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  • Originally posted by paixtis View Post
    Δεν μίλησα για αντιγραφή πιστή,δεν μίλησα ότι δεν μπορεί να είναι καλύτερο,δεν προτρέχω.Σχολιάζω απλά και μόνο το σχεδιασμό του που μοιάζει οικτρά με του Wii.

    Πρώτα μάθε καλύτερα ελληνικά γιατί στην ελληνική ότι λέγεται αυτό εννοείται και δεύτερον δες το video.
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    • Γιατι δεν μπαινετε msn να τραβηξετε ο ενας τα αυτια του αλλου;
      :tanno:Κωστας Χατζαροπουλος:tanno:


      • Rumor: Sony makes a big exclusivity deal

        We have received a tip from a source close to the gaming community that Sony plans on announcing something at E3 that will be on the scale of "when Sony announced GTA: San Andres' timed exclusivity". However, our source was also keen to note that because they used GTA as an example, it did NOT mean this was going to be a game from Rockstar. They also did not specify whether this was a timed exclusivity agreement, a "stolen" former exclusive to another console, or just an exclusive high profile third party title (and no, it isn't Agent). The last time we heard a rumor on exclusivity, or in this case, lack thereof, they hit the nail dead on the head over a year in advance of the actual announcement (Click the here to read that rumor).

        Here is the actual quote:

        "For this year E3 I've got just one hint. Do you remember the E3 where Sony anounced they have GTA: San Andreas as a time-exclusive deal? Expect huge bombs at this E3. I used GTA as an EXAMPLE - it does not mean Sony will anounce anything from R* !! I just meant what they announce will be as huge as the gta deal - you get it right ?"

        While we have no idea of what the actual game is, all we can speculate is possibly Final Fantasy 14 (It was announced as a PS3 exclusive last E3, but Square did say they were considering other consoles.), or possibly Grand Theft Auto 5. Maybe even Metal Gear Solid Rising. What do you think it could be? Share your thoughts in our forums!
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        • lol ρε BigBOSS δεν καταλαβαίνεις χριστό μου φαίνεται μίλησα για καθαρά θέμα design.Η microsoft με το natal ας πούμε δεν αντιγράφει πουθενά καθώς δεν χρησιμοποιεί χειριστήρια.Η sony όχι απλώς έβαλε χειριστήρια αλλά μιμήθηκε τη nintendo στο design.

          Μοιάζει οικτρά από το πιστή αντιγραφή έχει μεγάλη διαφορά.Δεν πρόκειται να αλλάξω άποψη για κάτι τέτοιο από οποιοδήποτε βίντεο παραθέσει ο οποιοσδήποτε.Αν κάποιος/κάποιοι εθελοτυφλούν ακόμη και σε αυτό ε τι να πω...Θα τρελαθώ θα πηδηχτώ απ'το παράθυρο!

          Πάλι όμως ξεφεύγουμε από το νόημα.Το θέμα είναι ότι η sony και η microsoft το κάνουν σωστά και θα ωθήσουν τον ανταγωνισμό σε ακόμη υψηλότερα επίπεδα.Ίσως δει η nintendo ότι πρέπει να δώσει κάτι ακόμη καλύτερο από το motion plus στο μέλλον όχι βέβαια για αυτή την κονσόλα.Φτάνει με τις βελτιώσεις πραγμάτων που θα έπρεπε να υπήρχαν εξαρχής.Μιλάω για την επόμενη κονσόλα.
          Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
          3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


          • Paixtis ή δεν βλέπεις τι γράφουμε ή δεν θέλεις να βλέπεις. Η sony ως σχεδιασμό-ιδέα δεν έκλεψε τίποτα μάλλον συνέβη το αντίθετο. Δες επιτέλους το video!! Δεν είναι τι πιστεύω εγώ το θέμα είναι τι δείχνει, και αυτό που δείχνει είναι ενα χειριστήριο motion controll 6 χρονια πριν το wii mote. Kαι μην ξεχνάς πως εσύ που υποστήριζες πως το wii mote είναι απο τα πιο επαναστατικά στοιχεία που προσφέρει το wii, τώρα που βγήκε στην φόρα και το ps move, υποστηρίζεις πως θα είναι το ΙΔΙΟ με την αποτυχία wii mote που δεν προσφέρει τίποτα άλλο παρά gιmmick καταστάσεις και όχι κάτι νέο στους χειρισμούς. Ωραία λογική μπράβο...

            Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

            αλλα ειναι σαφες οτι παει να πατησει πανω στο κοινο και την επιτυχια του Wii.
            αυτό + να εφαρμόσει σε πολύ μεγαλύτερο βαθμό και ΟΥΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΑ τα motion controls σε core games και όχι σε απλά παιχνιδάκια.
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            • Originally posted by Dj Solid View Post
              Γιατι δεν μπαινετε msn να τραβηξετε ο ενας τα αυτια του αλλου;


              • Καλά βγάλε μας κιόλας bigboss ότι το design των wiimote και nunchuk είναι αντιγραφή του ότι έδειξε η sony τότε...Το ακούσαμε κι αυτό...
                Originally posted by Evans View Post
                Nintendo I.D.: paixtis
                3ds friend code: 2664-2347-7128


                • Medal Of Honor 'maximises PS3's power'

                  Electronic Arts has claimed that it upcoming FPS Medal Of Honor "maximises what PS3 can do" - and revealed that it led development of the game on Sony's platform.

                  The news comes after Shinji Mikami said that Platinum Games led the development of Sega title Vanquish on PS3 to get the game "to a certain standard".

                  In an interview due to be published on CVG later today, EALA creative director Richard Farrelly told us: "We're leading on PS3, we've developed the game on PS3."

                  When we asked if this would bring any benefits to PS3 owners, he replied:

                  "We're working hard to deliver the exact same experience across all platforms. I think for me the most important thing is for everyone that plays Medal Of Honor is satisfied... I guess the benefit to the PS3 owner is that we're leading on it, so we'll maximise what that platform can do for our game."

                  Farrelly has already revealed that the game will not work with the recently announced PS3 Move.
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                  • PS3 Loses Linux Support
                    Ever since it launched in 2006, one of the neater features of the PlayStation 3 has been its ability to run operating systems other than its own. Like Linux. Next month, however, the console will ditch that compatibility. On April 1, Sony will release the next firmware update for the PS3, bringing it to v3.21. It seems the sole purpose of this update is to remove the "install other OS" feature from pre-Slim models of the console. SCEA's Senior Director Corporate Communications & Social Media, Patrick Seybold, says the move is "due to security concerns".
                    He also says that disabling the feature "will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system."
                    Of course, Sony is quick to point out the install is "optional", but then, if you refuse to upgrade, you'll no longer be able to sign into the PlayStation Network or play any PS3 games (or Blu-Rays) that require v3.21 (or higher). So no, for many people, it's not really optional.
                    This of course doesn't affect owners of a "Slim" PS3, as the feature was never present in that model in the first place.
                    People who already have Linux installed and choose to receive the v3.21 update should move any relevant stuff somewhere else, as they "will not be able to access that data following the update".
                    The "security" reason is an interesting one, given that, around the time of the initial announcement of the PS3 Slim losing Linux support, Sony promised that "this feature will not be disabled in future firmware releases".
                    We've asked Sony for clarification on just what the "security concerns" are, and will update if we hear back.

                    Kατά την άποψή μου αυτό είναι ένα - για το PS3. Σίγουαρ δεν ήταν μία λειτουργία που τη χρησιμοποιούν πολλοί, αλλά και πάλι γιατί να μην υπάρχει;


                    • 3D Dot Game Heroes



                      • World-exclusive PS3 game reveal via PSM3 at 4pm today... stay tuned to

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                        • Originally posted by BigBOSS View Post
                          World-exclusive PS3 game reveal via PSM3 at 4pm today... stay tuned to

                          Fear 3.


                          • Έχεις πηγές ή στην τύχη το είπες;
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                            • Δεν εχω τωρα το link αλλα αυτο ειναι σιγουρα.Γραφει world exclusive οχι exclusive παιχνιδι του ps3.


                              • Looks Like Demon's Souls Is (Finally) Coming To Europe

                                European PlayStation 3 owners without the courage or wherewithal to import last year's brilliant Demon's Souls may be in luck. Namco Bandai appears to have picked up the brutal, dark role-playing game for your continent.

                                A new listing at Germany's Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle ratings board all but confirms the long nightmarish wait for Demon's Souls for PAL territories is soon to be over. Sure, the game has been rumored for months to arrive at European territories this summer—some retail listings peg the game for late June—but this is comforting assurance.

                                For those unfamiliar with Demon's Souls and what Europeans will be getting themselves into, read Kotaku's review and my argument for why From Software's innovative RPG was 2009's game of the year.
                                European PlayStation 3 owners without the courage or wherewithal to import last year's brilliant Demon's Souls may be in luck. Namco Bandai appears to have picked up the brutal, dark role-playing game for your continent.

                                Oρίστε δυνατά νέα, επιτέλους έρχεται Ευρώπη. Όσοι δεν το πήρατε από Αμερική να το αγοράσετε και να το λιώσετε όπως και δήποτε, δεν υπάρχει καμιά δικαιολογία. Deus Dope, απλά.

