the PASOK offices with a souvlaki in one hand and a "Mitsotakis = epic lover for life" sign in the other to protest against this shit. Fuck man, you know what? The hell with it, why waste a whole hand holding just a souvlaki when you can hold two "Mitsotakis = epic lover for life" signs? In the end, critical thinking is the key to success.

    Sorry for my Greek, I haven’t practiced them in a long time, I usually speak English. I like them better you know, they are cooler and, in the end, the Total Gym commercial is in English so, you know.


    PS. The money exists.
    PS2. Down with the Junta
    PS3. Peace
    There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
    Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


    • Έλεος... Το παρακάψαμε...


      • Originally posted by Loggo View Post
        Nah, the latest news is that Dust: An Elysian Tail won’t make it to the Greek Xbox Live.

        Just yesterday Microsoft Hellas stated that, even if they had to run naked in front of the PASOK offices with a souvlaki in one hand and a "Mitsotakis = epic lover for life" sign in the other, they still wouldn’t approve the release of a game like that on the Greek Xbox Live.

        Rumor has it that Greece is regarded way too civilized of a country for a game like that to be played by its citizens. On the other hand, less civilized, or even uncivilized, countries, like Turkey, Albania, Egypt ect, where women still wear winter caps and take bicycles for a ride, will see the release of the controversial game.

        Fuck those retarded malakes, you know what I say man? Let’s all run naked in front of the PASOK offices with a souvlaki in one hand and a "Mitsotakis = epic lover for life" sign in the other to protest against this shit. Fuck man, you know what? The hell with it, why waste a whole hand holding just a souvlaki when you can hold two "Mitsotakis = epic lover for life" signs? In the end, critical thinking is the key to success.

        Sorry for my Greek, I haven’t practiced them in a long time, I usually speak English. I like them better you know, they are cooler and, in the end, the Total Gym commercial is in English so, you know.


        PS. The money exists.
        PS2. Down with the Junta
        PS3. Peace
        Dude, your like totally write, +1

        LOL το post
        Do a barrel roll!


        • Peace!
          Originally posted by Raf
          Η Νίντι λίγο το πάει αλλιώς, ε, έχουμε τον Ραμπ εκεί να ψιλοτρολάρει.


          • Originally posted by Loggo View Post


            (Co-op platformer!)

            Άπειρο respect στα συγκεκριμένα games που δεν γνώριζα καν την ύπαρξή τους. Loggo thanks, το συγκεκριμένο post άνοιξε πολλά μάτια για την υπηρεσία του XBLA.


            • Χαχα Loggo τι να πω, best post εδω και πολυυυυ καιρο.

              Για δειτε deals of the week (copy-paste απο το gaf):

              Casual Arcade Games:
              Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's Decade Duels - 400
              A Kingdom for Keflings - 400
              Crazy Taxi - 400
              3D Ultra Mini Golf 2 - 400
              Costume Quest - 600
              Monkey Island 2 - 400
              Faery: Legends of Avalon - 600
              Gyromancer - 400

              Core Arcade Games:
              Doom 2 - 400
              Quake Arena Arcade - 800
              Zeit 2 - 400
              After Burner Climax - 400
              Alien Breed 1: Evolution - 400
              Alien Breed 2: Assault - 400
              Darwinia+ - 400
              Defense Grid - 400
              Unbound Saga - 160

              Awesome Add-Ons:
              Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Bundle - 1000
              Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Pack - 400
              Halo Wars: Historical Battle - 400
              Halo Wars: Strategic Options - 400
              3D Mini Golf 2: Fairy Tales - 120
              Mirror's Edge: Pure Time Trials - 400


              • Κατέβασα το Crazy Taxi. Πολύ τεμπέλικο port( απλό port είναι τπτ το ιδιαίτερο). Καλύτερα DC με VGA που θα έλεγε και ο Loggo. Και δεν έχει και το ost από Offspring και Bad Religion. Eυτυχώς κατέβασα την trial έπαιξα δυο λεπτά και delete.
                «Should Shinobi fail before completing the mission, he will disappear before the dawn and vanish forever.»


                • Originally posted by Burai_Fighter View Post
                  Καλύτερα DC με VGA που θα έλεγε και ο Loggo..
                  Αυτό ακριβώς θα ελεγα.

                  Btw, αυτό το Crazy Taxi το έχουν βγάλει παντού, τείνει να γίνει ο τίτλος με τα περισσότερα ports μετά τα Tetris και Lemmings. Είμαι δε σχεδόν σίγουρος ότι πριν λίγα χρόνια το έδιναν δώρο μαζί με Corn Flakes/Chocos/Coco Pops κλπ.

                  Αν δεν είχα φάει RROD pwnage, αυτή τη στιγμή ο Ραμπίδης θα μου αγόραζε κάρτα για να χτυπήσω After Burner Climax και, epic, Monkey Island 2 που είναι και το αγαπημένο μου στη σειρά.
                  There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
                  Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


                  • Παρτο απο το νετ το Climax, θα πιασει τοπο και με το παραπανω sooner or later.
                    +1 περι Crazy Taxi παντως, download, 2' δοκιμη, delete.


                    • Originally posted by Loggo View Post
                      Αυτό ακριβώς θα ελεγα.

                      Btw, αυτό το Crazy Taxi το έχουν βγάλει παντού, τείνει να γίνει ο τίτλος με τα περισσότερα ports μετά τα Tetris και Lemmings. Είμαι δε σχεδόν σίγουρος ότι πριν λίγα χρόνια το έδιναν δώρο μαζί με Corn Flakes/Chocos/Coco Pops κλπ.

                      Αν δεν είχα φάει RROD pwnage, αυτή τη στιγμή ο Ραμπίδης θα μου αγόραζε κάρτα για να χτυπήσω After Burner Climax και, epic, Monkey Island 2 που είναι και το αγαπημένο μου στη σειρά.
                      Τελικά έβγαλες άκρη με την εγγύηση;


                      • Δυστυχώς, λόγω απόδειξης, όχι.
                        There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
                        Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.


                        • Η αποδειξη δεν εχει νοημα, το serial number μπορει να σε καλυψει για τις ιδιες αναγκες.
                          Αλλιως τρεχα στο ebw να δεις τι παιζει, go go go.


                          • Islands of Wakfu is an action/adventure game set in the universe of the world-famous DOFUS and Wakfu MMORPGs. Gameplay revolves around the complementarity between the two principal characters: Nora, the young Eliatrope, and her brother dragon, Efrim. Nora is a close combat fighter, relying on her fists, feet, combos, and dimensional powers. Efrim is a long-distance shooter who is able to fly. They breathe the Wakfu in and out, bloom Wakfu flowers, and harvest Wakfu honey that can be used to buy upgrades for both characters. Control the third playable character, the Platypus, to pick up items, interact with the environment, and find secret passages.


                            αυριο βγαινει συμφωνα με το GT...με κερδισε ασχημα το trailer η αισθητικη η μουσικη, η καμερα που θυμιζει diablo, μαλλον θα κατεβαστει πρωι πρωι


                            • 2 indie games που είδα σήμερα.80 msp έκαστο.

                              Mute Crimson

                              Oozi Earth Adventure
                              Carpe diem


                              • Sega's Monster World 4 coming to XBLA, PSN, and not Virtual Console

                                Yes, there have been a million Wonder Boy games re-released on Virtual Console and other platforms, so another one doesn't seem like it would be a big deal. But Monster World IV, originally for Mega Drive/Genesis (and despite the name, the last game in the populous Wonder Boy series), never came out in North America. Monster World IV, starring a green-haired girl and her long-eared spheroid partner, is also considered the best game in the series.

                                According to the ESRB, Sega is finally preparing an American release of the game, on PSN and XBLA. Strangely, no Wii version is mentioned, despite the fact that Virtual Console is, like, the place for old games, and despite the fact that so many Wonder Boy games have been released on that platform -- including this one, in Japan.
                                Find in-depth gaming news and hands-on reviews of the latest video games, video consoles and accessories.

                                Στην αρχή νόμιζα ότι επρόκειτο για κάποιο πρωταπριλιάτικο μούσι. Τελικά όμως, βλέποντας ότι η είδηση έχει ανέβει σε διάφορα sites, μάλλον είναι αλήθεια.

                                Αν και δεν ακολουθεί τη παραδοσιακή δομή της σειράς Monster World, πρόκειται για πολύ καλό τίτλο που κινείται περισσότερο σε μια, πιο γραμμική, Adventure/Platfrom λογική, παρά σε εκείνο το μείγμα Action/Adventure/Platform/RPG των προηγούμενων τίτλων.

                                Το Monster World IV είναι επίσης ένας τίτλος που, ολοφάνερα, έχει επηρεάσει πάρα πολύ τους ανθρώπους πίσω από το Shantae (και όπως φαίνεται και το sequel του). Οπότε, σε όσους άρεσε το πρώτο Shantae ή όσοι ενδιαφέρονται για το sequel του, ας ρίξουν μια ματιά στο Monster World IV.

                                Φυσικά, για τους fans του emulation, υπάρχει πάντα το translated rom. Εγώ εκεί το έπαιξα και δε το μετάνιωσα πάντως. Αν κυκλοφορήσει στα 400 msp θα το πάρω 100%.
                                There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot change the world:
                                Those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.

